Meeting Minutes for 26Feb. 2009
I.Call to Order
SUFACChair Tania Galligan called the meeting to order at 5:17pm.
- Roll Call
- Members Present: Lynsy Beckett, Andy Locke, Sheila Schroeder, Brianna Markowski, Lindsay Acterberg, John Lee, Joe Tyrrell, Jessica Olive, Yue Yang, Ricky Staley, OFO, Ron Ronnenberg, Tania Galligan, Matt Kehl, Tessa Pieper, Ellen Domine
- Recognition of Guests – Anna Woerpel- Guest; Claudia Ortega- OLA; Kortney Jenks- PHD Club, Tiffany Willhelm- PHD/ French; Dan Beckwith- SGA/ Phlash; Chong Kha- SASU; Mai Chong Vang- SASU; Ong Yang- SASU; Lauren Lindloff- Habitat for Humanity; Jenni Hebbe- Habitat; Cassie Johnson- Habitat; Molly Lollard- SGA; Saul Lemerond- Sheepshead; Jennifer Stallsmith- Sheepshead; Christopher Delmont- Sheepshead; Alecia Warpoose- Intertribal; Kim Eichart- ACDA; Rachel Trempe- ACDA
- Approval of Agenda- Tania entertained the motion to approve the agenda. Matt motioned to strike the minutes from the agenda. Andy motioned to move item h to item a. matt motioned to move item j to item d. Lindsay seconded. Andy called the question. Lynsy acclimated.
- Reports
- OFO: Contingency is $21,361.05 and small org is $1200.00
- Senate:no report
- SGA Exec:Monday we will be meeting with the city clerk to discuss upcoming polling on campus for the spring. Ricky will have to leave early to prepare for the upcoming Varney vs. Staley Court case.
- Good Time Programming:Cook was a success and we have upcoming events; so check your calendars!
- Vice Secretary:In the mailboxes there is an updated Intertribal budget
- Secretary: Matt and I approved the recycling of 9 computers at $879 each. It was about $8,000. Every 3 years or so CIT does this and gives new computers to the orgs. We didn’t bring this to the board because there is not really anything we can do with it.
- Discussion Items
- OLA Org Budget: S&E- $175 for duplicating and photocopying. There are decorations listed under this, however, they should be listed under the contractual items. Heritage month happens in the fall semester. There is a good turnout with this where the students can learn about the Hispanic culture. Salsa making and a Latino movie accompanied with a speaker are involved. Conference at UW- Stevens Point is requested, although the location may change. It is an instate conference and we are planning for about 7 students to attend. The Fourth program is a comedian. This would be free to all students and open to the public. The 5th program is a salsa lesson with the teaching of how to make guacamole in the spring. There is also a family potluck planned in the spring. This will raise money for a Mariachi band. Food would include punch, salsa and chips, etc. for various activities such as the DJ. Travel - $195. Out of state travel includes the National conference in Chicago. It is all about leadership and Hispanic Heritage. The national women’s conference is held out of state, last year it was in Boston. Ofo changes- Food- event 1- $121.50; event 2- $90; Event 5- $100. Travel in state is $125 per person at $875 total. SUFAC total is $751. 57. Out of state the SUFAC amount is $3345.49. Matt asked what the general supplies would be used for. We are thinking of giveaways for orgsmorg. Jessica asked if they could rank their contractual items. 1- Hispanic Heritage; like it is listed on the request. Brianna asked if the second trip was open to everyone or just the org. it is open to everyone. Our org is becoming much more multicultural. Lindsay asked if the program 2 was also included in travel. It is travel. Matt asked if they could rank their travel. Trip 1, trip 2, trip 3. Matt asked how many people have attended the events in the past. It varies for each program. There was a program we did in the past where we had over 175 students show up to. We had about 40 people for the potluck with families from other orgs in the AIC. Budget total is $21624.56. Lindsay asked what the $4000 was for the salsa dance. That is the cost for the band. Matt asked how many people have attended the trips. Maybe around 4 students per year.
- Student Government Reallocation request:We have elected not to go on our out of state trip. With the spring election coming up there was a new charge to get students voting in the spring. We would like to get more advertisements and random supplies such as paper. Brianna asked what kind of supplies they would be buying. Paper and some of it would be going for the subscriptions to the New York Times. Matt asked if they could explain why they weren’t going on the trip. WE talked with other from last year and they didn’t think it was necessary or helpful. Also, with the hold on the out of state travel for faculty we thought it would be best if we didn’t go either. Sheila asked if Ricky would remain neutral in the elections. Yes, we just want people to get out and vote.
- Phlash TV request-We were denied a hard drive because we didn’t research alternative methods. If we were to store our files on the campus server, it is charged by kilobytes. We have about 6 terabytes of memory so it would be around $50,000. 2 terabytes of memory is about $700 annually and it is a 2 year contract. It came out to about $31,000. The hard drive is only $131. Matt asked if they could explain why they are keeping 2 terabytes. We have that much that we keep presently. The other 4 is like an archive. Matt asked how many bytes the hard drive was. It is 750 gigabytes. Andy asked where they would be getting it from. The company that is contracted through Ofo.
- French Club contingency request-The total cost was from $1700 to $1400. WE are requesting an additional $650for our Victoria Fox concert. She filled the Meyer theater and we are inviting the local schools and French classes. We hadn’t included the travel expense and the additional Cellist with the package. Matt asked if they charge the community members. Yes, it is $5. The performance is March 31. Sarah asked if they didn’t get funding what would they do. We would either go back to the humanistic studies department or we would cut out Melanie James. Ellen asked if they thought about going to GTP to help cosponsor. No, we hadn’t looked into that.
- Psych and Human Development Budget- S&E- $15 for miscellaneous odds and ends. Photocopying and duplicating. Subscriptions included Psychology today annual subscriptions. Capital items- include a digital camera. The price we found online was $200 for an expected 6 year lifespan. Contractual items include a speaker to hold an introduction for the psych department and discuss different fields to get into. Another speaker will discuss environmental issues related to Psychology. A clinical psychologist that charges $300 per session; $100 for food and transportation. Gail from Green Bay. She is an area family therapist; we would like to give her $125 for a thank you and travel. Food correction- no brats and hot dogs for event 2. Event 1- meet the professor, usually 30 people attend. Event 2- chips. Bowling- about 40 people with professors. Travel- APA conference in Boston. Changes- $1200 for 6 people for registration. $390 for lodging. $2250 for airfare. Total - $3840.00. The conference in Ontario is the biggest conference and we would choose to pick that one over the Boston conference. Andy asked if anyone in the org had a camera they could use. Yes, but we aren’t sure if anyone has one at all. Brianna asked what the club dues are for and how many members there are. We have about 50-60 members and they pay $15. Matt asked if they could rank their programs. Program 2 is number 1; program 1, program 4, program 3. Matt asked how many people are expected to attend the end of the year cookout. About 20 members from our club, and it is cosponsored by Psi Chi. The professors don’t pay for the programs themselves. We haven’t had any of these specific speakers before, but we had about 50 at the name earlier. WE have a small interview process for people to attend the trips. If they want, it is open to everyone that wants to apply.
- Action Items
- SGA Max U Request- Matt entertained the motion to approve SGA $1000.00. Andy motioned. Chris seconded. Cheng called the question. Lynsy objected. During the discussion, it was brought up that this is a highly attended event and that we are paying for a quarter of it. Suggested that it be included in the budget next year. Question called. Motion passed 5-0-4.
- Announcements- We will have mailboxes completely set up next week.
- Adjournment- Andy motioned. Cheng seconded. Chris called the question. Lynsy acclaimed. Meeting adjourned at 6:39 pm.
Respectfully Submitted by,
Amanda Hart
SUFAC Administrative Assistant