This information will also be used for the purposes of undertaking security checks.
Please return these forms to: / Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, London Road, Devizes, Wiltshire SN10 2RD
Last Name(s)/Family Name(s) / Title
First Name(s)
Previous Last Name(s)/Family Name(s) (if any)
Previous First Name(s)
Marital Status
Date of Birth / Place of Birth
Current Home Address
Post Code / Home Tel No
Work Tel No (if convenient) / Mobile Tel No
Work e-mail (optional)
Personal e-mail
Previous Addresses - please supply details of all the addresses you have lived in during the past 5 years including details of postal codes and relevant dates. Please use extra sheets if necessary.
1st Address:
Post Code
From (Month) / (Year) / To (Month) / (Year)
2nd Address:
Post Code
From (Month) / (Year) / To (Month) / (Year)
Have you lived abroad in the past 5 years?
If yes please state reason for living aboard:
Please state the time you lived abroad:
From (Month) / (Year) / To (Month) / (Year)
Where did you hear of this vacancy?
Please answer the following questions:
Do you hold a full current manual driving licence? (if applicable to role as per job description) / _YesNo
Do you have the daily use of a vehicle? (if applicable to role as per job description) / _YesNo
Do you hold EC nationality? / _YesNo
If NO, do you require a work permit? / _YesNo
Have you ever been convicted of any offence, including traffic convictions, or formally cautioned by the police for any offence, or bound over by the Court? Please note: Not all convictions will exclude you from employment, but disclosure of this information is mandatory (see below). / _YesNo
If YES, please give details
Employment with the Police Service is exempt from the provisions of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act (1974). You are therefore required to declare all convictions even if ‘spent’ under the terms of the Act. Failure to do so may lead to disqualification or later dismissal if appointed.
Name and date of birth of children (if aged 14 years and over) Please put n/a if not applicable
First / Middle / Surname / DOB
First / Middle / Surname / DOB
First / Middle / Surname / DOB
First / Middle / Surname / DOB
Spouse/Partner Full Name / Please put n/a if not applicable
Date of Birth / Place of Birth
Height (required for security purposes)
Previous Last Name(s) (if applicable)
We need to obtain references for all the employers you have had in the past 5 years, including your present employer or if not currently employed, your last employer. Therefore please provide references for your past 5 years of employment, using additional sheets if necessary. Please provide a contact name or department, full postal addresses including postal codes.
Post Code / Telephone No.
E-mail Address
Post Code / Telephone No.
E-mail Address
Post Code / Telephone No.
E-mail Address
No approach is made to referees unless a provisional offer of appointment has been made. Do you wish to be consulted before an approach is made to your current employer for a reference? _YesNo
If successful the information that you supply will be stored on computer for which registration has been made under the Data Protection Act.
Thank you for supplying this information.
EDUCATION/QUALIFICATIONS(You may be asked to produce any relevant certificates if offered the post).
Use separate sheet if necessary.
(Please give details of membership of any professional body which you feel is relevant to your application).
Body/Organisation / Details / Expiry Date
(Please give details of any job related training you have undertaken which you feel is relevant to your application).
Course Title / Details / Date
EMPLOYMENT DETAILS – Present or most recent employment
Employer’s name and address
Employer’s telephone number
Post / Date Appointed
Brief description of duties and responsibilities
Employed from / To
Notice Required
Reason for leaving or wanting to leave
PREVIOUS EMPLOYMENT (Please provide this information in sequence using a separate sheet if necessary).
From - To / Employer &
Type of Business / Brief Summary of duties and responsibilities / Reason for Leaving

Please do not leave any gaps in your employment history without an explanation.


Your application for this vacancy will be short-listed (paper-sifted) on the initial selected relevant competencies as outlined in the attached ‘Notes on Competency Evidence’.

Prior to completing the boxes below, carefully consider the required competencies which have been selected and evidence your knowledge, skills and experience. Provide examples/evidence of when you have demonstrated each particular skill area (eg to demonstrate organisational skills you may be able to detail a function or event that you were responsible for organising or a heavy workload that you were required to prioritise and how you did this). These examples of evidence need not necessarily come from your most recent/current post.

You should include as much information as possible within the confines of the box provided. If it is not included on the form, the panel will not be able to assess it.

Please give your best example/evidence to demonstrate your effectiveness in each individual competency.

Competency/Criteria 1
  1. Proven experience in developing and delivering a strategic approach to policy that realises benefits for communities

Competency/Criteria 2
2. Experience of programmemanagement and/ or commissioning of services
Competency/Criteria 3
3. Ability to bring together stakeholders, gain support for mutually agreeable solutions
Competency/Criteria 4
4. Proven experience in influencing decision makersat a senior level including across government and wider political engagement
Competency/Criteria 5
5. Ability to use your initiative and demonstrate excellent problem solving skills
Any other information relevant to this post

I understand that if successful, my appointment will be subject to satisfactory evidence of medical, security clearance and receipt of satisfactory references.

I declare that the information set out in this Application Form is true in all respects, and I understand that false information or failure to disclose information (including convictions), could lead to disqualification or later dismissal if appointed.

Signature of Applicant ……………………………………………………………. Date

The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner is committed to being an equal opportunity employer and is determined to ensure that no job applicant or employee:-
  • receives less favourable treatment on the grounds of sex, marital status, colour, race, nationality, ethnic/national origins, religious belief, age, disability or sexual orientation
  • is disadvantaged by conditions or requirements, which cannot be shown to be justified
We also seek to ensure that employees are not victimised, or sexually or racially harassed.
In accordance with the Codes of Practice issued by the Commission for Racial Equality and the Equal Opportunities Commission, the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner records the ethnic origin, sex and marital status of people who apply for appointment. To implement and monitor the effectiveness of its Equal Opportunity Policy, the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner would be grateful if you would complete the table below. This information will be held in confidence, will not be used for recruitment purposes and will be separated out from any selection process.
If you have any queries about this form, please contact the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, telephone number 01380 734 022 or write to OPCC, London Road, Devizes, Wiltshire, SN10 2RD.
(*Applicants for appointment to certain posts are subject to particular requirements or qualifications, such as physical fitness, as detailed in job specifications.)
I am _FemaleMale
I would describe my ethnic origin as:
Asian or Asian British / Indian / _IndianPakistaniBangladeshiOther
Pakistani / _IndianPakistaniBangladeshiOther
Bangladeshi / _IndianPakistaniBangladeshiOther
Other / _IndianPakistaniBangladeshiOther
Black or Black British / Caribbean / _CaribbeanAfricanOther
African / _CaribbeanAfricanOther
Other / _CaribbeanAfricanOther
Chinese or other / Chinese / _OtherChinese
Other / _OtherChinese
Mixed / White and Black Caribbean / _White and Black CaribbeanWhite and Black AfricanWhite and AsianOther
White and Black African / _White and Black CaribbeanWhite and Black AfricanWhite and AsianOther
White and Asian / _White and Black CaribbeanWhite and Black AfricanWhite and AsianOther
Other / _White and Black CaribbeanWhite and Black AfricanWhite and AsianOther
White / British / _BritishIrishOther
Irish / _BritishIrishOther
Other / _BritishIrishOther
My religion is:
My Date of Birth is:

Disability Statement

The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner is committed to the recruitment of people with disabilities and the continuous improvement of service delivery to disabled members of the community. In order to monitor our progress on this, we ask all applicants to indicate whether or not they have a disability. We guarantee to interview people with disabilities who fulfil the basic job requirements and will ensure appropriate support is provided where required.

Definition of Disability

Section 1 of the Disability Discrimination Act defines a person as having a disability if he or she `has a physical or mental impairment’ which has a `substantial’ long term adverse effect’ on his or her ability to carry out `normal’ day to day activities. Further guidance on who is included is attached.
Do you consider yourself to have such a disability? / _YesNo
Physical Co-ordination
/ _YesNo
/ _YesNo
/ _YesNo
Manual Dexterity
/ _YesNo
/ _YesNo
/ _YesNo
/ _YesNo
Memory or ability to concentrate, learn or understand
/ _YesNo
Ability to lift, carry or otherwise move everyday objects
/ _YesNo
Severe disfigurement
/ _YesNo
/ _YesNo
Please describe the nature of your disability:-
Is the condition progressive? _NoYes
If you are called for interview and/or appointed to this post, do you feel that any special aids, facilities or equipment would be required to take account of your disability? Please give details.
Only with your co-operation can the monitoring exercise be effective and your help is greatly appreciated.

DATA PROTECTION ACT 1998 - The information you supply on this form may be used on a computerised system.

Guidance Notesfor Police Staff on Completing an Application Form

What is the purpose of the application form?

The purpose of the application form is to provide the employer with a background of the applicant, to enable them to assess the necessary skills and abilities required of the candidate to undertake the role. This assessment is by way of shortlist (paper sift).
As you will note, the information requested on the form is minimal in terms of personal information – sufficient to enable us to contact you etc. The form is designed to concentrate on your education/qualifications, training undertaken, employment and skills and abilities which make you, the applicant, suitable for the role for which you are applying.

What happens with my application form?

On completion and submission of your application form, it is collated until the closing date of the vacant post is reached. Upon reaching the closing date, all application forms (excluding personal details) are forwarded to the line manager of the relevant department for shortlist (paper sift) by a panel of at least two members.

How is the shortlist (paper sift) carried out?

The shortlist panel selected 6 competencies taken from the job description which are detailed in the attached ‘Notes on Competency Evidence’. These competencies are selected firstly on importance to the role and secondly accessibility from an application form e.g. previous experience can be assessed from an application form, where verbal communication skills cannot (skills such as verbal communication will then be tested at interview). Each application form is then assessed against these criteria and candidates meeting the criteria will be selected for interview. However, should a high number of candidates meet the criteria, it may not be possible to interview this number, and the top scoring applicants will be selected for interview.

What information should I include on the application form?

Firstly, you should read the job description thoroughly looking at the main skill areas to decide if you meet these criteria. If you do not meet the desirable criteria exactly, it may still be worth you applying – this may be an area that can be trained or developed. However, only candidates meeting the criteria deemed to be essential will be assessed/interviewed.
Prior to completing the application form, consider each competency selected and provide your evidence within the confines of each box provided. Whenever possible, provide SPECIFIC and DETAILED examples of when you have demonstrated each competency e.g. to demonstrate organisational skills you may be able to detail a function or event that you were responsible for organising or a heavy workload that you were required to prioritise and how you did this. When deciding what to write, here are some example questions that you can ask yourself to ensure you are being specific enough (however, they may not be appropriate for every competency):What did I do? How did I do it? What was my particular contribution / role? Why did I approach it in a certain way? What was the outcome? These examples must clearly show your approach; ‘how’ you tackled a competency e.g. simply stating that you are competent in this area does not demonstrate fully what you did, how and why and therefore does not provide sufficient evidence. These examples of evidence need not necessarily come from your most recent/current experience.

Who should complete this form?

All candidates for any police staff role within the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner Authority will be required to complete the application form. Internal applicants are also required to complete the application form and should not assume that skills, knowledge and experience are known to the panel, FULL evidence must be given to demonstrate competence.
If you have any queries regarding this process, please do not hesitate to contact a member of the Recruitment Department on 0845 408 7000