October 22, 2013

Dear Parents,

Mt. View School will be having a Read-A-Thon on Friday, November 8, 2013. Pledge collection will begin today and end on Thursday November 7, 2013. The money we earn will be used to defray the costs of the purchase of the books for every child to participate in “One School, One Book.” Any additional money will be used to purchase a document camera for the school. Document cameras are used in classrooms allowing children to display their work on the smartboard to share their learning with others.

As a school, we’ve set a goal of raising $800. All classrooms are being asked to participate. We are asking our families and friends to sponsor our Mt. View Readers as they participate in an all day reading event. Each classroom will sign up for a 30 minute time block in the gym or library and help us continue to read our way through Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Students are invited to bring in their favorite reading pillow or blanket on the day of the Read-A-Thon. The class that raises the most money will win a Subway lunch party! The second place class will win an extra 20 minutes of recess.

We have tried to keep this fundraiser as simple as possible. Here is how it works.

1)  Parents ask friends, neighbors, relatives, coworkers (and anyone else you know) if they will sponsor your child for the Read-a-Thon.

2)  When someone agrees to sponsor your child, please put his/her name on the form and collect the amount of money he/she has agreed to contribute to our Read-A-Thon Fundraiser.

3)  All Read-A-Thon funds must be returned to the school by Thursday, November 7th. All students will receive a special treat after successfully completing their reading.

Thank you so much for your help with this fundraising project. 100% of the money that is raised will go towards the costs of the books purchased for every family for our One School, One Book initiative.

Thank you in advance for your help with this special fund-raising activity!


David Huber

Read-A-Thon 2013 Sponsor Form

Child’s Name: ______Classroom: ______

Donor’s Name / Amount of Donation
Total Amount Collected

The most important 20 minutes of each day ~ Reading with your children