Ad hoc results posting/generation/refresh request form / RPO ASU Office tracking number: Date received:

Use this form to request the generation, refresh or posting of grade rosters in RPO. Please ensure all columns (below) are completed.

In order to reduce the risk of error, please complete this form on your computer.Handwritten forms will not be accepted.

Please check one☒:

Generation☐Creates a new grade roster in RPO.(not available for flexible terms)

Refresh☐Refreshing a roster will add any new student enrolments, it will not remove students who have dropped the course enrolment.

Override Refresh☐Override Refreshing will remove all grades that are in the roster andthe school/college would need to re-enter all the results.

It will also remove students who have dropped the course and add students who are currently enrolled.

Posting ☐Posts results from RPO to SAMS, which will then be visible to students.(not available for flexible terms)

All results must be final before posting Date of CAC: ______Date of PAB (if applicable): ______

Staff name ______Staff e number ______Staff phone number ______

Please note ad-hoc generation and posting requests cannot be completed for flexible terms as flexible terms are fully automated. Only refresh and override refresh requests can be accepted for flexible terms (Please refer to Flexible term information on the next page for information on when grade rosters will be generated and posted)

Academic org / Subject area / Catalogue number / Class number / Semester/
Term / Is this an Apprentice or Trainee course?
Yes/No / Session / Course title (as per SAMS)
e.g. 340H / VART / 1221 / 1208 / 1702 / No / OEE / Lithography: Drawing to Print

Completed form must be emailed to for action.

Flexible term RPO information

It is essential to have accurate class scheduling, if any changes to classes/courses that have enrolment's in them need to be done then a classswap will need to be completed.

RPO activity / Flexible term logic
Generate grade rosters and open RPO / Day after census date
RPO close (result entry deadline) / 5pm working day before result release
Result release to students / 9am RMIT business day (selected when class scheduled)

Below is also some information on some SAMS queries that may assist you in locating all the dates (start, census, end, result release) for flexible terms:

Class scheduling SAMS query -RMIT_SR_LIST_OF_CLASSES

This query can be run at any point in time, it can be run as soon as classes are scheduled. It includes, start date, end date, last day to add, census date and result release date as well as a lot of other information.


This query can be run after the census date for the course, it populates all of the courses and enrolled students with start date, end date, last day to drop, census date and result release date as well as a lot of other information as well. It also tells you which result release option was selected (eg. 7,14,21 or 28).

Useful links

Result Release RPO Summary activities - 2017 – RPO summary calendar

RPO Google training Site– link to the RPO training site

RPO Calendar-– link to the detailed RPO calendar

RPO Google calendars

/, / Ad hoc cresults posting_generation_refresh request form.doc
Version - Mar 2017