MIIA has four main categories of training programs listed in this catalog.

Although you may order these tapes individually, the majority of members utilize our law enforcement programs on an automatic basis. When one program is returned, another is sent out. In this way, you can be assured of receiving one training program approximately every 4-6 weeks.

1.Safety/Loss Control Programs - These items are self-contained videotapes / DVDS generally on specific topics such as back injury prevention, chain saw safety, computer terminal safety, etc. These tapes generally run approximately 10-30 Min. The programs contained therein are “stand-alone” materials and can be used by themselves or as part of a larger training program. These programs are targeted to specific areas i.e. Back , DPW, School, Golf, Snow Removal, Outdoor Power Equipment etc. and are listed under one or more of these categories.

2.Law Enforcement Programs- These videotape programs, produced by two leaders in the Law Enforcement training field, are designed specifically for law enforcement use. The topics covered in these programs are tactical training issues, topics as handcuffing techniques, survival, street level fitness, tactical shotgun use, etc. and the liability facets of law enforcement such as drug enforcement, emergency vehicle operation, citizen contacts, anger management, etc. Most of the programs consist of a videotape and a three-ring binder containing a leader’s guide and written quizzes for participants. We acquire two new programs each month. The attached list represents those programs on hand as of the publication of this list. Please call to check on the availability of additional programs.

3.Coaching Driver Training Programs - A series of classroom defensive driving courses (DDC These programs are designed to provide classroom training to specific driver i.e. Police, Fire, DPW etc. These courses are 2 1/2-5 hours in length.

4.Fire Department Programs- Fire service programs dealing with specific Fire Department issues such as fighting car fires, peaked roof ventilation, SCBA safety etc.


Please place your requests by contacting Maryann Marino at (800) 882-1498 or (617) 426-7272 ext 262. All programs should be requested by number and title and requested at least 30 days prior to anticipated show date if possible. We will make every effort to satisfy your requests. However, some tapes are heavily utilized and may not be available on the date you request. We would greatly appreciate your comments regarding the program content as well as the number of people who use the programs.

Loan period is three weeks, unless prior arrangements are made. Please return tapes via UPS or insured U.S. Mail and insured for $350 per tape. If possible, please do not use fiber-filled envelopes to return the tapes. In the past , some of our tapes have been damaged by loose fibers from torn envelopes.

As these programs are utilized by all our members, it is essential that they be returned by the due dates indicated in our letter of transmittal so that programs scheduled by other MIIA members do not have to be cancelled.

Please let me know if you have any recommendations for programs you would like to see in our library.

Jeffrey J. Siena

Loss Control Manager

DPW Training

The following are brief synopses of program content. The notation in parenthesis immediately following the title is running time. All programs are in VHS format unless otherwise noted.

12Multiple Choice: (20 Min.) This program utilizes six heavy equipment construction accidents to illustrate the necessity for employee awareness and the following of proper procedures when operating heavy equipment. Following each accident, the program lists a number of accident causes on screen and asks the viewer to determine which was the most likely cause of the accident.

17.Back Care for Public Works Employees: (13 Min.) A lifting program designed specifically for Department of Public Works/construction employees dealing with lifting and handling a variety of construction tools such as shovels, cement bags, pipes, etc.

18.Landscape Maintenance Equipment: (12 Min.) This video addresses safety and maintenance procedures for hand and riding mowers, string trimmers, chippers, chain saws and other tools commonly used by Highway Departments, Tree Department, etc.

18.Eye Protection For DPW Employees: (12 Min.)

26.Electrical Hazards and Trees: (20 Min.) Program demonstrates proper procedures for tree trimming around high voltage electrical lines. Excellent for any employee involved in tree trimming and removal around power lines.

47.Underground Safety - Confined Space Entry: (10 Min.) Reviews the hazards associated with entering and working in confined spaces, outlines eight rules to follow to reduce hazards.

48.Underground Safety - Heavy Equipment Operation: (10 Min.) Outlines safety techniques for heavy equipment operators at excavation worksites. Reviews 12 safe operating rules for equipment use. Although aimed at the operator, the program is also relevant to workers at the job site.

59.Ladder Safety: (14 Min.) Available on DVD. A humorous approach to ladder safety. The video covers selection of the right ladder for the job, proper set-up and use as well as maintenance and storage of various types of ladders.

61.Confined Spaces: (20 Min.) The program begins with an explanation of what constitutes a confined space. It moves on to recognition of hazardous gases and atmospheres, and defines the three basic types of hazardous atmospheres, i.e., combustible gases, vapors or dust, toxic gases and vapors, and asphyxiating atmosphere/oxygen deficient atmospheres. The program gives descriptions of some of the more prevalent hazardous atmospheres and their recognition. The program goes on to describe some of the physical hazards found in confined spaces such as high noise levels,

79.Avoiding Back Pain: (26 Min.) An excellent tape on back safety specific to Public Works type operations. This tape demonstrates proper lifting and material handling techniques utilizing typical equipment and materials handled by Public Works employees.

81.Chipper Use and Safety: (15 Min.) This program reviews the safe operation and maintenance of both rotary drum and disc/knife style chippers. Among the items discussed are proper inspection and maintenance of the chipper, location and proper operation of safety devices, proper clothing and personal protective equipment to wear including gloves, hearing protection, eye protection, etc. The program also covers the proper attachment and towing of chippers, set-up of chippers on a road, and proper feeding techniques.

84.Trench Emergency: (16 Min.) Available on DVD. An excellent program on what to do in the event of a trench/excavation collapse. The program begins with a brief description of protective systems, i.e., shoring, trench boxes, etc., and the causes of cave-ins and collapses. The program contains an extensive discussion of how to react, what to do and what not to do in the event of a trench emergency. On-site procedures are outlined as well as demonstrations of common mistakes and their consequences. The program concludes with demonstrations on proper procedures and the reasons they must be followed. This program is a must-see for both those “in the trenches” and supervisors of those who work in excavations and trenches.

95.Are you at Risk- Asbestos Awareness: (20 min) This program is designed to provide employees who may encounter asbestos information on asbestos containing materials. The video describes the three types of asbestos and how to identify them and other possible asbestos containing materials in the workplace. The program emphasizes that employees must not touch or work with these materials, rather they should report to their supervisor so that appropriate action can be taken.

96.Cave-in- Trenching and Shoring Safety : (20 Min.) DVD available

program covers a number of topics regarding excavation safety. The video discusses what types of excavations require protection such as sloping, shoring, shielding and trench boxes. Also covered are soil type identification, hazardous atmospheres and general safety in excavations.

98.Landscape Power Tools- Chain Saw, String Trimmer Power blower: (20 min) This program discusses techniques to safely and efficiently operate the aforementioned 3 tools. Among the topics covered are the choice and use of personal clothing and personal protective equipment including gloves, ear protection, eye protection, leg chaps and safety shoes. The tape discusses the use of power equipment in various situations and how to choose the proper type of equipment for each job. Also covered are cleaning and simple field maintenance and refueling techniques.

104.Back Safety For Landscape, Maintenance and Custodial Workers: (20 min.) This video reviews proper lifting and material handling for a variety of situations. DVD available. The program begins with a review of body mechanics and techniques for proper lifting including footing, the proper stance etc. Among the specific situations reviewed are: lifting above the shoulders, lifting and turning, pushing loads and 2 person lifts. The program concludes with a description of and techniques for preventing common back injuries and discussion on the proper use of back braces.

108.Safe Dump Truck Operation: (16 min.) Available on DVD. This video deals with safe operation of dump trucks both on the road and at the worksite. Primary topics covered are: Pre- trip inspection, behind the wheel safety, navigating in various weather conditions, and what to do in the event of an accident. A good program to review safe operating procedures for all dump truck drivers.

117.Worker Safety Around Loader-Backhoe: (20 min.) Program covers a number of operational techniques and procedures to increase the safety of non- operators around or near loaders and backhoes. Major points covered are: 200% Safety Factor Principle , Four point defensive plan, Operator pitfalls, excavations, other job site hazards and shoring and safety.

118.Hand Signals for Construction Equipment: (15 min.) DVD available. While operating or working around construction equipment, it is vital to know proper hand signals for everyone’s safety. Due to the noise generated by this equipment, it is essential for safe and efficient operations for all concerned, to agree on the appropriate hand signals. This tape covers hand signals for construction equipment as developed by the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE). It also demonstrates each hand signal. A pass out showing each hand signal is available upon request.

119.Wheel Loader Operating Techniques : (20 min.) Covers a number of the essential safe operating techniques including: driving in traffic, trailer hauling (loading/ securing etc.) Other topics include : safe operating techniques at the worksite, such as the importance of compensating for weather conditions and its effects on operations, the importance of knowing and understanding hand signals, overhead clearance and height limits when operating around and in buildings and sheds. An emphasis is placed on the safe operation of wheel loaders around other employees, including not using a loader bucket as a work platform. Operating techniques on uneven terrain and on slopes is also covered.

120.Backhoe Loader Safe Operating Techniques: (15 min.) DVD available. This program reviews operating procedures for both the operator and those working immediately adjacent to equipment and the importance of thinking about every move before you make it. It reviews the major causes of accidents, use of personal protective equipment, soil conditions and types, traffic control and conditions, equipment excavation spoil positioning, and the importance of marking underground utilities. It makes the point that 95% of all accidents involving backhoes and loaders involve overconfidence on the part of the operator.

121.Small Spills and Leaks : (15 min.) Available on DVD Covers the six step process for dealing with small spills and leaks. 1) Evaluating and identifying . 2) Notification 3) Securing the area, 4) Containing and controlling the spill, 5) Cleanup 6) Decontamination of equipment and personnel.

122.MSDS Read it Before you Need it :(20 min.)
The MSDS is a complex document, an essential tool to monitor chemical use and avoid accidents. With this award-winning program, be confident that your employees understand the ins and outs of the MSDS. The training includes information on : Exposure situations , Toxicology, ecology and disposal.

124. Slips, trips and Falls Keeping a Step Ahead : (12 min.) Available on DVD Slips, trips and falls can be avoided. This tape discusses the three leading causes of worker injuries from the above. It goes into detail on: causes, preventive measures, use of fall protection equipment, and safety techniques to prevent slips and falls. It also discusses the importance of housekeeping, avoiding obstructions, and the part that surface conditions i.e. wet or dry. Play in slip and fall prevention.

125. The Danger Zone Personal Protective Equipment(13 min.)Available on DVD.

Stresses hazard assessment and proper selection of personal protective equipment to prevent injury. Demonstrates proper use and care of Hard Hats, Safety Glasses, Goggles, Respirators, Hazardous Materials Clothing, Gloves, and Shoes.

149.Hand Injuries: The Gory Story (12 min.)
This video uses graphic photographs of actual workplace hand injuries to make your employees think seriously about hand hazards. It doesn't really matter how an employee's hand is injured, the result of the injury is the same: pain, misery and severe damage to the person's lifestyle. Use this powerful program to motivate your employees to make hand safety a personal responsibility.

150.Hand and Power Tool Safety: (12 min. 44 sec)
Don't let your workers forget how dangerous the hand and power tools they use everyday are! Carelessness, poor housekeeping and misuse often lead to accidents and injuries that range from cuts and bruises to amputations. Taught in a 'how-to' rather than a 'what not to do' attitude, your workers will learn:

* Work preparation - PPE selection

* Choosing the right tool for the job

* Safe work practices for all tools

151Laboratory Safety Orientation: (10 min.)
This video introduces and reviews the safety concerns in a laboratory. Also heightens safety awareness with a thorough discussion of many topics, including hazard communications, glassware and chemical use, chemical storage, emergency procedures.

152Preventing Hand Injury: Three Lines of Defense: (12 min)
Show employees what they need to know to prevent disabling hand and finger injuries. Even minor injuries can prevent an employee from doing their job.

156Backing Safely (DVD) (13 minutes)
This DVD offers practical safety information that can help drivers eliminate backing collisions. It Features: * Tips to avoid backing * Specific steps for a safe back * Procedures for backing with a helper * Procedures for backing with a trailer.

157Managing the Anger To Prevent the Violence (DVD) (11 minutes)

Learn how to identify the common warning signs of a situation on the brink of danger. Focus is placed on prevention of negative incidents through positive actions, awareness and effective communication.

163Safe Pesticide Handling (includes CD) VHS (31 minutes)

Directed at employees who apply pesticides, covering terminology and safety practices from handling and transportation to measuring and mixing, application, and clean-up. Stresses regulation compliance and personal responsibility.

164Confined Spaces: Risk and Responsibilities (DVD) (19 min)
Provides safety basics for confined space entry. Examines hazards associated with confined spaces and emphasizes the importance of written procedures for confined space work.

165Trenching and Shoring: Meeting the Requirements (DVD) (15 min.)
A general overview of the basics of trenching and shoring. Defines terminology used in trenching, gives instructions on preventing cave-ins and more. Emphasizes the importance of following the rules. Safety is absolutely critical!

166Right –to-Know Refresher Program (DVD) (16 min.)
This video designed for those who have already been through Right-to-Know training, focuses on refreshing your employee’s knowledge of the health and physical hazards of hazard communication.

167Wastewater Backup- Emergency Response (VHS or DVD) (21 minutes)

168Wastewater Backup Training Series: Management Loss Control VHS or DV

175WSI: Groundskeeping Safety (DVD) (19 minutes)After a frightening incident, expert workplace investigators are called to crack the case. In the midst of the story, viewers will learn about the hazards of exposure to the various machinery and elements of outdoor work environments. In this landscaping online video, emphasis is placed on working in the elements and how to recognize, prevent and handle heat stress situations. Basically, this is a landscaping video that specializes on preventing complacency from entering into landscaping training.

176The Safe Operation and Use of Chainsaws (13 min.) DVD. This informative 13 minute chain saw safety training video covers the most important safety guidelines for chainsaw users. A pre-use inspection, safe carrying methods, the correct posture to have when using a saw as well as kickback causes. It also details how to properly store the gasoline for and refill a chainsaw.