High Priest Leadership Award
May 1, 2017 to April 30, 2018
Chapter Name:
Number: / EHP’s Name:
Points / Earned
A) Excellent High Priest
Preside over 75% of your Chapter's Stated Convocations. / 3
Attend the Grand Chapter Session as Excellent High Priest (EHP). / 3
Open/Close Chapter while EHP from memory three times. / 3
Receive certification on any level of Ritual while EHP. / 4
Visit a Symbolic Lodge with at least 1 other Chapter Officer. Lodge No(s).: / 2 each
Give a short talk or presentation on York Rite Masonry during Symbolic Lodge visit. / 3
Visit another Royal Arch Chapter with at least 1 other Chapter Officer.
Chapter No.: / 2
Visit a Cryptic Council with at least 1 other Chapter Officer (EHP cannot be a member of that Council). Council No.: / 2
Visit a Commandery of Knights Templar with at least 1 other Chapter Officer. Commandery No.: (EHP cannot be a member of that Commandery) / 2
Prepare a measurable Term Plan prior to Installation and measure and report results to the Membership and DDGHP quarterly / 5
Attend the East Central Regional Meeting of the General Grand Chapter as High Priest / 5
B) Chapter Membership:
Exalt one or more new members (2 points for each new member).
Show a net increase in Chapter membership for the year. / 5
Reinstate members reported suspended prior to last annual report. (2 points each)
Sign top line for one or more membership petitions for Chapter (3 points each)
Chapter members become Perpetual Life Members in General Grand (2 points each)
C) Ritual:
Set up Chapter correctly for opening and closing during the DDGHP Official Visit. / 2
Confer the Mark Master Degree. / 4
Confer the Past Master Degree. / 4
Confer the Most Excellent Master Degree. / 4
Confer the Royal Arch Degree. / 4
Confer any degree at the Official Visit of the DDGHP or any Grand Chapter Officer / 2
Have Chapter member receive certification on any level of Ritual. (4 points each)
New Companion Exalted within the past year and participated in Degree Work during reporting period (5 points each)
Have current Officers participate in a School of Instruction. (1 point each, max 5) / 1 to 5
Assist another Chapter confer a degree by members of your Chapter. (1 point each, max 3) / 1 to 3
D) Grand Chapter Programs and Charities:
Conduct a Table Chapter meeting, with a meal (in or out of the Temple). / 3
Submit an Arch of Excellence entry for the year ending April 30. / 2
Submit a Chapter of the Year entry for the year ending April 30. / 2
Participate in Keystone Quest. / 2
Contribute at least $100 for the Grand Chapter Veil Fund / 2
Contribute at least $100 for the Royal Arch Masons Charitable Foundation, Inc. / 2
Contribute at least $50 for the Royal Arch Research Assistance Philanthropy / 2
E) Chapter Activities:
Have a budget showing estimated income and expenses for the Chapter year. / 4
Have a social event outside the Temple, such as a PHP Dinner, Ladies Night Dinner, picnic, etc. / 4
Have an Open Installation of Chapter Officers. / 3
Update Chapter By-Laws (within the past 5 years). / 3
Establish or Maintain fund to assist needy companions with dues / 3
Participate in a Community Service Project or Activity / 10

Please attach required documentation along with form.

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Randy L. Vawter - Right Excellent Grand King