Item / Objective / Lead / Timescale / Risks / Actions/evidence / Date achieved
1.1 / Revisit all WCDSAS provision to ensure the most effective model of delivery is in place to meet increased numbers.
Ensure the model encompasses MDT assessment/provision model for children aged 4-5
Ensure the birth to five pathway reflects the model agreed and adheres to NICE guidance / LW / July 2013 / Lack of adherence to best practice guidance
Return to lone diagnosis which may be unsupported
Parents/carers accessing unclear routes and possibly missing opportunities to access information or available resources
Professionals unclear about route for diagnosis
High costs
Too many children using medication
Parents/carers do not feel developments reflect local needs
Lack of embedded developments
Strategic bodies not aware of achievements / Revised multiagency assessment protocol (MAP) underpinning safe diagnosis
Birth to five pathway revised / 22.7.13
1.2 / Establish regular 5-19 pathway meetings to address issues of:
  • Clarity for service users regarding assessment and diagnosis
  • Prioritisation and management of increased numbers
  • Ensuring best practice based on NICE guidance
  • Avoidance of gaps/duplications in service delivery
  • Wider service role in protocol e.g. OT in light of DSM V, Nice Guidance 2013
/ TM / Revised multiagency assessment protocol (MAP) underpinning safe diagnosis / 22.7.13
1.3 / Task group to scope how to reduce melatonin costs by costing out an alternative, graduated model of delivery. Include scoping of existing packages/frameworks e.g. sleep Scotland / Manju Shenoy / Planned date 14.10.13
1.4 / Take the action plan to relevant focus groups for comment
e.g. family voice, positively special, DSG parent participation group / AWG reps tbc / January 2014
1.5 / Present protocols and pathway to disability strategy group for ratification/clarify route for protocols to be publicised on relevant websites
Seek steer for new policies taking paediatric services to 25 years / TM/LW / September 2013
1.6 / Audit adherence to multi-agency assessment protocol, beginning with an audit of birth to five years / TM/LW/MS / January to March 2014

Item / Objective / Lead / Timescale / Risks / Actions/evidence / Date achieved
2.1 / Devise a pictoral multi-agency pathway describing local provision for children & young people to complement the pathway for parents and carers and other professionals
Explore possibility of a webpage / MRM / Draft January 2014
Approval May 2014 / Lack of clarity about what services are available
Lack of joined up planning
Lack of ability to easily identify gaps
2.2 / Explore feasibility of MDT shared assessment tools for gathering family information which meets all services needs e.g. family history, academic skills, communication / Task group to be established from 5-19 group / March 2015 / Families asked to repeat information and stories
2.3 / i. Task group to devise an information pack to replace the rainbow packs and agree how this is to be shared e.g. email pack/hard copy
ii. Amend the Living with AS pathway to include the new information once completed / LW, JW, AT, Sarah Evans, parent rep to be identified / May2014 / Families not given accurate or timely information
2.4 / Disseminate information re: activity schemes and provide short breaks co-ordinator with information as required / Aaron Bradbury lead
All to ensure information is cascaded / ongoing / Some children are not able to access a local activity scheme
Vulnerable families unsupported over 6 week period


Item / Objective / Lead / Timescale / Risks / Actions/evidence / Date achieved
3.1 / Training by service leads to teams regarding the protocols for assessment and diagnosis / All service leads/representatives / Ongoing to existing and new staff members / Lack of adherence to the protocols
Lone diagnosis
Parent/carers not accessing appropriate information and services / As required per service
3.2 / Living with autism course: An Introduction for parents and carers to be offered 3 times per year ( 2 evening rotations and a day session) / LW with Sarah Evans / Termly / Parents lack access to local information / Evaluation 23.9.13 / 23.9.13
3.3 / Being Communication Friendly training for teachers / ST / Annual delivery / Lack of local training to school staff
Reduction in AS champions in school environments
Increase in inappropriate management of children with AS
3.4 / Cygnet Parenting programme to be established in Walsall which is evidence based and delivered by local providers / Georgina Atkins / Commence in 2014 / Increase in lack of accessibility to social and educational opportunities
Increased stress levels for families and young people
3.5 / Build capacity within existing teams by training staff to have AS awareness and knowledge of locally developed tools and strategies / All / Ongoing to all identified staff / Lack of sustainability and capacity building
3.6 / Devise a leaflet or information poster to support the A&E training pack / MS, LW, MRM / January 2014 / Lack of appropriate management and support of children and young people with AS

Item / Objective / Lead / Timescale / Risks / Actions/evidence / Date achieved
4.1 / AS profile tool to be reviewed
Explore how to put this onto the education ‘staff room’ resource bank / KB/MS / September 2014
4.2 / AS profile tool trialled in special school settings / KM/ST / Jan 2014
4.3 / Collate best practice tools into a shared format across services / KB/MS / March 2015

Item / Objective / Lead / Timescale / Risks / Actions/evidence / Date achieved
5.1 / AWG to contribute to any transition events/task groups required by the DSG/strategic leads / Rep to be identified as required / As required / Transition patchy and inconsistent
Not all relevant information and services signposted
5.2 / Maintain a link with the adult AWG / MS to liaise with AWG for adults / May 2014

Children and Young People’s Autism Working Group Action Plan April 2013-March 2015

SLT G drive/Specialist services/Clinical specialities/AS team folder/AWG/Children’s AWG/Action Plan