Please answer the following questions on aseparate sheet and attach it to this:

  1. Please tell us about yourself and your previous experience which you feel leads to this Course (only as much as you are comfortable with).
  2. What is it about the Course that attracts you it?
  3. What are your hopes for the Course?
  4. Do you know anyone who has done the Course?
  5. Have you attended any other events or courses at The Mount Street Jesuit Centre? If yes, say which events or courses.
  6. Are there any of the advertised dates of the Course that you will not be or may not be able to attend?(It is essential that you attend all three Saturdays)

Please answer carefully and as fully

as you are comfortable with.


All information will be treated with the strictest confidence.






Telephone Hm………………………………………………



E-Mail Address……………………………………………………

I am applying for the Tuesday daytime course ☐

I am applying for the Thursday evening Course ☐

I would be happy to be accepted for either Course ☐

(please tick √ whichever is appropriate )

(Please note that you can’t mix the days and times.

You must do the course eitherTuesday daytime or Thursday evening)

Please answer the questions on the next page on a separate sheet and then attach it to this.

11.00am – 1.00pm
September 12, 19, 26
October 3, 10, 17
—Half Term—
October 31
November 7, 14, 21, 28
December 5, 12
Saturday 18th November
January 9, 16, 23, 30
February 6
—Half Term—
February 20, 27
March 6, 13, 20
Saturday 24th February
April 10, 17, 24
May 1, 8, 15, 22
—Half Term—
June 5, 12, 19, 26
July 3
Saturday 16thJune / Thursdays
6.30pm – 8.30pm
September 14, 21, 28
October 5, 12, 19
—Half Term—
November 2, 9, 16, 23, 30
December 7, 14
Saturday 25thNovember
January 11, 18, 25
February 1, 8
—Half Term—
February 22
March 1, 8, 15, 22
Saturday 3rd March
April 12, 19, 26
May 3, 10, 17, 24
—Half Term—
June 7, 14, 21, 28
July 5

IGNATIAN SPIRITUALITY fosters our relationship with Christ and brings that relationship into our daily life, encouraging us to work with Christ for a better world. Its great theme is “Finding God in all things”.


This very successfulexperiential course, which has been run for the past twelve years since the beginning of the Centre, offers experiences of different ways of praying, reflecting and listening, so as to foster the connection between life and prayer. Generally the course will foster the spiritual life and will be based on the spirituality of St Ignatius of Loyola. See overleaf for list of themes.


Each two hour session of the course consists ofinput, thirty minutes of silent prayer together, followed by sharing in small confidential listening groups and a closing plenary.


We would not want any one to be deterred from doing the course by financial considerations. However, if you can afford it we suggest a donation of £480, payable in instalments of £160 on the first day of each term. Those who cannot afford the full amount, we would ask only that you give what you can. Cheques should be made payable to the Mount Street Jesuit Centre and if you are a tax payer it is a great help if you place it in the Gift Aid envelope.


The course, designed by Tony Horan SJ, will be run by members of the Mount Street Jesuit Centre team.


It is important that participants commit themselves to attending every session because each session builds on the previous ones. Obviously over the course of a year other commitments may emerge but we would ask that only something really important prevent attendance as of course it affects the group dynamics.

Some 2016/17 Participants’ Feedback

"This course has been a wonderful blessing to me. God has become more real to me: I have a deeper sense of God’s presence in my daily life and a deepening sense of my ongoing relationship with God. The times of sharing within the group have been very precious and God's love and presence have been very tangible. I would encourage anyone who feels drawn to this course to respond and apply to be part of this beautiful journey"

"Being an experiential course it took me on a journey. It helped me spiritually to grow, develop and deepen my awareness of God in my life in such a beautiful way. For me going to Mount Street is like finding an oasis in the desert. Everyone is very warmly welcomed to come and drink, to be inspired, to grow in understanding. This course gave me the opportunity to get closer to God right now at this very moment of time in my life. And I am so grateful to all those fellow travellers I have met here on this journey who helped me go further on this road."

"I cannot begin to describe the effect this course has hadon me and my relationship with Jesus. I am now more aware of His Presence in everyday experiences, in the people I meet and in His Creation. This could not have come about without the direction of our facilitators and my fellow companions with whom I made the journey".

“I have found this course a hugely valuable way of deepening both my relationship with and my trust in God. I have learnt so much in a very gentle environment and have had the richly rewarding opportunity of connecting with different people all united by the desire to know God better. While on the course my mother died - in this difficult time my Thursday mornings were a real anchor and aid to processing my grief in the light of God's love.”

This course has exerted a deep influence on me. I had been concentrating until this experience on what I regard as the more adult responsibilities inherent in being a wife, mother and professional. I had been imprisoned, without realising it,in the more rational aspects of my life to the detriment of those more childlike aspects that have returned through the use of my senses and imagination as encouraged by the Ignatian way of praying.I have met a lovely, compassionate and gently humorous and humane Jesus, I had not realised what a strict version of God I had been carrying around! I am immensely grateful to those who give so much to provide this transformative experience.

The Themes covered in the Course

Not necessarily in this order

  • Listening with the Heart – Lectio Divina
  • Times of Joy– Getting in touch with memories
  • Meeting Jesus – Ignatian Contemplation
  • An Introduction to Spiritual Movements

1st full day – Putting a Picture of Jesus Together

  • Reflecting on Experience – The awareness Examen
  • Why pray and what is prayer?
  • Being real with God in Prayer
  • Who is Jesus for me?
  • Jesus the image of the unseen God
  • The Holy Spirit of power and love and self-control – praying to the Holy Spirit
  • The Holy Trinity- The Community, family, of love.
  • Jesus our intimate friend
  • The Incarnation
  • Ignatius’ account of his conversion
  • Spiritual Consolation

2nd full day – Praying through works of art

  • God touched me
  • False or misleading Consolation
  • Recognising spiritual desolation and dealing with it
  • Looking at the benefits of desolation
  • Thinking about our purpose.
  • Created to love – The Ignatian First Principle and Foundation
  • My Graced History – God has carried me
  • Dancing with the Spirit – Letting God lead me.
  • Christian Decision Making – Working things out.
  • The Way of Ignatius – The God who communicates.
  • A five week one-to-one Guided Retreat in Daily Life
  • An Introduction to Spiritual Conversation

The 3rd full day – Looking back and Looking Forward

  • Finding God in all things.