Adviser’s Self-Assessment

Please answer the following questions as they relate to your role as an organization adviser:


______I actively provide motivation and encouragement to members.

______I know the goals of the organization.

______I know the group’s membership.

______I attend regularly scheduled executive board meetings.

______I attend regularly scheduled organizational meetings.

______I meet regularly with the officers of the organization.

______I attend the organization’s special events.

______I assist with the orientation and training of new officers.

______I help provide continuity for the organization.

______I confront the negative behavior of members.

______I understand principles of group development.

______I understand how students grow and learn.

______I have read the organization’s constitution and by-laws.

______I recommend and encourage without imposing my ideas and preferences.

______I monitor the organization’s financial records.

______I understand how issues of diversity affect the organization.

______I know the steps to follow in developing a program.

______I am familiar with the RSO registration process.

______I am familiar with the ASG funding process for RSOs.

______I know where to find assistance when I encounter problems I cannot solve.

______I understand University policies as they pertain to officer eligibility.

  • Adapted fromAdvising Student Groups and Organizationsby Dunkel and Schuh

Adviser Assessment Checklist

Please answer the following questions about your organization’s adviser:


______The adviser provides motivation and encouragement to members.

______The adviser knows the goals of the organization.

______The adviser attends regularly scheduled executive board meetings.

______The adviser attends regularly scheduled organizational meetings.

______The adviser meets regularly with the officers of the organization.

______The adviser attends the organization’s special events.

______The adviser assists with the orientation and training of new officers.

______The adviser helps provide continuity for the organization.

______The adviser confronts the negative behavior of members.

______The adviser understands the principles of group development.

______The adviser has read the group’s constitution and by-laws.

______The adviser understands how issues of diversity affect the organization.

______The adviser knows the steps to follow in developing a program.

______The adviser knows the membership.

______The adviser is familiar with the RSO registration process.

______The adviser is familiar with the ASG funding process for RSOs.

______The adviser understands university policies as they pertain to officer eligibility.

______The adviser knows where to find solutions to problems he/she cannot solve.

______The adviser monitors the financial records of the organization.

  • Adapted from Advising Student Groups and Organizationsby Dunkel and Schuh