Please adjust to suit your events and local circumstances.
Possible Roles: Overall study coordinator, lead surveyor,curtain speech giver, survey collector(s)
Pre Event
1. Overall coordinator assigns lead surveyor, gives event details and name of local contact if available.
2. Lead surveyorcalls local event contact to:
- explain the study, ask for permission to collect surveys, determine where and when, arrange for curtain speech and/or other promotion
- explore possibility for incentives given to respondents
- explore possibility of free tickets to the event for the survey takers
- maybe share a copy of the sample curtain speech text and the survey itself
- make sure the overall coordinator gets complete contact info for the local contact so that they can receive a copy of the study in 2017 when it comes out
3. Lead surveyor contacts other surveyors with info, confirms their availability and transportation, gets phone numbers so they can be in touch before the event.
Day Of
4. Lead surveyor gets to the event early:
- bringing 50-60 blank paper copies of the audience survey
- pencils and/or clipboards if desired
- determine where surveyors will be stationed and where the completed survey can be kept to preserve confidentiality
- make sure other surveyors are present and understand the plan for surveying
5. Curtain speech (if in a setting that allows).
6. Survey taking underway at intermission or as appropriate (see Audience Survey Script).
7. Event or intermission is over:
- Lead surveyordebriefs with survey takers to reflect on how it went and any changes for next time
- Survey takers, especially the lead, thanks event hosts
- Lead surveyor completes a batch summary cover sheet, ensures ZIP codes are on all surveys, puts the surveys in an envelope and delivers to the overall study coordinator (write the total number of surveys collected on the outside of the envelope)
Post Event
8. Overall study coordinator keeps up with how many surveys have been collected toward the county required goal of 800. He/she forwards audience intercept surveys with batch cover sheets to Americans for the Arts by the quarterly deadline.
9. Survey data is crunched by Americans for the Arts. Draft report comes out early 2017. Consider local quotes, how the report can be used, to whom should it be distributed?