Pleasantside PAC Meeting Wednesday 11January 2012


Julie Connolly-Davies, Amy Carrerio, Debbie Hamed, Tina Powell, Kiko Pilas, Heather Birnie, Jana Demelo, Jody Dipaola, Lisa Solnordal, Tara Mckinley-Bishop, Kevin Lee, Leisa Ballard, Diana Winslow

Apologies: Steve Ashley, Julie Nowell, Tamryn Goodes, Carol Broomhall

1.  Welcome, Tina thanked everyone for attending.

2.  Approval of the last PAC meeting minutes motioned by Lisa and seconded by Amy. Carried

3.  Additions to the agenda – Tina explained that she would like to talk about a few general administration items. Kiko explained that Carol was unable to attend but she had asked him to talk on her behalf. Kevin had an update re sports and Leisa wanted to talk about a charity item. It was decided that Kiko would address his item under fundraising, Kevin after the Bingo item and the rest under any other business.

4.  Report from Principal – Heather advised that she has been confirmed as Principal now, as prior her role was as an acting principal. Everyone congratulated her on her confirmed position. Heather said she was very pleased with the way all the Christmas festivities went, for example the concert, the choir singing at Lougheed Mall, and expressed how amazed she was by the school community’s spirit of generosity when it came to putting the Share Hampers together.

Heather advised that contact had been made with the Heritage Mountain principal, and that the grade 5’s children would be playing basket ball against the school. Heather confirmed to Jana that she will email a few other local schools and arrange for our children to play them too. Jana has volunteered to coach the basketball team. Heather asked if there was a school banner available, no one was aware of one. She explained that one would be useful as she would be attending the Ready Set Learn evening, which this year is to be held at Aspenwood school, and it may be a good opportunity to recruit some families to attend Pleasantside School. All the local schools will be there and so families of pre school children attend and it gives them an opportunity to find out about local school and teaching methods. Heather asked if there might be a parent who would like to attend too, as it would be good to have a parent there to talk about there experiences of the school with potential new parents. In terms of the banner Heather advised that she would ask some children to make one.

Finally Heather talked about funding potentials for the school and said that the school was very well placed to exploit its position as a green school, with the fact that it is on the edge of the green belt, and also has outdoor space at its disposal. She explained that there is a grant that she is going to apply for, it is a nationwide one, but she thought that the potential for an outdoor classroom would be great. With the opportunity of having a garden, which could be used to grow seedlings of native plants. Also that unused classrooms within the school could be used as teaching rooms for the environmental theme, allowing other schools to use Pleasantside as a resource. Everyone agreed that the possibilities are endless and that they fully supported the theme.

ACTION Heather to contact other local schools to ask them if they would like to play Pleasantside grade 5’s at basketball on Fridays after school

5.  DPAC Update- Tamryn was not at the meeting and so this item will be moved to the next meeting.

6.  Emergency Preparedness – Kiko advised that the powder which soaks up the moisture in the container had not been refilled over the holiday period and therefore a couple of boxes had been lost due to the moisture. Heather advised that it is the Caretaker that usually does this but as it happens he was away on holiday and therefore the covering Caretaker was probably not aware of this requirement. She advised that this will be put on the list of duties for acting Caretakers in the future. Kiko asked if he could have a key as he is happy to check on it and sometimes when he is free, the school is closed as he works shifts. Everyone agreed that this was a good idea. Heather advised that she will have keys cut to put in each emergency bag and one for Kiko. Again the matter of whether the PAC are responsible for ensuring that there is 72 hours of supplies for the school was brought up. Heather agreed to the get an answer of the matter. In the meantime it was decided that the Pac should assume responsibility, and therefore Kiko asked if he could purchase some more powder and to replenish bottled water which is out of date.

Motion by Diana to approve the purchase of powder and water for the emergency container. Tara seconded, motion carried.

ACTION Heather to confirm if it is the parent’s responsibility to ensure we have 72 hours of emergency supplies for the children

ACTION Heather to get some keys cut for the emergency container.

ACTION Kiko to purchase water and powder

7.  Fundraising Update- Basically it was decided that Carol and Heather should meet up to discuss potential grants staying with the theme of the environment, as this will tie in with the reorganization of the play area for the children.

ACTION Carol to speak with Heather

8.  Teachers Wish List – Tina advised that we have had a response from the school librarian in respect of the request for $1000 to spend on new text books, for the children to use in researching factual projects. She explained that she had received revenue from the book fair to purchase new books, however that the scholastics did not have a great range of text books. This was discussed in great detail and the point was made on several occasions that the PAC should not be purchasing basic requirements when really the school should be responsible. This however again goes back to the fact that the school has overspent in the past and there is no money available for this. Therefore the following motion was put forward.

Motion by Tara for the PAC to give the library $300 to be spent on non fiction books and that the PAC will organize a book trade fundraiser. Seconded by Kiko Motion Carried

ACTION Tina to speak to the Librarian.

A wish list was received from Mr. McGregor and signed by the whole class, they asked if the PAC would pay for a group to come in to present Globs, Goo and Guts. Cost was $189, but they hoped Mr. Pringles class could do it too, so cost would be $380 then. The PAC discussed and it was agreed that this was in reality an in class field trip and that cost per child would be approx $7 per child and that if they wanted to do this that they should ask the children’s parents to fund it.

Motion by Jana this is an in house field trip that individuals should pay for. Seconded by Kevin Motion carried

Next wish list was received from Krystal Pak this has two items

Item 1 was in respect of a young actor’s project which would be a drama workshop for the classroom, price would be $285 per class and if more than 6 classes participate then its $260 per class. The matter was discussed and it was deemed too expensive though it may be looked at again when deciding on what future gaming funds should be spent on.

Motion by Diana to table this item and to revisit next year when the spending of the gaming account is discussed. Seconded by Tara. Motion carried

Item 2 from Krystal Pak was for a project the whole school could participate in called Taking care of the earth and ourselves. The topic ties in with the theme of the environment and also could be a pre curser to Earth Day. The item was discussed and it was agreed that the total price of $380 + GST was reasonable as the whole school would be able to take part and benefit.

Motion by Diana for the PAC to provide funds for the Taking care of the Earth, Ourselves and Each Other interactive concert. Seconded by Jana.

Motion carried.

ACTION Tina to advise teachers of outcome of wish list requests

9.  Bingo – Tina advised date of Bingo is 23rd Feb, Steve will advise further details nearer the date.

Sports Update - Kevin advised that he had only had two parents respond to his request for help in organizing sports after school. This was discussed and it was decided that parents probably needed to know what sports they needed help with coaching and on what days these would run. Kevin will send another email out to parents.

10. Treasurer Update- Lisa advised there is $595.15 in the gaming account, and that all this money is already earmarked to be spent. The main operation account stands at $12862.57, Two cheques will be issued soon and so balance will be approx $12000.00. Lisa mentioned that one of the Mums at the school has offered to do a Zumba fundraiser and also another person has offered to do a taekwondo fundraiser. It was agreed that these items should be passed over to Carol to take forward.

ACTION Carol to contact potential fundraisers

11. 50th Anniversary – Tara and Diana advised us of some ideas that they have thought of. Firstly Diana advised that she thought that a cook book would be a great idea to celebrate the anniversary. She advised that she was happy to take this forward and organize contributions, printing etc. Everyone agreed that this was a good idea and that they were happy for Diana to take it forward. Secondly Tara told us of her plan to organize an afternoon tea on Saturday 28th April, past students would be invited and a theme of Pleasantside through the decades would be put into place. Possibly setting up a classroom for each decade or a fashion show. Tara also talked about a school calendar running from September to September being put together. Again everyone agreed that these were great ideas and Tara said she was happy to organize and would email through class reps for help and volunteers.

Motion by Amy that the Pac will be responsible for costs up to $500 in terms of spending costs relating to the 50th anniversary. Leisa seconded Motion carried

In terms of the 50th anniversary being tied in with a fundraising goal, it was decided that Carol should take this forward and that the proposed ideas from Diana and Tara would run separately

ACTION Diana and Tara to proceed with their plans for the 50Th anniversary

12. Technology Update- Jessica Wolfe was not at the meeting so item tabled until next meeting.

ACTION Tina to speak to Krystal Pak, and to gain an update for the next meeting

13. Any Other Business – Leisa advised that on the 20 January there will be a school wide assembly, and that representatives of save the children will be there to talk to the children about their project which will inspire the children to become involved. Tina tabled her item as it was getting late.

14. Next meeting date Thursday 1st March in the school library at 7PM.

15. Meeting adjourned at 9.15PM