No. / Item
1. / Welcome and Apologies
Marlene Chaired the meeting in Elaine’s absence, and welcomed everyone to the meeting with introductions being made. It was noted that Russell Arthur was in attendance for Cecilia Thompson.
2. / Minute of the Last Meeting
Minute of the Last Meetingheld on 13th January 2016 was noted, however as Marlene was the only member at this meeting that had been in attendance, it was agreed that an opportunity be given to other members that had been present to comment if necessary.
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3. / Matters Arising from the Minute of the Last Meeting 13th January 2016
Mental Health Stretch Targets for Children and Young People
Elaine explained that, following the presentation that herself, Cecilia Thompson and Maggie Hepburn had made to the December meeting, Louise had informed the group that the CPP requested a stretch aim for mental health for children and young people and the HAOG had been tasked with developing a draft to take back to the CPP. After looking at a variety of data sources Elaine recommended using the Warwick Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale collected through the SALSUS survey, and the suggestion was for a stretch aim to increase mental wellbeing in 13 to 15 years old by 5% by 2015.
Discussion took place around this and it was noted that this was for secondary school aged children only with nothing in place for primary schools.
The stretch aim suggested by Elaine was agreed and to try and establish what could make a difference and focus on this, signposting as appropriate. There was further analysis required on this and as such it was also agreed that a multi-agency group be convened with Elaine McC as Lead.
ACTION: Elaine McC convene a multi-action Group and Lead on this.
Innovation Fund
Elaine drew attention to the Innovation Fund and explained that there had been two successful bids. £75,000 each over three years. £25,000 was to be utilised by March 2016, however due to timing this would not be possible and arrangements had been made for this to be put into reserves with CAMHS.
Pupil Voice is looking to develop something and was seeking a small working group to take this forward. Good ideas had been received from young people and the next meeting of Pupil Voice will be setting aside a couple of hours to focus on this.
Karen Tosh is currently working on the Teen TLC website for young people and the bid will link with this work. Elaine explained that part of the evidence used for this was from the event held at Curl Aberdeen via the NHS youth forum.
The second Bid for £75,000 was with regard to children not attending school and putting support in place to improve this and is been led by Education Psychology.
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Children’s Mental Health Week – 8th to 14th February 2016
A paper was tabledfor comment, which had been put together by David Alexander, Health Improvement Officer – Mental Health. A couple of amendments were agreed to be made, and once these were incorporated the paper will be circulated to the Group for onward dissemination throughout their respective services. It will also be placed on the NHSG Global email system and onto NHSG Intranet, Hi-net, ACVO bulletin and through the ACC system.
National Teenage Pregnancy and Parenting Strategy – Mapping of the Activity Across Numerous Partners and Organisations against the Proposed Actions
Reminder was given with regard to the templates that required being completed and returning to Jacqueline Bell as soon as possible. To date she had only received information from School Nurses. Elaine advised that Rachel Thompson was completing this at the moment for schools.
ACTION: Anna will re-send the email with attached templates reminding to complete and send back to Jacqueline Bell by the due date.
4. / Healthy and Active Outcomes Group Action Plan
Work is still to be done to amalgamate the two current Acton Plan documents, one being the extrapolation of actions pertaining to this Group from the Joint Inspection Report Action PlanServices for Children and Young People in Aberdeen City.
The paragraph to be inserted at the front of the Action Plan was discussed and various amendments suggested. Elaine and Marlene will revisit this with Laura Dodds to reflect Child Health 2020, and take back to the March meeting.
The letter received from Bernadette Oxley, which had been circulated to the Group, was discussed which requested monthly reports to be submitted from each Group. It was felt that the Healthy & Active Outcomes Group wasabreast of the actions. It was therefore suggested that a letter in response be sent from Elaine Allan, as Chair. If Elaine was not back into the office by next Monday, then Marlene would respond and Pamela offered her support in this.
The topic of a Vice-Chair was approached and it was suggested that Marlene be considered for this role, however this was deferred for further discussion at the next meeting.
ACTION: Letter to be sent to Bernadette Oxley in response to her letter dated 1 February from Elaine, as Chair or Marlene in Elaine’s absence.
ACTION: Action Plan to be re-circulated and any updates to be completed in colour and returned to Anna.
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5. / Results Based Accountability – IPG Presentation
Elaine A had attended a workshop session held by the Improvement & Performance Group of the ICS and this presentation was circulated to the HAOG for information.
This model had been explored with reference to Looked After Children with a view to adopting this approach more widely.
ACTION: For ease of access Anna will download file and circulate as an attachment with the Minute.
6. / SG National Awareness Raising Campaign on Child Sexual Exploitation
Elaine Allan was co-ordinating a response on behalf of CPP and had asked for feedback on the mapping, Elaine McC had forwarded information to Elaine in relation to this.
7. / Children and Young People at Risk of Sexual Exploitation – Multi-Agency Protocol
Elaine advised that the attachment was for information and any comments to be addressed to Elaine A.
8. / A.O.C.B.
Health & Wellbeing Schools Plan
Graham Donald gave an update on the health and wellbeing Strategy for Education. He went on to say that the Plan had been turned down initially, particularly around mental health and cross sector working and there was a need for it to be re-addressed and be re-submitted. There is a timescale of two week to re-draft and submit to the Steering Group for approval.
Elaine said that it was not joint up enough and needs to be across children services. She felt that there was a need for a scoping exercise across Integrated Children’s Services. Once the Plan is in place it will come back to the Group for support.
Optional Appraisal - Two Health Improvement Posts for Schools
Following Linda Smith writing to this group to approve an options appraisal on the two HIO schools posts Elaine gave an update on progress. Threemeetings havebeen held regarding thisand a final meeting is being held to confirm details.
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(Cont’d) / Mental Health Improvement Group
Through the MHIG a request had come from the Strategy Inclusion group within ACC as to whether there was a link to contacts within the NHS e.g. SALT. The group discussed this and felt it was dependent on what information was wanted and on what service, Elaine to take back to MHIG.
Laura Dodds advised that Lorraine Currie has been asked by Susan Webb to identify who sits on various Groups across the Partnership.
9. / Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting and will take place as follows with Jacqueline Bell in attendance to update on the feedback received on the ‘Actions for the Young People Pregnancy & Parenthood Strategy’ templates which were circulated for completion.
Date: Wednesday 2nd March2016
Time: 1.30pm
Venue: Conference Room, Summerfield House
Diary – Dates of 2016 Meetings:-
Day / Date / Time / VenueWednesday / 06/04/16 / 1.30pm / Meetings Room 2, Summerfield House
Wednesday / 04/05/16 / 1.30pm / Meetings Room 1, Summerfield House
Wednesday / 01/06/16 / 1.30pm / Meetings Room 2, Summerfield House
Wednesday / 06/07/16 / 1.30pm / Seminar Room, Summerfield House
Wednesday / 03/08/16 / 1.30pm / Seminar Room, Summerfield House
Wednesday / 07/09/16 / 1.30pm / Meetings Room 1, Summerfield House
Wednesday / 05/10/16 / 1.30pm / Seminar Room, Summerfield House
Wednesday / 02/11/16 / 1.30pm / Meetings Room 2, Summerfield House
Wednesday / 07/12/16 / 1.30pm / Meetings Room 4, Summerfield House
Healthy & Active Outcomes Group Minute – 3.2.16 Page 1