Pleasanton Unified School District

District English Learner Advisory Committee

May 17, 2017
5:00 p.m.
PUSD Boardroom
Start Time
(Minutes) / Item / Who? / Actions/Follow up / Resources & Links
5:00 / 1.  Welcome, introductions, review agenda, additions to the agenda / Anissa Sharief, EL Instructional Coach
2.  Provide information on transition from CELDT to ELPAC / ELPAC Timeline / CELDT to ELPAC
Will students be able to reclassify before Spring?
Will the test consider students with speaking delays be impacted by scores/not be able reclassify?
3. Questions from last meeting / Questions about Textbooks going home:
1.  New Adoption
2.  Technology for next year and 2018/19
1.  What is the homework policy for your teacher? / What is the homework policy per grade level? Can parents review this and discuss next year?
High school parent:
How can we make the English class more rigorous to meet their needs in Chemistry, for example, and how can we help the Chemistry teacher support the students.
Translation earbuds for high school students- what is it called?
We need a program for advanced and on level students
Patty Blair Rosa
4. Parent Input Survey / 1.  Chromebook
2.  Discuss and Respond: DELAC Parent Survey 5/17/17
5. What is School Smarts? / Contact: / School Smarts Presentation / School Smarts program at elementary:
1.  Lessons are taught at every session
2.  Build Community, Learn about the System
3.  Become Parent Leaders and Ambassadors for the schools
4.  Parents come up with new ideas and projects to support the students at their site
5.  There is a graduation at the end
6.  Open to All Parents; 7 Sessions, weekly, once a year
6. Updates from members
6:00 pm / 7. Adjourn / Next Meeting:
TBD and announced in the Fall

Minutes for May 17, 2017

Section / Minutes/Questions/Comments
March 22, 2017
5:00 p.m.
PUSD Board Room
Start Time
(Minutes) / Item / Who? / Actions/Follow up / Resources & Links
5:00 / 2.  Welcome, introductions, review agenda, additions to the agenda / Anissa and Jane
3.  Approval of the Minutes from the DELAC Meeting, February 15, 2017 / Jane / 1.  Read minutes below last meeting agenda
3. Provide updates on recognition of Biliteracy and reclassification students / Jane
4. Updates on ELA/ELD Adoption grades K-12 / Anissa and Jane / EL Pathways
5. Review of reclassification process, changes and data / Jane and Anissa / Consider recommendations and \discuss at the next meeting. / Three handouts for the discussion
6. PUSD Safe Haven Resolution / Jane / Resolution
7. Input on having another meeting this year / Jane and Anissa / Finalize date
8. Request topics of interest for ELAC meetings / Jane and Anissa / Topics:
-IEP for an EL- what is the process?
-Request for more homework from middle school
-Textbooks needed to go home
- Clarification on college ready coursework so that parents do not rush students out of ELD, a parent friendly version of the EL Pathways
9. Updates from members / School Smarts program at elementary:
7.  Lessons are taught at every session
8.  Build Community, Learn about the System
9.  Become Parent Leaders and Ambassadors for the schools
10. Parents come up with new ideas and projects to support the students at their site
11. There is a graduation at the end
12. Open to All Parents; 7 Sessions, weekly, once a year
7:00 pm / 10. Adjourn / Next Meeting: April 19??

Minutes for March 22, 2017

Section / Minutes/Questions/Comments
February 15, 2017
5:00 p.m.
PUSD Board Room
Start Time
(Minutes) / Item / Actions/Follow up / Resources & Links
(20) / 1.  Welcome, introductions, review agenda, additions to the agenda
(10) / 2.  Approval of the Minutes from the DELAC Meeting, January 25, 2016 / 1.  Read minutes below last meeting agenda
(70) / 3. LCAP Listening Campaign / Notification & Gather input
(20) / 4. Questions & Other items for next meeting / Requested connecting with school and how a patent can get involved with the school.
Connected with parent liaison
Explained ways parents can help
7:00 / 5. Adjourn / Next Meeting: Mar. 22
April 19

Minutes for February 15, 2017

Section / Minutes/Questions/Comments
3 / Completed Listening Campaign
January 25, 2017
5:00 p.m.
PUSD Board Room
Start Time
(Minutes) / Item / Actions/Follow up / Resources & Links
(20) / 1.  Welcome, introductions, review agenda, additions to the agenda
(10) / 2. Approval of the Minutes from the DELAC Meeting, November 17, 2016 / 2.  Read minutes below last meeting agenda
(10) / 3. Reclassification Time / Notification
Began Reclassification & Seal of Bilitieracy Celebration Planning / EL Master Plan Link
April 26, 2017
(60) / 4. LCAP Listening Campaign / Notification & Gather input / College & Career Readiness
LCAP Response Form
(20) / 5. Questions & Other items for next meeting
7:00 / 6. Adjourn / Next Meeting: Feb. 15
Mar 22, Apr 19

Minutes for January 25, 2017

Section / Minutes/Questions/Comments
3 / Talked about the Reclassification & Seal of Biliteracy Celebration
4 / Started the LCAP Presentation. Left off at A-G Completion
5 / Talked about ways to communicate with parents : email, All call, having a system that extends an invite to all newly enrolled parents that would provide information on how to “get help”, “where they can go to get answers”, how to communicate with classroom teachers, what is available for adults to help them practice their English and learn English
November 17, 2016
5:00 p.m.
PUSD Board Room
Start Time
(Minutes) / Item / Actions/Follow up / Resources & Links
(20) / 1.  Welcome, introductions, review agenda, additions to the agenda
(10) / 2.  Approval of the Minutes from the DELAC Meeting, October 26, 2016 / 3.  Read minutes below last meeting agenda
(30) / 3. Seal of Biliteracy / ELD &
Seal of Biliteracy Ceremony / Advantages for your children
Video 6:30
(30) / 4. LCAP & Con-App funding / New LCAP Template & Accountability System
Federal funding: Consolidated Application
●  Title I
●  Title II
●  Title III / Rubric Slides
State Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) Template (DRAFT)
(5) / 5. December Meeting / Hold it or not?
(25) / 6. Questions & Other items for next meeting
7:00 / 7. Adjourn / Next Meeting: Dec. 15
Jan. 25, Feb. 15,
Mar 22, Apr 19

Minutes for November 17, 2016

Section / Minutes/Questions/Comments
3 / Saw a video and discussed the plan to have a ceremony this year
4 / Discussed Federal funding, New LCAP Template & Con-App application. Approval to apply
5 / Cancelled December meeting
6 / Answered parents questions
October 26, 2016
5:00 p.m.
PUSD Board Room
Start Time
(Minutes) / Item / Actions/Follow up / Resources & Links
(15) / 1.  Welcome, introductions, review agenda, additions to the agenda
(5) / 2. Approval of the Minutes from the DELAC Meeting, May 4th / 4.  Read minutes below
5.  Motion to Approve
(25) / 3. What is English Language Development (ELD)? / Informational:
State Requirements & Process / Integrated ELD 9:27
Designated ELD7:08
(20) / 4. Process
CELDT Scores / Informational:
Meaning of CELDT Scores & Expectations
Levels Levels
1 Emerging
3 Expanding
5 Bridging
*Language acquisition acceleration / Federal Requirement:
Students in kindergarten through grade twelve whose home language is not English are required by law to be assessed in English language proficiency (ELP). In California, the ELP assessment is the CELDT.
The CELDT allows schools to identify students who need to improve their skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing in English. Schools also give the test each year to students who are still learning English (Annuals).
EL Master Plan
ELD Standards & Proficiency Descriptors
(10) / 5. Seal of Biliteracy / Seal of Biliteracy Ceremony / Advantages for your children
Video 6:30
(30) / 6. LCAP & Con-App funding / New LCAP Template
Federal funding: Consolidated Application
●  Title I
●  Title II
●  Title III / State Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) Template (DRAFT)
(15) / 7. Questions & Other items for next meeting
7:00 / 8. Adjourn / Next Meeting: Nov 17
Dec 15, Jan. 25, Feb. 15,
Mar 22, Apr 19

Minutes for October 26, 2016

What is ELD? / Watched videos and discussed the difference between designated and integrated EL. Discussed how it looks at each level: Elementary, middle school & high school
CELDT Scores / Discussed the meaning of the EL levels & transition from CELDT to ELPAC. Discussed curriculum used for designated and service structure. Discussed importance of ELD with goal of reclassification as early as possible, but by high school to provide more options
Seal of Biliteracy / Discussed, but did not show video. This will be moved to next meeting
LCAP & Con-App funding / Moved to next meeting
Questions & Other items for next meeting / Questions were asked and addressed during each topic
May 4, 2016
6:00 p.m.
PUSD Board Room
Item / Actions/Follow up / Minutes
1.  Welcome, introductions, review agenda, additions to the agenda (5 min) / Parents introduced themselves and shared when they arrived in the country. Many have been here less than 6 months.
3.  Approval of the Minutes from the DELAC Meeting, March 23, 2016 (5 min.) / Gina Torres Approved the minutes from last meeting. All agreed. Denise shared that in the future one of them will be running “their” meeting, but that we understood they are just getting familiar with the structure. Denise shared that they would be trained and supported in learning how to run the meeting. Many parents smiled and nodded their head and seemed excited about that idea.
3.  EL Master Plan (DRAFT) / DRAFT EL Master Plan
Master Plan Feedback / We introduced the purpose of the EL Master Plan and that it is a tool that explains PUSD’s EL Program. We talked about the fact that English Learners were increasing in PUSD and shared the top minority languages. We discussed the Home Language Survey and PUSD’s three program choices. Parents asked about the SEI and ELM and what they looked like in elementary and secondary schools. We stressed how important it is to communicate with the teacher. The Alternate Program was explained and that it starts at Valley View, moves to PMS and will continue into Foothill as we build the program. We talked about how ELD was taught at each level; elementary and secondary. There was a discussion about how students are reclassified.
4.  Other items and items for next meeting agenda All (5 min) / Parents asked about how older students (11th grade) who arrive in the states can learn English so that they can enter college? We discussed how they are supported in school through ELD and that they can contact Adult Education, a Community college and/or the University to ask about the programs that are offered. We talked about having these institutions as guest speakers next year. We also talked about Adult Education providing ESL classes for them as parents.
7.  Adjourned / 7:55pm

Pleasanton Unified School District

District English Learner Advisory Committee


March 23, 2016

6:00 pm, PUSD Board Room

Upcoming meetings: May 4


Item / Actions/Follow up / Minutes
1.  Welcome, introductions, review agenda, additions to the agenda
(5 min)
2. Approval of the Minutes from the DELAC Meeting, February 3, 2016 (5 min.)
3. Annual Language Census / The demographics for all sites was handed out. There was a discussion about the increase of English Learners in the district.
4. EL Program Options / ●  SEI
●  ELM
●  Alternative (DI) / Each of the EL Programs was discussed and parent questions were answered.
5. Listening Campaign / Data was looked at and feedback on the data was recorded by parent groups in the feedback form.
6. Other items and items for next meeting agenda
All (5 min) / Summer School enrollment was discussed.

February 3, 2016

6:00 pm, PUSD Board Room

Upcoming meetings: March 2 & May 5


Item / Actions/Follow up / Minutes
Welcome, introductions, review agenda, additions to the agenda
(5 min) / ●  What do parents want or need to know or learn about?
●  Goal is to increase the number of meetings per year ( to build EL Program, LCAP, Summer School, to encourage participation, etc.)
Approval of the Minutes from the DELAC Meeting, December 9, 2015 (5 min.)
2015-2017 Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA)
Denise (20 min.) / 1.  Aligned to the District Strategic Plan
2.  Aligned to the Local Educational Agency Plan (LEA Plan)
3.  Aligned to the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP)
4.  SPSA: Five Goals
a.  Curriculum & Instruction
b.  Personal Growth for Students
c.  Learning Environment
d.  Professional Development
e.  Parent/Guardian Involvement
5.  ELAC Input
6.  SSC Approval
7.  Monitoring / ●  English Learner Advisory Committee is for each school
●  District English Learner Advisory Committee is for the district
●  School Site Meetings approve the school site plan
●  Denise shares a sample of a school site plan (Vintage Hills) to explain how it works and why it is important for parents to attend School Site Council Meetings
Reclassification Process
Anissa (15 min.) / The steps for reclassifying students as Fluent English Proficient (RFEP) in the Pleasanton Unified School District are:
1.  CELDT Early Advanced (4) or Advanced (5)
2.  ELA Proficient (4) or Advanced (5) on local measures
3.  Teacher recommendation from:
○  Elementary teacher
○  ELA, Math, and Science teachers in secondary grades
4.  Parent consultation
5.  Update student database to reflect new status
Celebration 2016-17 School Year
Feedback to the District
All (10 min) / Parent requests:
Other items and items for next meeting agenda
All (5 min) / Language classes for parents starting next week

Pleasanton Unified School District