PLCB Bank Deposit Tickets and Online/Web-Based Ordering System

IFB #260316

Questions Submitted by 3:00 p.m. on October 2, 2017


  1. Whether companies from Outside USA can apply for this, like from India or Canada?

The PLCB will accept bids from all qualified Contractors able to provideBank Deposit Tickets and Online/Web-Based Ordering System as per Invitation for Bid #260316 requirements.

  1. Whether we need to come over there for meetings?

As stated in paragraph MANDATORY KICK-OFF MEETING on page 4 of Invitation for Bid #260316:

The Selected Contractor is required to attend a mandatory kick-off meeting at their own expense. The kick-off meeting will be scheduled after the Contract Effective Date at the PLCB in Harrisburg. The Selected Contractor shall provide the PLCB Issuing Officer a list of personnel who will attend the kick-off meeting within five calendar days as of the date of Notice to Proceed issued by the PLCB.

  1. Can we perform the tasks (related to RFP) outside USA, like from India or Canada?

The PLCB will award the Contract to the qualified Contractor able to provide Bank Deposit Tickets and Online/Web-Based Ordering System as per Invitation for Bid #260316 requirements submitting the lowest cost bid.

  1. Can we submit the proposals via email?

As stated in paragraph RESPONSE DATA on page 2 of Invitation for Bid #260316:

Bids must be signed in ink by an official authorized to bind the Contractor to its provisions. Failure to sign the attached Bid Form BOP-1206 shall disqualify your bid immediately. For this IFB, the bid must remain valid for at least ninety days. The contents of the bid of the Selected Contractor will be incorporated into the Contract.

Bid must be sealed and hand carried or mailed (U.S. Postal Service, Fed Ex., etc.) to:

PLCB Purchasing & Contract Administration Division

Invitation for Bid #260316

Northwest Office Building, Room 316

Harrisburg, PA 17124-0001

Bids must be received on or before October 20, 2017 no later than 2:00 PM.

Bidders mailing bids should allow time to insure timely receipt of their bid. If a receipt is desired, send by U.S. Certified or Registered mail. Bid #260316 must be written on the outside of the envelope for all bids.

Faxed or e-mailed bids will not be accepted.

The following documents must be included with your bid. Failure to include these required documents will be considered a non-responsive bid and result in bid rejection.

  1. BOP-1206
/ Referenced on Page 2
  1. Attachment #1 – Customer References
/ Referenced on Page 2
  1. Would the PLCB consider/accept alternative packaging and/or book bound tickets in pads of 50 sets per book in lieu for the shrink wrap requirements?

Any bid received by the PLCB that does not meet the Invitation for Bid #260316 requirements will be considered non-responsive.

As stated in paragraph PACKAGING AND SHIPPING INFORMATION on page 7 of Invitation for Bid #260316, the PLCB’s packaging requirements are:

The Selected Contractor will be responsible for printing the deposit tickets as well as packaging and delivering them directly to each individual store location within two weeks after each order is placed. It must be understood that orders will be placed for each individual store via the online ordering system by the PLCB.

The orders are to be personalized to each individual store and shipped FOB destination in packs of 200 deposit tickets that are loose and wrapped with poly wrap. A packing slip must accompany all deposit slip shipments received.

Delivery addresses will be provided to the Selected Contractor upon award of the PO for entry into the database file. Thereafter, the address file will be maintained by the PLCB Special Accounting Division as required.

  1. Based upon the annual volume, it appears there may be additional cost savings for ordering larger increments of deposit ticket (300/400 quantity) Is there any interest in obtaining alternate bids on these quantities?

Please see response to Question #5 above.

  1. Are the terms and conditions contained in the IFB open for negotiation?

PLCB Standard Terms and Conditions (Form 54-FA-2.0) and Printing Addendum (Form 54-FA-3.0) are the PLCB’s standard terms and conditions and are non-negotiable.