Minutes of meeting held
At Lansbury Complex, Lansbury Gdns, Tilbury
Thursday 6th September 2012
Present: Apologies:
C White Ron Eacott
Ron Eacott Cllr Liddiard Lorraine Fugl
Sue Clark R Barnard-Hill Louise Pope
Terry Brown Jack Doodes Jill Bacon
June Brown J Merrigan Robert Baker M Arnell Millie Barter Cllr Worrall
Les Morgan S Quick Annie O’Brien
Debbie Quick S Barnes Polly Billington
Rita Copeman Pam Lawrence Sue Clark Cheryl Williams Tessa Colin Elliott
Cllr Okunade Cllr Baldwin
APS Dave Goodrum Vicky Morgan
PCSO Williams R Coombes
M Lawson Thandi Khumalo
R Smith Keith Hatcher
Michelle Warman Gavin Dennet
1.Welcomes and apologies- Noted.
2.Minutes of last meeting – Minutes of last meeting read and agreed.
3.Matters arising – Jack gave feedback regarding the Horse Trough. This will be due for planting again in October and Nick Faulkner is prepared to continue to do this as per his previous agreement with the Forum. Jack has also spoken with Sue Clark who is happy to make the relevant payment on the Forums behalf so the Forum will not need to pay the VAT. Jack reported that Nick is also providing the plants for Buddy’s Garden. Buddy’s Garden is progressing, the plaque has been engraved and Jack has made a granite base for it and it should be installed in the next week. Jack will then look at setting a date for a dedication and a list of attendees. Jack has also spoken with Luke Love at the Council who is prepared to donate £200 towards the garden and Nick has agreed to supply 5 extra boxes of plants. However, volunteers will be needed to help with the planting.
Action: Cheryl happy to design a Poster for Volunteers and distribute. Cllr Baldwin happy to assist with distribution.
Jack reported that Buddy’s son mowed the grass yesterday but the Council will continue with this. Cllr Liddiard asked that thanks be given to all those involved in making Buddy’s Garden happen.
Ray raised concerns again regarding the building on the Daisy Field, which has now been set alight.
4.Police Update – APS Dave Goodrum introduced himself and picked up on the issue on the Daisy Field. The Police are aware of the problems and have been patrolling the area but hadn’t been informed of any new damage so will look into this. Issues raised last month that APS DG has feedback on include:
Speeding vehicles in Montreal Road. An Officer used the Speedgun on 100 cars of which none were speeding at the time but they will bear the area in mind in future.
Bicycles on the Pavements. APS DG reported that the PCSO’s will continue to monitor this and if caught riders can be issued fines. However, concerns were raised that with a lack of cycle lanes the situation may not improve. Cllr Liddiard reported that he is aware that the Council has some funding for cycle paths and will make enquiries. Vicky reported that Katie from “Bike It” was working on education with School children and it may be worth contacting her. Keith reported that he is aware money is available for cycle paths on wasteland through to Grays.
Cheryl had reported that a fence had been set alight in Kelvin Road. The Police have increased Patrols and this hasn’t happened again.
APS DG then read through the months Crime Figures:
12 Burglary-dwellings, which is up from last month.
1 Robbery
7 Thefts of Motor Vehicles, which is down by 22% and may be due to Operation “Down Under” which has been running.
APS DG asked that residents be aware that Halloween and Bonfire Night are approaching but the Police will have Operation “Hot Pumpkin” running targeting the Go Kart track, Calcutta Road and the Daisy Field.
Ray raised concern re the article in the Gazette and Boy Racers at Lakeside who may now move to other areas and he was aware of an incident that occurred in Feenan Highway recently. The Police will bear this in mind but could residents please inform them of any similar incidents.
5.Speaker – Martin Hone from Thurrock Council wasn’t present this evening as expected.
Keith Hatcher introduced himself and gave feedback on the meeting held recently at Tyrrells Hall regarding the Port Lorry Distribution Park.
Keith has a report carried out for the World Health Organisation (WHO) by Prof. Kurt Straif, which outlines the effects of Diesel Fumes and their links to Lung Cancer.
Thurrock Council have confirmed that the Port carried out an Environmental Impact Assessment and reported that there would be 3,100 lorry movements in and out of the area. The assessment carried out by Thames Gateway did not include an Environmental report. There is also a plan to erect Warehouses on the site and the ones built some time ago behind Asda are still not in use.
This environmental impact is an issue that many Tilbury Residents and those present at the meeting are very concerned about and want answers. Steve Q asked what Keith felt was the most effective way for the community to do something about the Lorry Park issue. Keith reported that he is setting up an online Petition which will require 1500 names for it to go to Council debate and 10,000 for Government. Residents should also write to their MP. Keith reported that he would also be writing to Forth Ports owners. With the new WHO evidence on the Public Health Risks there is more chance of a case to be put in objection.
Cllr Liddiard reported that he had been told that the Council were keen on the Lorry Distribution Park as the current Distribution Centre is in the Midlands and they wanted to have something local. Rita asked whether trains were still used for distribution.
Les reported he felt that Tilbury residents would be keen to get behind the Petitions.
Action: Keith to keep the Forum updated.
Cllr Liddiard had asked Gavin Dennet, Environmental Health and Trading Standards Enforcement Officer at the Council to attend the meeting as issues had previously been raised regarding smells from the Sewerage Plant in Fort Road.
Gavin reported that the Plant was built to take into account general wind direction to minimise odours but obviously these do sometimes affect the Town.
Sewerage Treatment Works (STW) are issued a permit by the Environment Agency (EA) not the Council and are required to have a Odour Management Plan, but the Council still need to interact with the STW to keep odours down.
Water Treatment and the Sludge Works are the main causes of odour and 80% of the sludge is brought in from other areas. Gavin reported that it is important that the STW is maintained properly and if residents can contact the EA on a 24hr incident line 0800807060 to lodge an odour complaint this will help.
Les asked if Gavin was aware of the barges that are unloading earth near the Marshland on the other side of the Power Station. June reported that she thinks they are filling in the tip near that site from Cory Environmental.
Action: Gavin reported that he is not aware of specifics but can make enquiries
6.Chairs report – Barney reported that he had recently attended a Council Redevelopment meeting where they had shared ideas on needs of the local community and he should have some feedback for the next meeting.
Vicky raised concerns regarding the lack of Litter Bins on the Anchor Field.
Action: Barney to take this issue forward.
Barney reported that the Forum are still awaiting feedback from Cllr Worrall regarding questions that had been raised concerning the Leisure Centre but the Forum are still on course to meet with the Property Developer in the next few weeks.
Barney reported that he is also waiting for a meeting date with Anthony Barlow of the Environmental Protection Team regarding the Calcutta Club.
7.Funding Applications – There were no Applications this month.
8.Local Office update – Michelle gave feedback on the Street Reps meeting that had taken place earlier in the day. One of the issues raised on the walk about was the state of St Chads Field.
Action: Michelle to look into getting the site cut back, cleared and to look inot the issues of the Horses.
Michelle reported that there would be a follow up meeting in October and it would be great to have more residents involved and look at helping them to access the Local Schemes Budget for relevant projects. Also on the 29th Sept 9-2pm Lansbury Gardens will be hosting a Housing Forum with Cllr Val Morris-Cook.
Michelle reported that she had spoken to the family and friends of Cameron the lad who died recently in an accident and they are looking at a bench to be sited on the corner of Feenan/Brennan facing the Park.
Barney asked about possible changes to parking in Civic Square as he has been approached by concerned shop owners asking to use the CRC Car Park. Cllr Baldwin reported hat this had already been agreed as an option and the shops informed.
Jack reported that he is aware Civic Square Parking is being looked at but alongside two other local issues, which seems to be causing the delay. Jack is also aware via Julie Nelder that Highways have shelved one of the proposals and Julie Nelder looking to submit another option. Jack reported they have also looked at moving the Bus Stop so that only the one outside the Police Station is used. Due to the pipe works being carried out at present the Police Station is the only bus stop currently being used anyway. Jack reported that he is waiting to be contacted regarding this issue.
9. AOB – June reported that the 99 Bus via Ensign is now in operation and is running a circular route. Timetables are now available and June has some this evening but there will be a slight change as Gravesend opens their new Landing stage on the 17th Sept. June also reported that a new X1 fast bus is running to Basildon.
June asked to remind people that the Tilbury and Chadwell Memories event is being held this Saturday 8th Sept, at the TRAAC Centre by the Ferry from 10-4pm. June also reported that there would be a Christmas Lights meeting for anyone interested in being involved at the same venue on Tues 11th Sept 10am.
10.Next Meeting – Thursday 4th October,7pm, Lansbury Gdns, Tilbury