
All projectproposals should demonstrate acommitment to applyingthe highestprofessionalstandardsfor preserving andinterpretingNew Jerseyhistory.

For moredetailed informationaboutmeetingbest practices standardsfor thehistoryfield,applicantorganizations areencouraged to consult theAmericanAssociation forState andLocal History'sStandardsandExcellence Program (StEPS). Additionalguidance regardingbestpracticesand facilitystandardscanbe foundat theAmerican Association of Museum'sGeneral FacilityReport.


Conservation of HistoricMaterials DigitizationProjects

EducationalInitiatives Exhibitions

Public Programs Research Publications Digital Media

Film,Videotape, Radio Fellowships


Applicants mayapplyforfunds to conserve or make preservationcopies ofhistoricalmaterialsof significance to New Jerseyhistory, such asmanuscriptcollections; books; newspapers;photographs,postcards,paintings or other visuals; costumes;furniture; andotherdocumentedartifacts.

Municipal and countygovernmentsmaynot applyfor funds to conserveormakepreservationcopies ofpublic records.Countyandmunicipalagencies lookingfor guidance related toconservation,preservation,and othercollections careissues should contact the New JerseyStateArchivesat (609) 292-1570.

Newspapermicrofilmingproposals must demonstratethat thenewspaper was not included in thejoint microfilmingprojectconductedbythe New JerseyState Archives (Department of State)andRutgers UniversityLibraries.For informationon this project,contact New JerseyStateArchives, POBox307, Trenton, NJ08625, or call(609) 292-6260.

All applicants mayapplyfor conservationprojectsto organize or describehistorical materialsbyarchival processingor the production offindingaids (catalogues,inventories,etc.).Archivalsupplies must meetprofessionalstandards.

Specificrequirements for this category:

1.An explanationofthe project’simportance to interpretingyourcollectionoverall

2.Detaileddescription of theobject or collectionanda description of thephysical conditionofthe material and the steps necessaryto preserveit

3.Detaileddescription of how the object or collection will be maintained,preserved,andcaredforfollowingtheconservationtreatment

4.A professional assessment of the conservation needs, seebelowformore information onCAPES.

Unidentifiedobjects andmaterials arenot eligiblefor grantfunding. Materials thatare notaccessible to the public, and will not be made accessible to the public followingthe project, arenot eligible forgrantfunding.

All applications forconservationprojects must demonstratethat thestorage areas forthecollections will protect the materials from fire, flood, andwaterdamage,be monitored tomaintain stabletemperature and relative humiditylevels and, if necessary,containairfiltrationor purificationsystems to keep out contaminated air.If theorganization hasinadequatefacilities,the applicant must describethe plans forimprovingthem.Applicants mayapplyfor funds tosupport the purchase of appropriate equipment to do this under theGeneralOperatingSupportgrantprogram. This equipment must meet professional standards.

Applications formicrofilmingsupport orfor funds to preserve, stabilize, or conservecollectionsof photographs, postcards, paintings, paper, furniture, textiles, etc., must demonstrate that theworkand storage conditions will adhereto professional standards.

Applicants should estimatethe cost of microfilmingprojects beforecontactingapotentialvendor. The applicant’sproject should plan to produceamaster negative, aprint negative (bothto be depositedwith the StateArchivesthrough the HistoricalCommission),and two servicecopies — oneto be deposited with a memberof theStateLibraryNetwork and one for usebytheorganization.

Ifthe material to be conservedconsists of paper(manuscripts, books, maps,postcards,photographs,etc.),aprofessional assessment must be made of the conservation needs of thematerials.Ifyou do not have professional qualified staffto assess the materials,youmayapplyfora CaucusArchivalProjectsEvaluationService(CAPES)survey.This program is offeredfreeof charge. This surveywill assess the physicalstate ofthe materials and recommend steps topreserve or repairthem.Afterthe surveyis finished,youmayapplyforagrant to carryout thesurvey’srecommendations. A description of theserviceand the application instructionscan befound at the Commission’swebsite, sureto includeyour CAPES surveyinyourapplicationpackage.


Applicants mayapplyforgrant funds to fund projects whosegoal is to make digitalcopiesofimages, soundrecordings,and text-based collections.Proposals must confirmthat the material isnot alreadyfreelyavailable to the public online through another institution, or must makeacompellingargument to justifythe digital duplication of historicalmaterials.Digitizationprojects must make use of professional standards,processes,and equipment in their execution.

Up-to-dateinformation on current standards andpracticesfor creatingdigitalimages, generatingmetadata,appropriatefile formats,methods of storage,and other technicaldetailscan befoundin the “NARATechnicalGuidelines forDigitizingArchivalMaterials for Electronic Access,”publishedonlinebytheNationalArchivesandRecords Administration.

Additionalmaterialsthataddress digitization standardsandbest practices can be found on thewebsite of theCollections Carewebsiteof theSmithsonianInstitution, and “Well-intentioned Practice for PuttingDigitizedCollections of Unpublished Materials Online,”publishedbytheSocietyofAmericanArchivists. A collection of additionalreference materials can be found in“Digital Conversion – DocumentsandGuidelinesA Bibliographic Reference,”publishedbytheFederalDigitizationGuidelines WorkingGroup.

Specificrequirements forthis category:

1.Selectioncriteria or rationale explainingwhyyourorganizationhaschosenthesespecificmaterials to be digitized

2.Description of thesteps necessaryto digitize the material,andanexplanation oftheapplicant’spreservationplans to storeand maintainboth the originaland digitizedmaterial

3.Description should includeevidenceof abilityand commitment to maintainaccess to thedigitizedmaterial followingtheconclusion ofthegrantperiod

4.A professional assessment of the historicalmaterials;see below for more information onCAPES.

Storageareas must protect the materials from fire,flood, and water damage;maintain stabletemperature and relativehumiditylevels; and, if necessary,contain air filtration or purificationsystems to keep out contaminated air.Ifthe organization hasinadequatefacilities,indicateplansforimprovingthem. Applicants mayapplyforfunds to support the purchase of appropriateequipment to do this under theGeneralOperating Supportprogram. This equipment must meetprofessional standards.

In order to complywith standard bestpracticesfor digitizationprojects, all organizationsengagingin the digitization of historicalmaterialmust alsopreparemicrofilm copies of thematerial beingdigitized.

Ifthe material to bedigitized consists of paper(manuscripts, books, maps,postcards,photographs,etc.),a professionalassessment must be made of the conservation needs of thematerials.Ifyou do not have professional qualified staffto assess thematerials,youmayapplyfora CaucusArchivalProjectsEvaluationService(CAPES)survey.This program is offeredfreeof charge. This surveywill assess the physicalstate ofthe materials and recommend steps topreserve or repairthem.Afterthe surveyisfinished,youmayapplyforagrant to carryout thesurvey’srecommendations. A description of theserviceand the applicationinstructionscan befound at the Commission’swebsite, sureto includeyour CAPES surveyinyourapplicationpackage.


Applicants maysubmit proposals requestingsupport forthe development of curriculummaterials, courses, instructionalstrategies, ordistancelearningforchildrenoradults. TheHistorical Commission encouragesprojectsthat put school systems and their teachers,librarians,orstudents in cooperative relations with historians and historicalorganizations. TheNJHC seeksgrantproposals foreducational projects foranyof severalaudiences— K-12, college anduniversitystudents, andadults.

Applicants must explainclearlyhow the project will help students:

  • LearnaboutNew Jerseyhistory, its people, institutions, or localities, or
  • Understand New Jerseyhistoryin relation to broader trends in United States and/orworldhistory

Theproject must supportCommon CoreStandards,asapplicable.

Proposals forthe development of instructionalmaterials should include:

1.Alist of intendedlearning goals

2.A description of theneedforthesematerialsthat explains how theywill fill a gap in theexistingliteratureon New Jerseyhistoryorculture and shows that theywill not duplicateexistingcurriculummaterials

3.A plan forevaluation of the materials and the evaluation ofstudent achievement

4.A description of theresources to beused in the project

5.A letter ofcommitment or interestfrom aneducational institution, confirmingthat thereis a demandfor the materials beingdeveloped andthat theywill beput into use once theproject is completed


Applicants mayapplyforfunds to support anystageof thedevelopment ofan exhibition:research,design,orfabrication.Please note, however, that theCommission does not supportprojectsthatrequest fundingforallthree phases simultaneously.

Research proposal:

1.Major themes to be explored

2.Research to be completed


1.Outlineof mainsections

2.Object list

3.Images of selected objects

4.Documentation, if possible, ofprevious exhibits



2.Floor plan

3.Information on thematerials to beusedin the presentation of objects

4.Documentation, if possible, ofprevious exhibits

TheHistorical Commission will not fundanexhibitionthatmerelydisplaysobjects withoutprovidinga historical context fortheir interpretation.


Specificrequirements for this category:

1.A summaryof theindividual speakers’topics

2.A description of theprogram site (location,capacity,access,etc.)andastatement of howthe program site meets the requirements of the Americans with DisabilitiesAct

3.Ifthe program is to be recorded, it must betranscribed; copies ofthe transcripts must beaccessible to the public and onecopymust befiled with theNJHC


Researchand writingproposals maycoverawiderange ofactivities,such as:

1.Archaeological investigations

2.Nominations to the national or New Jerseyregisters ofhistoricplaces

3.Oral historyprojects

4.Research leadingto a book, article,dissertation,or media production

Archaeological investigationsrequirements:

1.Personnel must befullyqualifiedasoutlined in the Codeof FederalRegulations, 36 CFR 61.

2.Written permissionfrom thesite owner must be included with the application.If thepropertyto be affected bythe proposed archaeologicalproject is listed in the New JerseyRegister of HistoricPlaces, then permission of the HistoricPreservationOfficemust alsobe obtained.

Nominations to National and New JerseyRegisters of Historic Places: Grants mayberequestedfortwo types of projects:

1.Nominations of historicdistricts or individual historic properties for listingin theRegisters

2.Thematic nominations of agroup of relatedhistoric properties

Nomination requirement:

1. Discussion ofhow theresultswill be presented to the public

Nominations of historicdistricts or individual historic properties must includea certification ofeligibilityfrom the HistoricPreservation Office,NJDepartment of Environmental Protection.

Thematic nominations of agroup of related historic propertiesmust includealetterfrom theHistoricPreservationOfficesupportingthegoals and objectives of thegrantapplication.

Oral Historyrequirement:

1.Research to beconducted in preparationfor theinterviews

2.List of interviewsubjectsandwhytheywereselected

3.Detailed outlineof thetopics to be covered in theinterview

4.Discussion of transcription plans

5.Discussion of selectedrepositoryto housetranscripts

6.Discussion of legalreleased to be arranged, so that others mayusethe transcript

Copies ofthe transcriptsmust be accessible to thepublic and onecopymust be filed with theNJHC.

Applicants should adhere to the principles on oralhistoryprojectsoutlinedbytheOral History Association.

Research:Forresearchorwritinggrants applicants must:

1.Assess themajorsecondaryliterature on the subject

2.Assess, list, anddescribe the collections of primarysources to beused

3.Explain how the results of the research will reach the public


Applicants mayapplyfora grant to helpwrite,compile, edit, or publish a book. Thebook maybe anoriginalworkor areprint,anthology,compilation, or othernew publication ofexistingmaterial. Evidenceof the publicationrights mustbe included in theproposal.

TheHistorical Commission encourages the publication of worksthat not onlydescribesequentialevents but also providehistorical, social,andintellectual context. Whenever possible,worksshould link local and New Jerseyhistoryto thehistoryof theUnited Statesas a whole.

TheNJHC stronglyrecommends printingpublications on archivalqualitypaper(paper thatmeets the national standard ANSI.Z39.48R2002).

TheHistorical Commission does not hold the copyright to materials produced withgrant funds.However, theassistanceofthe Historical Commission should be acknowledged in thepublication.


1.Acopyof thematerialto be editedas a supportingdocument


1.Acopyof thematerial tobepublished as asupportingdocument. Themanuscript musthave at least ¾ of thechapters completed,andbe accompaniedbya detailedoutline ofthe remainder ofthe book.

2.Anypublication proposalmust includeaquote from a qualifiedvendor detailingthepublicationcost.

Theanticipated publication date must be scheduled forno laterthan 18 months past theapplicationdeadline. Themanuscript must contain all of themain text of the completedchapters,and include whatever scholarlyapparatus and bibliographythe workwill have. Thefront matter,index, or othermaterialthatcannot be finished until the productionprocessis under wayneednot be submitted.

Ifthe work is a photographic history, the text should be accompaniedbyphotocopies ofrepresentativephotographsfrom thebook.In theprojectnarrative, besure to explain fullywhatthe photographsportray,and how theywill be incorporatedwithin thetext in relation to thehistorycovered in thebook.

TheHistorical Commission will not supportprojects that will be producedthroughself-publication.In most cases, strongpreference will be given to scholarship that will be publishedbyanacademic pressora full-timepublisherthat has submitted the manuscript to the normalprocess of scholarlyreview, andwhichwill beindexed andcontaincitations.Publications mustbeindexed, andgrant funds maybeusedto cover thecostsassociatedwith indexing.

Therearepublishers in the market today(suchasArcadia Publishing and theHistoryPress) thatdo not submit manuscripts to a scholarlyreviewprocess beforepublicationandmaynot includeindexingandcitations in their products. As these practicesarebasic hallmarks of qualityscholarship and historicalwriting,applicants should considerthesepublishers carefullybeforesubmittinganapplicationto publish through oneofthese companies.

Applications to publish a work of historythroughapublisherthat does notadhereto thesebenchmarks must be accompaniedbyplans to provide ascholarlyreviewbefore submission forpublicationfrom a qualifiedscholar. This reviewmust be included in the finalreport for anysuccessful project.Ifascholarlypeerreviewwasconducted in advance of the application, thatreview should beincluded in the applicationpackage.Applications of thistype must also providea rationaleforwhyapublisherof this naturehas been selectedinstead ofapublisherthat doesincorporate scholarlyreview processes,indexing,andcitations.Applicationsthat do not includethese components, or which fail to make acompellingcase for theutilityofthis method ofpublication,arenot likelyto be funded.


Digital:Digitalmediaprojectsincludewebsites, social media platforms, and mobile applications.A website designmayinclude items such as events calendars,program schedules, hours ofoperation, links to othersites,digitized maps, historicaldocuments, oractivitiesfor teachers,students, or otherpage visitors. Submit a list,description, orsamples of the material to bedigitized.Allowableexpensesmayinclude historicalresearch,professionaldesign, softwarepurchases,andinternetaccessfees.

Organizations must show:

1. A commitment to maintain thesite after the granthasexpired

Audio Programs and Documentaries:

1. Acopyof the completedscript or detailed treatment and asample oftheapplicant’sworkas a supportingdocument.

A filmtreatment is a plan of theprospective film,includingacontentnarrative, discussion ofthefilm’s sections,notes as to locations, on andoff-camera interview ornarration. A filmtreatment,while not asdetailedasascript, should give thereader a clearand detailedpicture of what thefilm will be about and howthe content will bepresented.

TheCommission does not support applicationsthatask forfunds for scriptcostsandproductioncostssimultaneously.

In the projectnarrative, describethecontent oftheplannedprogram or documentaryin detail,and explain whatresources will beusedto producethe script.Describehow it has been or willbe researched.If it will includeoral historyinterviews,discuss who wasinterviewedandwhy,and the disposition ofthe recordings and transcripts.


TheHistorical Commission offersalimited numberof research fellowships (Samuel SmithFellowships for Researchin New JerseyHistory) to support applicants doingmajorresearchprojects in New Jerseyhistory, includingdoctoraldissertationsandmonographs.Fellowshipawardsarebased on demonstratedexpertiseand the excellence of theproject description.

Establishedscholars should show arecord ofpublication in the field.Graduatestudents mustincludealetterofrecommendationfromtheirdissertationdirector.All applicants must provide aresearch planand explain the researchproject in detail.Fellowship supportmaybeusedfor anyexpense associatedwith the project other than tuition or publication expense.


Applicants with otherprojects in mind not found on this list shoulddiscusstheir project proposalwith the GrantsProgramOfficer.