Playhouse Application

Playhouse is a unique performance and teacher development project for year 4, 5 & 6 pupils and their teacher.

In association with Bristol Old Vic, Theatre Royal Plymouth, and York Theatre Royal.

Would you like the opportunity for one class from school to perform a new play written by one of Britain’s top playwrights on the Polka main stage in July 2016, to an invited audience of family, friends and other schools participating in the project?

Year 4,5 and 6 teachers from around the country will unite in a beautiful Gloucestershiresetting to explore ideas with the playwrights, before embarking on the directing process. They will be given advice, support and ideas from professional theatre practitioners throughout, with practical ways of linking drama and creativity into the whole curriculum.

Important Events, Dates & Venues

Teachers’ Retreat

Saturday 5th – Sunday 6th March 2016 – Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire

The participating teacher will attend a writers/directors retreat to explore inspiring ideas for developing school performances/productions with professional directors and playwrights. You’ll also have the chance to meet other teachers taking part in the project from across the country. The retreat will also focus on ideas for linking script work to literacy and other curriculum activities.

(Accommodation, travel and refreshments included in project cost- Details of travel tbc)

Twilight Inset

June 2016(date to be confirmed): In the Polka Main Theatre

Facilitated by the Polka Production Department, teachers will participate in a sessionlooking at the more technical and practical aspects of staging a production. This will include simple lighting and sound design. Teaching Assistants welcome too! (Refreshments included).

In your school

May 2016 -July 2016

The Polka team will support and advise you throughout your rehearsal process and make up to 5 half day visits to your school to assist you.

On the Polka Stage

Week commencing 4th July2016: Polka Main Stage

The festival day will include a chance for your class to perform their play on Polka’s Main Stage in front of other schools involved in the project and an invited audience of families and friends. Children will also receive a fun drama workshop and a professional dress rehearsal led by Polka’s Stage Managers.

How do we apply?

If you would like one class at your school to be involved, please fill in this application form and return it to our Creative Learning department by email or post. You will then be contacted with further details.

This unique experience costs £750 and includes retreat accommodation and travel,

5 workshops with your class, up to100 tickets to the festival for your school, parents and colleagues and the unique opportunity to perform a brand new play on our stage!

Please note there are only 6 places available and applications will be accepted on a first come, first served basis. The closing date for applications is Friday 11 December.

Jessica Randall,Schools Relationship Officer, 240 The Broadway, Wimbledon, SW19 1SB.

Tel: 020 8545 8329 Email:

“The Playhouse Theatre experience was one of the greatest things I have ever had the pleasure of being part of! From the initial workshops all the way through to the final performance at the Polka Theatre the staff were supportive, lively, full of ideas and most importantly really inspired the children! The sheer amount of improvements made to the children in my class are too many to list, however the most notable was the way their ability to articulate ideas increased and the sense of achievement that they all felt and still feel today, I mean how many 10 year olds can say they've performed live on stage in a real theatre!?! I would urge anyone who is on the fence about taking part to do it and do it now - you won't regret it and you'll never forget it!”

Ally Hughes- St Thomas of Canterbury Primary School

About Your School

Name of School______ools get:strong applicationets for a future Polka free of charge. 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111




Name of contact teacher ______


Does your School have Artsmark Status?______

In which Local Educational Authority is your school situated?
What is your school’s status? (please tick)
State-funded / Grant Maintained
Other (please specify) ______
What percentage of your pupils, if any, are eligible for free school meals? %
English as an additional language & refugee status / %
Approximately what percentage of your pupils have English as an additional language? %
Approximately what percentage of your pupils have refugee status? %

What proportion of the pupils in your school have statements of special educational needs?
0% - 4% 10% - 14% 20% -24%
5% - 9% 15% - 19% Over 25%
We are a special needs school (please elaborate)
We have a special needs unit (please elaborate) ______
Approximately what percentages of your pupils are.... Deaf % Disabled %
Any other information:

Please complete the Baseline assessment below…

Playhouse Baseline Assessment

Have you ever performed a play with your class?



How confident do you feel about directing your class?

Very confident




How confident would you say your class is, when it comes to performing?

Very Confident




Have you ever been to Polka Theatre before?



Thank you for your time. We look forward to receiving your application.

Please email to or send to

Polka Theatre, 240 The Broadway Wimbledon,SW19 1SB