Player’s Financial Obligation to HSC and Team

This policy addresses the financial obligation of all players to the Harrah Soccer Club Inc. (HSC) and their teams in regards to registration fees; monthly club and goalkeeping fees; and team related expenses.

The Competitive Year generally begins on or about July 1st and ends the following year on June 30th. HSC will establish a fee schedule each Competitive Year. The fee schedule will identify fees and expenses that are anticipated to be incurred by players and teams. The Fee Schedule can be found on the HSC web site.

All registered HSC players are responsible for remitting their seasonal registration fees; monthly club fee;team fees, and expenses regardless of their playing status.

HSC will collect registration fees,and monthly club feesfrom players for remittance to HSC.

Teammanagersand coaches will assessand coordinatecollection ofclub fees for remittance to HSC. The team manageror coach will notify the club treasure of any indebtednessof club feesand they play an active role in collecting.Team managers or coacheswill NOT withhold any portion of club fees.

A player remains responsible for his or her seasonal registration fees; monthly club fee; and reimbursable coaches’ fees and expenses for the duration of the period for which the player is registered with the HSC. A player's period of registration with HSC coincides with completion of the given Competitive Year or upon final approval of the player's transfer or general release by the appropriate governing soccer authority. Oklahoma Soccer Association and United States Youth Soccer Association are examples of governing soccer authorities that make final disposition on transfer and general release requests. The player remains responsible for remitting the balance of any indebtedness remaining at the completion of the given competition or approved transfer/release data.

Any player that fails to fulfill his or her financial obligations is subject to disciplinary action ranging from suspension of participation in training and games to being declared in "Bad Standing" through OSA's Competitive Committee.

Coaches and team managers are responsible for collecting player debt and play a critical role in motivating players and parents to remit timely payments. The club treasure seeking to collect debt associated with a given player will consistently utilize the following protocol:

  • In the event that a player’s account becomes 15 days past due to the club, the Club Treasure will make notice of the indebtedness and inform the team’s coach and managerof the indebtedness. The coachor manager will warn the responsible player(s) that the he or she faces suspension to include participation in all team activities if the debt is not resolved within 15 days (30 days past due), and inform the Director of Coaching of the indebtedness.
  • In the event that a player is suspended from training and games due to indebtedness before the end of the competitive season orMay 1st of the Competitive Soccer Year, the Club Treasure will notify HSC’s Competitive Chair. The Club Treasure will provide evidence of the indebtedness to HSC’s Competitive Committee for review. If the evidence supports the claim of indebtedness, then HSC will seek to declare the player in “Bad Standing” through OSA and prohibit the player from training or playing with another OSA team until such time as the debt is resolved. HSC will not review claims of indebtedness that are reported to the HSC Competitive Chair on or after May 1st of the Competitive Soccer Year.

This policy applies to any financial obligations associated with theHSC Inc. Competitive Year and beyond.


Parent/Guardian Signature Player Name (print)


Date Coach/Manager Signature