Wiltshire Council Blue Badge Parking.
Current Situation
The regulations and charges on the car parks are those which were in force at the time of the formation of the unitary authority. These were set by the now defunct District Councils. They therefore vary from area to area.
There would appear to be no charge for parking for up to three hours in designated disabled bays.
The situation regarding parking in ordinary bays would appear to be the same, although this is unclear from the signage. When advice is sort from wardens, this varies from area to area.
There has been a suggestion that there are some parks where the limit is two hours, but these may well be private parks owned by supermarkets, which do appear to limit disabled parking in this way.
Wiltshire council is conducting a review of the public car parks for which they are responsible.
They have published a Parking Strategy Consultation Draft and have invited public comment on their proposals.
Disabled Parking is a part of social care and it is therefore appropriate that WINshould comment on this aspect.
I contacted Wiltshire Council Sustainable Transport Group, Department of Neighborhood and Planning, who sent me a copy of the Consultation draft, together with a Technical report prepared by Mouchel. The closing date for comment is 3rd September 2010, but after speaking to the Department we have been given an extension until 7th September
As far as I can see the plan only makes one direct reference to disabled parking, Policy PS2page 16. This refers to adequate provision being made for on-street disabled parking spaces. In this section reference is made to a 2 hour limit, which it must be assumed includes disabled spaces.
Despite searching the internet and abortive phone calls to the Department of Transport, I have been unable to find the regulations governing disabled parking, with respect to time limits.
Our Comments
Given that our concern is with disabled parking,WIN has elected to make a written submission rather than complete the questionnaire, which has little opportunity for comment on this aspect.
As already stated, I have found it difficult to find the relevant department of transport regulations, particularly in respect of the length of time for which a badge holder may park. The standards set out in any regulation should be regarded as the minimum and where appropriate should be improved upon.
In particular WIN believes:
- That all disabled parking should remain free.
- It should be remembered that a high proportion of Blue Badge holders are financially disadvantaged and on benefits and can not easily afford parking fees. A high number are also pensioners
- Most people using the disabled bays have no choice but to use a car, for most public transport is not a practical option. This is particularly true in the rural areas of Wiltshire.
- The current three hour limit should be a minimum.
- Near to public hall and centers, consideration should also be given to providing a small number of longer term bays, to enable the disabled to attend functions without having to leave every three hours to move their vehicle.
- The signage in Car Parks should be improved.
- The information boards should be clear and concise and written in plain English. Often the section relating to disabled parking is lost in small print at the bottom of the sign.
- Wardens should be trained to answer queries clearly. Most are very good but each seems to have a different interpretation. All are helpful.
- Enforcement should be firm but fair,
- Sadly it has to be recognized that there is an unacceptable level of abuse, not only by the use of fraudulent badges, but on the part of the relatives and friends of badge holders.
R F Haverson
Vice Chair WIN
1 September 2010