Dial in # 605 562 3000

Access code 192192#

Moderator code 192192*

Playback number 605 562 3099 / access code 192192

Mass Mute *5

If you experience static or echo on your conferencing line, please use the *5 key, to mute all callers. For participants that wish to speak have them press *6 to un-mute their line. Please refrain from using speakers, headsets, cordless phones, etc., if you encounter static or echo on your conference calls.

*2 caller count

*3 exit the call

*4 conference instructions

*5 Mass Mute can be undone, *5 again mass mute moderator only can undo

*6 mute / unmute “each”

*7 secured / unsecured stops callers from entering

*8 tone controls

Step & Sponsorship phone meeting format

Welcome to the Steps and Sponsorship phone meeting. This is a Step-Working workshop. It lasts approximately 75 minutes. We invite you to work the 12 Steps with us. The materials you need for working the Steps are a notebook, a pen, a telephone, and a willingness to make a commitment to work each of the Steps to the best of your ability.

Audio guides for working each Step are available on the Step-Work page of the Financial UA website. We invite you to listen to the audio guides in between meetings.

At any time during the meeting you may press *6 to mute or unmute your line. If you anticipate having background noise we ask you to remain muted until you are ready to share. Open by asking all participants to press *6 to unmute and say:

The Prosperity Prayer

Ask for a volunteer to read the “Welcome”

--Build a Roster of all participants on the call,

--Ask each member to introduce themselves one

at a time and to state their location for outreach.

--This roster will support the phone # exchange.

Ask for a volunteer to read the “Statement of Purpose”

Ask for a volunteer to read the “12 Steps of Financial UA

Review of Old Step work (from the previous week)

Ask for a Timer (3 minute shares with a 1 minute warning)

Take Shares (about 4 to 5 each)

Ask if any participant had questions about the Step assignment

Break for 7th Tradition & Contributions. Read statement on the Financial UA “Contributions” web page….

Financial contributions can be made through Paypal, using the "Donate" button located on the Financial UA website. We welcome your prosperous donation to Financial UA. We only ask that you give solvently, keeping the amount to something you can afford--an amount that respects your spending plan and your serenity. Personal checks and money orders can be sent to the current treasurer of Financial UA. His address is listed on the Contributions page of the website. Checks can be made out to "Financial UA." Please write "7th Tradition Donation" in the Memo space. The General Service Board of Financial UA has made a suggestion that each member contribute $5 per month to the Fellowship. This will help cover our costs such as website maintenance, outreach, and maintaining the Financial UA service office.

Introduce New Step Work

Ask if any participant has questions about the new Step assignment.

Thank all readers and those who shared. Thank timekeeper.

Close by asking all to press *6 to unmute and join in saying the

Prosperity Prayer.

Phone exchange…. Do any members want to ask for the number of someone they heard tonight? Does anyone want to leave his or her number for outreach and support?

Newcomer Q&A