Game Board
Plastics II
Draw out four thumbnail ideas for your game board.
- Include images, color schemes, all ideas
Create a Single idea sketch that is detailed with dimensions, game board theme, complete color schemes, image placement, and so on.
Check your design ideas with the instructor.
Wood Base
Ask your instructor for the prefabricated wood.
Cut your pieces, using a 45ºmiter joint, to 9” in length.
Using 100-280 grit, sand the faces and edges of the pieces. DO NOT sand the miter joint.
Next, Cut the base and lid piece out to 8 ¼” x 8 ¼”, using 1/8” Masonite.(Can use the laser engraver or the saws for this operation)
Sand the sides of the top and base and make sure to keep them square. DO NOT sand the face.
Dry fit your project together to make sure all the pieces fit.
If the all the pieces fit you are ready to assemble, paint, or engrave a design. (This step depends on your Project design) *Discuss with instructor.
Paint your lid. Set up an 8 ¼” x 8 ¼” layout in Microsoft PowerPoint or Adobe Illustrator and create a design you wish to engrave on the lid.
Engrave your lid.
Vector Cutting the Board Pieces
Pick out two colors of acrylic from the scrap bin that correlate to your game board design.
Set an adobe illustrator file that is the size of your scrap piece.
Create several 15/16” squares on the layout that have a cut line of .1.
If you plan on having a design rastered in on some of the pieces, place the image on some of your pieces as your design requires.
Cut the squares out and continue that process until you have 64 total pieces, 32 of each color.
To construct your game board, use contact cement and Mount all the cut pieces onto a piece of card stock.
When the board pieces are set you will then Polymer Coat your board to seal it. (Polymer coat is a 50-50 mixture of hardener and resin)
After 24 hours, you will be able to sand the bottom of the game board to remove unwanted drips.
Game Pieces
All game pieces will be designed in Autodesk Inventor.
Create a game piece folder in your Plastic 2 course folder.
The base of the pieces cannot be larger than 7/8”.
When all your pieces are designed and saved as an .ipt, you will also need to save them as an .stl for 3d Printing. (Go to file- save a copy as)
Once you have all your pieces saved as an .stl, let your instructor know so they can be 3d printed.
Create drawing files of all your game pieces. Have your drawings dimensioned with a completed title block.
Finally, see your instructor on how to color your game pieces.
Game Piece holder
You will create a vacuum formed insert to hold your game pieces and other scoring items such as a Pencil, pen, or notepad.
Molds can be handmade, vector cut, or 3d Printed.
- Thumbnail sketches of design. (at least 4)
- Single Idea Sketch
- drawing files of all inventor game pieces.
- Final Game Board w/ game pieces
Original Ideas/Design (Thumbnail Sketches, Single Idea Sketch) ……….....10 pts
Inventor Drawing File ……………..………………………………...………...………....….15 pts
Cutting/Sanding/Assembling …………………………………………………………...……30 pts
Game Pieces …………………………………………………………………………………………20 pts
Final Project Appearance …………………………………………………………………...15 pts
Project management ………………………………………………………………….…..….. 10 pts ______
Total Points ……....100 pts