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Zagreb, 30 September 2005 – During the break between “Sri Swami Madhavananda World Peace Summit and the Message of Mahatma Gandhi” which will be held on 9 October in Zagreb, all the guests of the Summit are invited to participate in the planting of the “Peace-tree”. The tree is to be planted west of the main entrance of the Concert hall “Vatroslav Lisinski”, where the Peace summit is being held. By the planting of the peace-tree, Summit participants are joining the global forestation action initiated in India by His Holiness Paramhans Swami Maheshwarananda, Summit’s main guest of honour. Over 200 000 thousand trees have already been planted in India, in very harsh desert climate. His Holiness has also joined the action initiated by the South Australian Government to make Adelaide and its suburbs green, by planting the first tree in the “Holy Forrest” with three million trees.

We would like to remind you that whole-day Summit will end with the big humanitarian concert which will also be held in the Concert hall “Lisinski“, starting at6 PM. Performers at the concert are Goran Karan, “Putokazi”, folklore gang “Filip Dević“, folklore group “Bukovac”, folklore group “Uljanik” and Dunja Knebl. Profit of this concert is dedicated to the Association of the Civil Victims of Croatian Independence War Societies for their orthopaedic aids.

“Sri Swami Madhavananda World Peace Summit and the Message of Mahatma Gandhi“ will be preceded by the Public Lecture given by His Holiness Paramhans Swami Maheshwarananda on 6 October 2005, in the “Globus” Congress Hall at Zagreb “Velesajam”. Profit from the public lecture is dedicated to alleviation the suffering caused by the lack of drinking water in dry areas of the world through the humanitarian project “Rainwater Harvesting”.

Friday and Saturday are dedicated to the workshops that will be held in Cakovec, and which are a by their theme related to the Summit. All programmes are open to the public and the tickets are available in free sale.

More information about the Summit background and/or Yoga In Daily Life please find at our web-site zagrebsummit.yoga-in-daily-life.hr

For all further inquiries please feel free to contact us!

With kind regards,

Representative of the PR-team: Mrs. Romana Kranjčić (mobile 091 208 22 55)

President of Croatian Union of “Yoga in Daily Life” Mr. Tino Pavlin (mobile 091 505 22 55)