Grade 9 Social Justice and Equity – Strand C

Summative Assignment – First Nations and Oppression

In class, you have learned about the forces and theories of (1) socialization, (2) oppression, (3) privilege and advantage, and (4) targeting, subordination and disadvantage. You have also explored the three levels of oppression (i.e., individual, institutional and cultural/societal) and the processes (i.e., direct and intentional, unintentional and invisible). These ideas have been applied to the relationships between women and men (sexism), homosexuals and heterosexuals (heterosexuality), gender and sexual orientation (transgender oppression), and institutions and others (religious oppression).

In Canada, our relationship with First Nations is at a crossroads (e.g., Idle No More movement, Theresa Spence’s 2012 hunger strike to protest living conditions on the Attawapiskat First Nation, 2013 Nishiyuu Walkers). Is the present arrangement acceptable? Do we stray from the present path slightly to adjust the present association? Do we seek significant, substantial and meaningful change to build a respectful co-existence between partners? In your future, you will be asked to provide input and make choices that may impact the future Aboriginal-Settler connection. To do so effectively, we must examine and understand the Aboriginal arguments, claims and sentiments.


·  Research an event in Canadian history related to Aboriginal peoples (...including events prior to 1867 Confederation). A list of possible topics is provided.

·  1763 Royal Proclamation

·  1838 Aborigines Report

·  1857 Enfranchisement

·  1867 British North American Act

·  1870 Indian Residential Schools

·  1871 Qualification and Registration of Voters Act

·  1876 Indian Act

·  1884 Potlach ban

·  1885 Northwest (Riel) Rebellion

·  1885 Electoral Franchise Act

·  1885 Pass System

·  1885 Sundance ban

·  1920 Duncan Scott

·  1953 Forced resettlement of Inuit

·  1951 Indian Act

·  1969 White Paper

·  1970 Wabigon River Minamata Disease

·  1970 Drybones v Queen

·  1971 Donald Marshall

·  1971 Betty Osborne

·  1973 James Bay Hydroelectric Project

·  1974 Ojibway Warrior Society occupation of Anicinabe Park in Kenora

·  1983 “Penner Report”

·  1985 Mary Sandra Lovelace Nicholas and the United Nations Human Rights Committee

·  1990 Oka Crisis

·  1990 Neil Stonechild and the Starlight Tour

·  1990 Elijah Harper and Meech Lake Accord

·  1995 Ipperwash Crisis

·  1995 Gustafsen Lake Standoff

·  1996 Royal Commission Report on Aboriginal Peoples

·  1997 Delgamuukw v British Columbia

·  2000 Rodney Naistus and Lawrence Wegner

·  2004 Stolen Sisters

·  2008 Truth and Reconciliation Commission

·  2006 Grand River (Caledonia) land dispute

·  2007 Tyendinaga land dispute

·  2010 Canada signs the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

·  2011 Flooding of Attawapiskat

·  2012 Idle No More

·  2012 Theresa Spence hunger strike

·  2013 Elsipogtog First Nation and anti-fracking protests

·  Prepare a report that describes the story effectively AND addresses the three categories of oppression: (1) individual, (2) institutional and (3) cultural/social with respect to the topic of your choice. For example, how does “your topic choice” exemplify, portray or utilize institutional tools such as laws, police, church, etc. to grant, ensure and maintain advantage to the privileged group (i.e., white European settlers) and place the targeted group (i.e., Aboriginal peoples) at a disadvantaged and subordinate position? Your report must cover all three categories of oppression. I appreciate the category “individual” may be difficult to explore. Try your best.

·  Using the information you have collected, write an Opinion Piece (one page) addressing the question: “Are Canadians committing cultural genocide on the First Nations?” This is a position put forward by some in the Aboriginal community. What do you think?

·  I would appreciate a minimum five-page report.

·  Introduction and topic description = 1 page

·  Your exploration and interpretations of the three categories of oppression = 1 per page for total of three pages.

·  Opinion Piece and Conclusion

·  You also need to practice referencing in your report and proper formatting of citations.

·  You will have three class periods to work on this assignment.

·  I am looking for your interpretation of the event to social justice and oppression.

·  Your final report is due on Monday, May 26. I would prefer that your report be submitted electronically.