Nicole Greggs, Musical Director/NBCT-Early/Middle Childhood Music 875 SW 54th Avenue Plantation, FL 33317 (754) 323-7150 x325

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Plantation Park Singers Booster Association Board Meeting

Thursday, May 7, 2015 at 6:30pm at PPE


I. Welcome! Thank you so much for coming! Please sign in. 6:45 pm

II. Reports

  1. Secretary- Vote to approve April 2015 minutes M/S/P approval
  2. Treasurer- Mrs. Barker’s report Mrs. Barker is out of town and sent everything needed to Mrs. Greggs for the update. Current balance is $6,037.13. Mrs. Barker is holding approximately $3,000 to deposit. These funds were not deposited yet because we would be charged fees for depositing too much money in one month. Tonight is the final night to place an ad for the spring program book. Marlins tickets generated us a check of $2,542.00. The only expenses so far for May are show supplies and sheet music. More money will be spent because the Edco awards order was placed today. With a debit card for our account, it is much easier to place orders, which will eliminate the need for many reimbursements to parents. Total expenses so far for May are $475.15. Net profit for the month is $2,524.40. The treasurer still has $2,538.00. Questions were raised by the membership as to overall account balance, because the beginning of April shows us as having about $10,000. If the $2,542.00 from Marlins is added in with our current $6,037.13, we are still ending up with less money than the April balance. The expenses shown do not seem to add up correctly. Membership requested that the treasurer’s books audit committee go over the April/May reports and clarify the numbers at the September meeting. This clarification is needed before the May treasurer’s report can be accepted. Our fiscal year ends June 30, so all funds need to be included in the account. Members present are in agreement that the over-limit deposit fees are not substantial enough to postpone the deposits of large sums of money, and in future all deposits will be made within 3 days of receipt of cash. The financial audit committee will meet in June to go over the books, and then will have them certified by Mr. McGonigle once the May treasurer’s report is accepted by the membership.
  3. Editor- please send all photos from any chorus events (especially the 12/6 trip, Hey Look Us Over) to Mrs. Collins for our scrapbook! Email them to Mrs. Greggs and she will forward. E-mail
  4. Vice-Presidents
  5. Administration- Mrs. Eisenmann-Byerly Not in attendance due to family obligations
  6. Volunteers- Mrs. Batallan- We need a list of Level 1 certified volunteers to assist backstage at the spring show, and they must have their names on the list. Mr. Zembuch’s students will be checking ID before allowing parents into the auditorium. Mrs. Batallan expressed difficulty in locating volunteers, our costume situation is dire. Please help if you can!
  7. Uniforms & Costumes- Mrs. Sookhansingh/Mrs. Lewark/ Thank you to Mrs. Wright for coming last week and helping decide what everybody will be wearing in our upcoming show. We have begun placing the items we are providing into choristers’ bags. This is a huge undertaking and assistance is needed tomorrow afternoon until about 3:30 and Monday before school perhaps. Mrs. Tekdogan volunteers to assist. Tuesday afternoon is the costume check, I need multiple people to assist. We need 2 trench coats (over coats, rain coats, size doesn’t matter), we have enough masks for the cats, but nothing else for their outfits. The cats can wear black pants with a black shirt or a unitard type of outfit is appreciated. If makeup is worn instead of the mask, it should be applied during the intermission. The in-school shows will only be in the Broadway costumes. The evening show will have formal uniforms for the first part, then change for the Broadway portion. We will attempt to split up into groups based on parts in order to make costume changes more efficient, maybe parents can volunteer to take on leadership of one group during the intermission.
  8. Music & Library- Mrs. Seckman Folders are due back in on Thursday, May 14, 2015. When folders are in, a checklist will be made and if there’s missing sheet music, letters will be sent home. Please pay fines promptly.
  9. Fundraising- Mrs. Barker- Mrs. Holley had family commitments this evening, she is not in attendance. Thank you to everybody for participating in the Marlins fundraiser, the check from the Marlins has been deposited. Fundraising for ads has been very low this year. Many senior wills are missing. All were due by last Friday. The spring show program book will be ready for the show on the 26th. The deadline for ads will be extended to tomorrow, but no later, as money needs to be submitted. Family Fun Day on May 16: we usually do sand art. As there have been no concrete plans set for how the sand art would be run, the members elected to not run a sand art table at the event.
  10. Staging- Mrs. Jordao Peggy is incredible and we are confident the stage will be unbelievable. Thank you!
  11. Presidents- Mrs. Wright/ Mrs. Chenet Mrs. Chenet says there are several items that may be missing from our by-laws. There are many things that are listed that we don’t have being fulfilled. This is definitely something to keep in mind for next year. It’s suggested that officers and volunteers need to receive a job description form and sign as a commitment to fulfill the responsibilities. Another valid suggestion is that the position of treasurer should be shared. It is a big responsibility and there is a lot of money being handled, so it would be good to have two treasurers to provide more flexibility and accurate accounting. Another suggestion is that we have quarterly reviews of our finances rather than two treasurers. Mrs. Chenet will be appointing a committee to review the statements. Mrs. Tamkus, Mrs. Batallan, and Mrs. Seckman will be on the committee. By-law updates proposed: Article 6 under awards number 2 has been suggested to be stricken. Article 5, item 5 under finances needs to be updated. Article 6 awards, item 8 strike. Article 2, general guidelines, item 4 strike publicity chair, recorder sales chair, sing-a-thon chair, dinner theater chair, PTA liaison. Under general guidelines, item 7, add the word relative. Article 1, item 2, add relatives and approved volunteers, remove friends. There’s contradictory duties between president and treasurer with regards to signing vouchers, President duties, line 14 and Treasurer duties, line 7. Perhaps the wording should be “or”, not “and”. Either VP of Administration (NOT fundraising) or President will sign with Treasurer. Mrs. Greggs suggests it be worded as “The president and treasurer both must sign vouchers. In the absence of one of these signers, the vice-president of administration would sign.” (or something like this) The treasurer must meet with the review committee to explain in detail the finances. Thank you, Mrs. Chenet, for reviewing the by-laws and finding outdated points that need to be updated. By-laws should be reviewed every couple of years to keep them current. These updates must be put to the membership to be voted upon, only 3 board members are needed for a quorum. All present tonight voted unanimously in favor of changing the by-laws as listed above.
  12. Mrs. Greggs- (Music Bee update, candy needed, etc.) Music Bee is going well. 4th and 5th grades have at least another week. Winners will be announced at the awards assemblies. We are totally out of candy, please send stuff in for the treats jar.

III. Old Business

  1. Penny War Wrap-up- Mrs. Greggs- need to organize ice cream party for 5/29, 1:30-2:10pm We raised around $340. The full amount was put onto a Winn-Dixie gift card and the family is VERY grateful for the donation.
  2. Marlins performance April 10- Mrs. Holley & Mrs. Greggs It was a fun night and the kids did a great job singing! Can’t wait for next year! Thanks to Mrs. Holley for arranging for us and handling the details!

IV. New Business

  1. Need of the Month- CANDY! (we are completely out) And NO. 2 Pencils (preferable not Office Depot brand- leads tend to break too easily) Mrs. Greggs is grateful for any donations, but Office Depot brand has not proven to be reliable.
  2. Spring Program Book Ads to go home by April 9, due back by May 1
  3. PPSBA Constitution & ByLaws- any proposed changes? See President’s report.
  4. 24th Annual Spring Concert- theme is “Bits of BROADWAY!!!”
  1. School show times are Thurs. 5/21 @8:20am (PK-2) & 9:30am (3-5) in cafeteria. Eve show is Tues. 5/26/15 @7pm- location SPHS auditorium- with 5:45 pm SHARP arrival for sound check- in formal uniforms.
  2. Attire for act I is formal uniforms; varies by role for act 2. Costume letters went out Tues. May 5 to all. Costumes are due by May 12! Help is needed with putting costume bags together after school on Friday and Monday.
  3. Whatever areas of help parents indicated on chorus contracts… we will be calling…
  4. Refreshments? Pizza & drinks in front of school. $2/slice + $1/drink. Who will organize? Who will sell? Do not forget to include ordering pizzas for Mr. Zembuch’s volunteers. Check with Mrs. Eisenmann-Byerly and Mrs. Holley about ordering food and drinks.
  5. Awards- have been ordered, need to be counted. Help needed with printing awards. Collation meeting time? Although it would be easier to just give general participation awards, Mrs. Greggs has certificates for different aspects of Chorus and would like to individualize them for the activities of the Choristers, including shows participated in, attendance, and exceptional behavior. The members are in agreement that the specific certificates would be preferred to general participation certificates.
  6. Stage decoration- Mrs. Jordao
  7. Help needed morning of 5/21 & for moving over & setting up 5/26, then breaking down after show. Items need to be returned to PPE the next morning. Lists were passed around at tonight’s meeting.
  1. End-of-the-year Celebration- May 29- 10:00-1:30- WOW! Factory of Coconut Creek
  1. Will use 2 SBBC buses- all choristers are invited to participate at $18 due by May 11
  2. leave PPE at 9:45am and return by 1:30pm, then ice cream party
  3. need to update chaperone volunteers list TONIGHT
  4. Cost is $18, lunch included. Includes laser tag, sky-walking, rock wall, ball blast, & arcade. 50% of unused Sing-a-thon pledges count toward cost of child… and parent. Student account letters went out 5/5 to all.
  5. Collection online and in cash ends May 11- stay tuned!

V. Open Floor

A.Officer nominations for 2015-16 are open through May 30. All offices are currently open. Mrs. Greggs thanks our current officers from the bottom of her heart for all of their help and support, and would like all parents of choristers entering 4th and 5th grades to consider a leadership role for next year. We need a slate of officers in place over the summer in order to adequately prepare for next year. Please email, call or see Mrs. Greggs if you are willing to help in any leadership capacity (offices include: President; VP’s for Administration, Volunteers, Costumes/ Uniforms; Music/ Library; Fundraising, & Staging; Secretary; Treasurer, and Editor. Offices may be shared by 2 people.) Thanks for your consideration! Your efforts make a difference for our kids!

VI. Adjournment at 8:50 pm

PPSBA exists to promote the chorus and music education in general at Plantation Park Elementary School. PPSBA strives to help choristers develop scholarship, leadership, character, and musicianship.