2004–Department of History, University of Texas at Austin
Advisor: Prof. H. W. Brands
Ph.D. expected 2008
1997–98Religion and history, Union Theological Seminary (New York)
1996M. Litt., Reformation Studies Institute, University of St. Andrews
Thesis: “Erasmus and Eastern Europe”
1994B.A. (honors), History, University of Texas at Austin
More than 110 articles, essays, and reviews published in venues including the Austin American-Statesman, Austin Chronicle, and Hoover’s Online.
Review of The Great Escape, by Paul Brickhill. Air & Space Power Chronicles ( 30 August 2005.
Review of The Grand Idea: George Washington’s Potomac and the Race to the West, by Joel Achenbach. History News Network, 9 February 2005.
“Guns, Germs, Steel, and Litter,” review of Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed, by Jared Diamond. Austin American–Statesman, 2 January 2005.
“Between Anarchy and Oligarchy: Siva Vaidhyanathan, BA ’94, PhD ’99, studies and writes about how societies protect and share information,” The Alcalde, May/June 2004.
“No Mere Footnote,” review of Press Box Red: The Story of Lester Rodney, the Communist Who Helped Break the Color Line in American Sports, by Irwin Silber. Elysian Fields Quarterly 21:2 (Spring 2004).
Media Appearances
Business commentary on CNBC, Morning Call (26 August, 14 October, 18 November, and 16 December 2005 and 10 February and 28 March 2006).
Guest business and feature commentary for local television (KVUE and News 8 Austin) and radio (KOOP).
Scholarly Writing
“Nigeria” in Encyclopedia of the Cold War: A Political, Social, and Military History, ed. Spencer C. Tucker, Santa Barbara, Calif.: ABC–CLIO, forthcoming 2006.
Fellowships and Awards
2004–05Graduate student fellowship, University of Texas ($20,000)
1995–96Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship, University of St. Andrews (full scholarship with stipend)
1994Dean’s Distinguished Graduate, College of Liberal Arts, University of Texas (one of twelve in class of 1000+)
1990–94Dedman Distinguished Scholarship, College of Liberal Arts, University of Texas (full scholarship with stipend)
Guest Lectures
“Big Ships and Little Chips,” for U.S. Diplomatic History course taught by Prof. H. W. Brands, University of Texas Dept. of History, 23 March 2006.
“High Technologyin the U.S.After World War II,” for U.S. History survey taught by Prof. H. W. Brands, University of Texas Dept. of History, 27 October 2005.
“Environmental Issues of Race and Class,” for Introduction to Social Work and Social Welfare course taught by Sandy Bruce, Adjunct Lecturer, University of Texas School of Social Work, 20 September 2004.
“Researching Private Companies,” for Business Journalism seminar taught by Prof. Rusty Todd, University of Texas Dept. of Journalism, 2 May 2002.
Other Academic and Administrative Experience
University of Texas at Austin:
Teaching assistant for Prof. H. W. Brands, Fall 2005 (Post-Civil War U.S. History survey), Spring 2006 (U.S. Foreign Relations survey)
Research assistant for Prof. Alan Tully, Chairman of Department of History, Fall 2004: copy editing for Cultures and Identities in Colonial British America (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005).
Administrator (full-time), Center for American Architecture and Design, School of Architecture, 1999–2000: edited books and articles, organized special events (seminars, guest lectures, student colloquia), administered summer academy in architecture for high-school students.
Assistant Editor for:
• Michael Benedikt, ed., Center 11: Value 2, 1999 (ISBN 0-934951-02-0)
• Kevin Alter, ed., Center 12: The Good Building/Center 13: Pressing Style, 2004 (ISBN 0-934951-04-7)
Other Professional Experience
Industry Editor, Hoover’s, Inc., 2000–present: research, writing, and editing focused on international and high-tech business; served as editorial and productivity trainer for other writers.
Business presentations on productivity in the workplace.
Content editing and copy editing for books and magazines.
American Historical Association
American Society of Environmental Historians/Forest History Society
Organization of American Historians
Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations
23 April 2006
H. W. Brands
Dickson Allen Anderson Centennial Professor
Department of History
University of Texas
Austin, Texas 78712–0220
Mark A. Lawrence
Assistant Professor
Department of History
University of Texas
Austin, Texas 78712–0220
John Trimble
Distinguished Teaching Professor
Department of English
University of Texas
Austin, Texas 78712-1122
Alan Tully
Eugene C. Barker Centennial Professor
Chair, History Department
University of Texas
Austin, Texas 78712–0220
23 April 2006