UNIT 1 REVIEW SHEET – 8th Grade Social Studies



1. The five themes of geography, a social science, are closely linked to history.
2. Different landforms and climates best describes the physical geography of the United States
3. Historians collect primary sources, secondary sources and artifacts as evidence in order to interpret events.
4. The social sciences study human behavior. Examples include history, psychology and sociology.


5. In the Americas, farming led to permanent settlements and civilizations
6. Many Native American cultures shared similar ways of life to include a respect for nature, special ceremonies and wars they fought:
7. Trade linked the peoples of Africa and Asia long before European exploration.
8. In Europe, traditions and changes lead to exploration and colonization


9. Europeans began to fully explore the Americas only after Columbus reached the West Indies in the Caribbean.
10. Spain was the first European power to conquer, explore, and colonize The New World.
11. The Netherlands, France and England established colonies in North America during the 1500’s & 1600’s.
12. Founded in 1607, Jamestown was the first permanent English settlement.
13. The Pilgrims left England to establish Plymouth colony in 1620 to have religious freedom.


14. The New England Colonies was where life was centered on religion and tightly knit towns.
15. The Middle Colonies was where life centered on farming and attracted a wide variety of immigrants.
16. The Southern Colonies was where life centered around large tobacco and rice plantations.

CHAPTER 4 - continued

17. During the late 1600’s & early 1700’s, colonial government, economics and culture became increasingly different from England.
18. The governor and the legislature made up colonial governments.
19. Colonial society was made up of three classes: gentry, middle class and indentured servants/slaves.
Primary source – historical source that is firsthand account of an event
Secondary source – historical account that is provided after the fact by someone who did not witness the event
Tribe – a group of people who share common customs, language and rituals in Native American societies
League of Iroqoius – name given to the alliance of 5 Iraquiois nations
Imports – goods brought into a country
Exports – goods that are sent out of a country
Cultural Area – a region in which people share a similar way of life in Native American societies
Mercantilism – economic theory believing that a nation became strong by controlling its trade
Triangular trade – Colonial trade route between New England, Africa and the West Indies
Columbian Exchange – global exchange of goods, ideas and people between the Old World and the New World
William Penn – Quaker who was the founder of Pennsylvania
Anne Hutchinson – symbol of religious rights and women freedom in NE Colonies
Roger Williams – founder of Rhode Island who fought for religious tolerance
Ben Franklin – inventor, Enlightenment thinker and author of Poor Richard’s Almanac
John Smith – soldier/explorer who also the savior of the colony of Jamestown
*** Know the 13 English Colonies and be able to locate them on a map