Plans Subject to Change Ms. Baker Mar. 13-21, 2017


/ Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Flexible Groups
Cause/Effect Task Cards
Compare/Contrast Task Cards
S.M. Reading
8:00-8:30 /
Accelerated Reader
8:30-9:00 /
Flexible /Small Groups
9:00- 10:30
4th Grade-Baker HR
Tues.-Social St. Ch.6, L-1 on pages 180-185 and answer 5 questions.
Wed.-A.R. and study for sp. Test.
Thurs. –AR and ERP.
Fri.-A,R,--Read your chapter book and be ready to test next week.
Please check assignments and initial agenda nightly.
Writing- EQ-How do I effectively conduct research and present information that demonstrates my understanding of both narrative and expository texts? / Complete Planners
EQ: How do I compare and contrast the point of view from which stories are narrated?
Flexible groups/rotate thru SM Reading
Shared Read- At the Library, pp. 166-169
Comprehension Strategy- Visualize, p. 170 (Find text evidence).
Comprehension Skill- Point of View. We will read and discuss the events/details in the story that help us determine the point of view. / EQ: How do I compare and contrast the point of view from which stories are narrated?
Flexible groups/rotate thru SM Reading
Genre-Realistic Fiction
Shared Read-Remembering Hurricane Katrina, pp. 180-183
Comprehension Strategy- Visualize, p. 170 (Find text evidence).
Comprehension Skill- Point of View. Students will read and discuss the events/details in the story that help us determine the point of view (collaborative pairs).
Achieve in Lab / EQ: How do I refer to details and examples in a text when drawing inferences?
Flexible grouping
Rotate through skill center and SM reading.
Shared Read-Judy’s Appalachia on pp. 194-197.
Comprehension Strategy- Reread, p. 198 (Find text evidence).
Comprehension Skill-Author’s Point of View. Students will read and discuss the events/details in the story that help us determine the point of view (independent).
Media Lab- SM and Easy Tech Lessons (1 hour). / EQ: How do I refer to details and examples in a text when drawing inferences?
Flexible grouping
Rotate through skill center and SM reading.
Spelling Test
ERP entitled “The Tortoise and the Geese”- We will read and discuss the fable and students will answer comprehension questions and prove their answers in text evidence.
Social St. –Review and discuss Ch. 6, L-1.
SM Reading in Lab / EQ: How do I refer to details and examples in a text when drawing inferences?
SM Reading
Rotate through writing groups and SM reading.
Review Homework-ERP- “Creative Cooking” and “Bud not Buddy”
Reading Wonders Test on Author’s Point of View.
10:30- 11:00 / Music / Writing / Achieve and Easy Tech-Library / S. St. / S. St.
11:00-11:30 /

Computer Lab

Reading - Achieve Lessons and Success Maker
11:30-12:00 /


4th Grade-Moses HR
Tues.-Social St. Ch.6, L-1 on pages 180-185 and answer 5 questions.
Wed.-A.R. and study for sp. Test.
Thurs. –AR and ERP.
Fri.-A,R,--Read your chapter book and be ready to test next week. / SM Reading in Lab
Complete Planners
EQ: How do I compare and contrast the point of view from which stories are narrated?
Flexible groups/rotate thru SM Reading
Shared Read- At the Library, pp. 166-169
Comprehension Strategy- Visualize, p. 170 (Find text evidence).
Comprehension Skill- Point of View. We will read and discuss the events/details in the story that help us determine the point of view. / EQ: How do I compare and contrast the point of view from which stories are narrated?
Flexible groups/rotate thru SM Reading
Genre-Realistic Fiction
Shared Read-Remembering Hurricane Katrina, pp. 180-183
Comprehension Strategy- Visualize, p. 170 (Find text evidence).
Comprehension Skill- Point of View. We will read and discuss the events/details in the story that help us determine the point of view. / Media Lab- SM and Easy Tech Lessons (1 hour).
EQ: How do I refer to details and examples in a text when drawing inferences?
Flexible grouping
Rotate through skill center and SM reading.
Shared Read-Judy’s Appalachia on pp. 194-197.
Comprehension Strategy- Reread, p. 198 (Find text evidence).
Comprehension Skill-Author’s Point of View. Students will read and discuss the events/details in the story that help us determine the point of view (independent). / SM Reading in Lab
EQ: How do I refer to details and examples in a text when drawing inferences?
Spelling Test
ERP entitled “The Tortoise and the Geese”- We will read and discuss the fable and students will answer comprehension questions and prove their answers in text evidence.
Flexible grouping
Rotate through skill center and SM reading.
Social St. –Review and discuss Ch. 6, L-1.
SM Reading in Lab / EQ: How do I refer to details and examples in a text when drawing inferences?
SM Reading
Rotate through writing groups and SM reading.
Review Homework-ERP- “Creative Cooking” and “Bud not Buddy”
Reading Wonders Test on Author’s Point of View.
1:30-2:00 /

Flexible Grouping

2:00-2:30 / iii/mentor
*Safety procedures covered daily. 2:25 Clean Up, Pack-up & Stack Chairs, Turn Computers Off