Planning Week 2

André Franco

Planning Week 2


Schedule: 90 Minutes
Day 1
• Learn common classroom commands
• Listen and respond to classroom commands
• Learn Spanish numbers from 0-100
• Read, practice, and use numbers: simple math
• Learn how to tell time in Spanish: verb to be + time
• Ask and tell the time:
• Learn vocabulary for parts of the body
• Listen to and understand commands
• Listen and respond to directions
Vocabulary: Greetings vocabulary, asking and telling names vocabulary, classroom commands vocabulary, Numbers vocabulary, telling time vocabulary, parts of the body vocabulary
Technology: Overhead/LCD projector, CD player
Pacing: 90 minutes / EQ:
What time is it?
Georgia Standards:
MLI.IP1 The students exchange simple spoken and written information in the target language, utilizing cultural references where appropriate.
A. Use basic greetings, farewells, and expressions of courtesy, in both oral and written forms.
C. Make simple requests.
E. Give simple descriptions.
F. Comprehend basic directions.
H. Use sequenced information, such as the alphabet, days of the week, months, seasons, and numbers 0 to 100 in context.
1. / WARM-UP/ASSESS (10minutes) / Targeted Resources
• Homework check
Review the previous day’s homework assignment. Go over any recurring errors that students may have made, reteaching as necessary. / §  Core Practice: P-1
§  Writing, Audio & Video Activity Workbook: Cap. PE, Audio Activity 1
§  TRB: Writing, Audio & Video Activity Workbook Answer Key: Cap. PE, Audio Activity 1
§  Core Practice: P-2
§  Core Practice: P-3
§  Core Practice: P-2 Answers
§  REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: PE
§  REALIDADES para hispanohablantes Answer Key: PE
§  Guided Practice Activities: Vocabulary Flash Cards, Vocabulary Check
§  Guided Practice Activities: P-1, Vowel sounds
§  Guided Practice Activities: P-2, The letter c
§  TRB: Guided Practice Activities Answer Key: Vocabulary Flash Cards, Vocabulary Check
§  TRB: Guided Practice Activities Answer Key: P-1, Vowel sounds
§  TRB: Guided Practice Activities Answer Key: P-2, The letter c
3. / PRESENT/PRACTICE (75minutes) / Targeted Resources
Actividad 6 Mucho gusto (p. 5)
Students read a conversation and demonstrate comprehension by answering several questions.
Presentation: ¡Atención, por favor! (p. 6)
Play Track 6. Present several common classroom commands to students.
Actividad 7 ¡Siéntense! (p. 6)
Play Track 7. Students listen to classroom commands and demonstrate comprehension by acting out the commands.
• For students who find the commands difficult to act out in Actividad 7, discuss other ways they might indicate comprehension of the commands. / §  Vocabulary & Grammar Transparencies: Transparency 23
§  TRB: Cap. PE, Audio Script
§  Answers on Transparencies: Cap. PE, Act. 6 Answers
§  Answers on Transparencies: Cap. PE, Act. 7 Answers
§  Act. 6 Answers, Cap. PE
§  Act. 7 Audio, Cap. PE
4. / PRESENT/PRACTICE / Targeted Resources
Presentation: Los números (p. 7)
Play Track 8. Present how to read and say numbers in Spanish.
Actividad 8 Los números (p. 7)
Students read the missing number in a sequence.
• Actividad 9 Más números (p. 7)
Students provide missing numbers in a sequence and practice reading the numbers aloud.
• Actividad 10 Números y más números (p. 7)
Working with a partner, students practice speaking and writing numbers.
• Communicative Activity
Assign the Communicative Activity for in-class work.
• Presentation: ¿Qué hora es? (p. 8)
Play Track 9. Present several phrases for telling time in Spanish.
• Actividad 11 ¿Qué hora es? (p. 8)
Working with a partner, students ask and answer questions about the time.
• Actividad 12 La hora (p. 8)
Play Track 10. Students listen to someone telling time and indicate comprehension.
• Have students turn to p. 100 and then flip through the pages, randomly stopping ten times. They should say or write the page number each time they stop.
• Have students write a television program guide. Have students exchange program guides. One will say a time, and the other student will say the name of the program.
• Provide times on digital clocks for students unable to read clocks with faces and hands. / §  Vocabulary, Cap. PE
§  Vocabulary & Grammar Transparencies: Transparency 24
§  Vocabulary & Grammar Transparencies: Transparency 25
§  Vocabulary & Grammar Transparencies: Transparency 26
§  TRB: Cap. PE, Audio Script
§  Answers on Transparencies: Cap. PE, Act. 8 Answers
§  Answers on Transparencies: Cap. PE, Act. 9 Answers
§  Answers on Transparencies: Cap. PE, Act. 11 Answers
§  Answers on Transparencies: Cap. PE, Act. 12 Answers
§  TRB: Cap. PE, Communicative Activity
§  Act. 8, Act. 9 Answers, Cap. PE
§  Vocabulary, Cap. PE
§  Act. 11 Answers, Cap. PE
§  Act. 12 Audio, Cap. PE
§  Pre-AP* Resource Book: Listening Strategies
§  Pre-AP* Resource Book: Reading Strategies
§  Pre-AP* Resource Book: Writing Strategies
§  Pre-AP* Resource Book: Speaking Strategies
§  Pre-AP* Resource Book: Vocabulary Strategies
6. / PRESENT/PRACTICE / Targeted Resources
• Presentation: El cuerpo (p. 9)
Play Track 12. Present vocabulary for parts of the body to students.
• Actividad 13 Señalen (p. 9)
Play Track 13. Students will hear someone giving commands and indicate comprehension.
• Actividad 14 Juego (p. 9)
Students listen and respond to directions for parts of the body.
• Communicative Activity
Assign the Communicative Activity for in-class work.
• Audio Activity 2
Play Track 11 and have students complete Audio Activity 2 in class.
• Encourage students to always learn a noun with its article to reinforce the sound and rhythm and the concept of gender. Have students color code new vocabulary in their notebooks for different genders.
• Ask students if they use any words that are different from the vocabulary in the book, but that mean the same thing. / §  Vocabulary, Cap. PE
§  Vocabulary & Grammar Transparencies: Transparency 27
§  Act. 13 Audio, Cap. PE
§  TRB: Cap. PE, Audio Script
§  TRB: Cap. PE, Communicative Activity
§  Writing, Audio & Video Activity Workbook: Cap. PE, Audio Activity 2
§  TRB: Writing, Audio & Video Activity Workbook Answer Key: Cap. PE, Audio Activity 2
§  Vocabulary, Cap. PE
§  Act. 1 Audio, Cap. PE
7. / WRAP-UP/HOMEWORK OPTIONS (5minutes) / Targeted Resources
• Core Practice P-4
Assign P-4 for homework or in-class work.
• (p. 7)
Have students go online at home or in class for more practice with los números. / §  Core Practice: P-4
8. / WRAP-UP/HOMEWORK OPTIONS / Targeted Resources
• Writing Activity 6
Assign Writing Activity 6 for homework or in-class work.
• Core Practice P-5
Assign P-5 for homework or in-class work.
• (p. 9)
Have students go online at home or in class for more practice with el cuerpo.
• Prueba PE-1: En la escuela
Remind students to prepare for Prueba PE-1, which will be administered during the next class period, and ask if they have any questions about the material to be covered.
• Realidades para hispanohablantes: En la clase. Assign for homework or in-class work.
• Guided Practice: Vocabulary Flash Cards, Vocabulary Check. Have students fill in vocabulary flash cards as in-class work or homework.
• Guided Practice: More c sounds. Have students complete guided practice activities for homework or in-class work to reinforce grammar concepts for extra practice.
• Guided Practice: The h sound. Have students complete guided practice activities for homework or in-class work to reinforce grammar concepts for extra practice. / §  Writing, Audio & Video Activity Workbook: Cap. PE, Writing Activity 6
§  TRB: Writing, Audio & Video Activity Workbook Answer Key: Cap. PE, Writing Activity 6
§  Core Practice: P-5
§  Prueba PE-1, En la escuela
§  Answer Key: Prueba PE-1, En la escuela
§  REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: Prueba PE-1, En la escuela
§  REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: Answer Key: Prueba PE-1, En la escuela
§  REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: PE
§  REALIDADES para hispanohablantes Answer Key: PE
Mr. Franco’s Blog:
Blogueando para aprender:
Colby College (Maine):
BBC “Mi vida loca”: / §  Guided Practice Activities: Vocabulary Flash Cards, Vocabulary Check
§  Guided Practice Activities: P-3, More c sounds
§  Guided Practice Activities: P-4, The h sound
§  TRB: Guided Practice Activities Answer Key: Vocabulary Flash Cards, Vocabulary Check
§  TRB: Guided Practice Activities Answer Key: P-3, More c sounds
§  TRB: Guided Practice Activities Answer Key: P-4, The h sound
Schedule: 90 Minutes
Day 2
• Pre-Test SPAN 1
• Learn classroom vocabulary
• Listen to and understand vocabulary for classroom objects
• Speak with a partner about items and people in the classroom
• Learn about the gender of nouns
• Identify gender and use appropriate definite articles
• Learn the Spanish alphabet and spelling in Spanish
• Listen to letters in a word and write the word
• Speak and write letters and words
• Learn about punctuation and accent marks in Spanish
• Learn about Mayan hieroglyphics
• Ask partners their names and how to spell them
• Listen to and spell words
• Read and speak about the months of the year
• Ask and answer questions about days, months, and dates
• Write dates of holiday celebrations
• Write answers to questions about days of the week
Vocabulary: Classroom vocabulary, alphabet vocabulary, days, months, and dates vocabulary
Technology: Overhead/LCD projector, CD player
Pacing: 90 minutes / EQ:
What is in
a typical
Georgia Standards:
MLI.IP1 The students exchange simple spoken and written information in the target language, utilizing cultural references where appropriate.
A. Use basic greetings, farewells, and expressions of courtesy, in both oral and written forms.
C. Make simple requests.
D. Ask for clarification.
E. Give simple descriptions.
F. Comprehend basic directions.
G. Ask questions and provide responses based on topics such as self, family, school, etc.
H. Use sequenced information, such as the alphabet, days of the week, months, seasons, and numbers 0 to 100 in context.
1. / WARM-UP/ASSESS (15minutes) / Targeted Resources
• Homework check
Review the previous day’s homework assignment. Go over any recurring errors that students may have made, reteaching as necessary. / §  Core Practice: P-4
§  Core Practice: P-6
§  Core Practice: P-5
§  REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: PE
§  REALIDADES para hispanohablantes Answer Key: PE
§  Writing, Audio & Video Activity Workbook: Cap. PE, Writing Activity 6
§  TRB: Writing, Audio & Video Activity Workbook Answer Key: Cap. PE, Writing Activity 6
§  Guided Practice Activities: Vocabulary Flash Cards, Vocabulary Check
§  Guided Practice Activities: P-3, More c sounds
§ Guided Practice Activities: P-4, The h sound
§ TRB: Guided Practice Activities Answer Key: Vocabulary Flash Cards, Vocabulary Check
§ TRB: Guided Practice Activities Answer Key: P-3, More c sounds
§ TRB: Guided Practice Activities Answer Key: P-4, The h sound
3. / WARM-UP/ASSESS (10minutes) / Targeted Resources
• Prueba PE-1: En la escuela
Administer Prueba PE-1 in class. / §  Prueba PE-1, En la escuela
§  Answer Key: Prueba PE-1, En la escuela
§  REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: Prueba PE-1, En la escuela
§  REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: Answer Key: Prueba PE-1, En la escuela
4. / PRESENT/PRACTICE (60minutes) / Targeted Resources
• Objectives (p. 10)
Go over the section objectives with students to prepare them for the new material.
• Presentation: La sala de clases (p. 10)
Play Track 14. Present the new vocabulary about classrooms.
• Actividad 1 El libro, el lápiz,... (p. 10)
Play Track 15. Students listen to someone talk about classroom objects and indicate comprehension.
• Encourage students to always learn a noun with its article to reinforce the sound and rhythm and the concept of gender. Have students color code new vocabulary in their notebooks for different genders.
• Ask students if they use any words that are different from the vocabulary in the book, but that mean the same thing. / §  Vocabulary, Cap. PE
§  Vocabulary & Grammar Transparencies: Transparency 28
§  TRB: Cap. PE, Audio Script
§  Act. 1 Audio, Cap. PE
5. / PRESENT/PRACTICE / Targeted Resources
• Actividad 2 ¿Cómo se dice...? (p. 11)
Working with a partner, students speak about items and people in the classroom.
• Presentation: Nouns (p. 11)
Present the grammar box about the gender of nouns.
• Actividad 3 ¿Masculino o femenino? (p. 11)
Students identify gender and use appropriate definite articles.
• Audio Activity 3
Play Track 20 and have students complete Audio Activity 3 in class.
• Presentation: El alfabeto (p. 12)
Play Track 16. Present the Spanish alphabet and spelling in Spanish.
• Actividad 4 Escucha y escribe (p. 12)
Play Track 17. Students listen to letters in a word read aloud and indicate comprehension.
• Have students turn to p. 9, make a list of the labeled parts of el cuerpo, and then write or say the letters for each word. / §  Answers on Transparencies: Cap. PE, Act. 2 Answers
§  Answers on Transparencies: Cap. PE, Act. 3 Answers
§  Answers on Transparencies: Cap. PE, Act. 4 Answers
§  Act. 2 Answers, Cap. PE
§  Writing, Audio & Video Activity Workbook: Cap. PE, Audio Activity 3
§  TRB: Writing, Audio & Video Activity Workbook Answer Key: Cap. PE, Audio Activity 3
§  Grammar, Cap. PE
§  Act. 3 Answers, Cap. PE
§  Vocabulary, Cap. PE
§  Act. 4 Audio, Cap. PE
§  Vocabulary & Grammar Transparencies: Transparency 29
7. / PRESENT/PRACTICE / Targeted Resources
• Actividad 5 Pregunta y contesta (p. 12)
Working with a partner, students speak and write letters and words. / §  Answers on Transparencies: Cap. PE, Act. 5 Answers