Annual Monitoring for Academic Year 2012/13

Dean of School Report pro forma

To be uploaded to SharePoint by 27 January 2014

Name of School
Dean of School

1. Sign off of all course leader reports and action plans

Please tick the box below to confirm that all course level reports have been uploaded to SharePoint, and their action plan has been signed off. Where a report has not been received please state the reason and expected date for receipt.

Please confirm that all collaborative visit reports have been uploaded to SharePoint. Where a report has not been received please state the reason and expected date for receipt.

2. Progress on achieving actions/outcomes identified in previous year’s School report.

Please attach last year’s action plan. Actions have been monitored through the School Delivery Plan and Performance Review process so need not be repeated here. Please only comment on any outstanding issues, relevant to this year’s report.

3. School Level Actions 2012/13 (arising from review of operation of courses in 2011/12)

Please note here actions already taken at School level arising from course operation in 2011/12. Please add a brief rationale where it will add understanding of the issues.

Please record the School level actions yet to be taken within the School Delivery Plan, which can accessed at:

Existing actions should be tagged as an ‘annual monitoring’ action, with any additional actions added and tagged. The School Delivery Plan should be updated as per SDS guidelines.

4. Issues to be referred to the University (i.e. issues which have not been and will not be solved through the normal channels) Please indicate the issue, your preferred solution and to which Service these should be directed.

5. Publicity

For courses which run only through a Partner Institution and not on campus, please confirm by ticking the box below that you have seen and approved publicity material produced by the partner. If the box is not ticked please explain why.

6. Any other information: Please note any other pertinent information for example any external reviews, operation of collaborative arrangements, successful travel bursaries, employer/professional body liaison and opinion, staff development, alumni feedback, good practice

Report completed by: / Date:
Updated Report completed by: / Date: