Planning Registrations Officer




In April 2015 the Government established the Ebbsfleet Development Corporation (EDC), a new Urban Development Corporation with development management planning powers to deliver a new Garden City at Ebbsfleet in North Kent.

Ebbsfleet Garden City; where London meets the Garden of England,is an exciting new community of up to 15,000 homes and 30,000 jobs served by a full range of services and amenities focused around Ebbsfleet International Station, and embracing the existing communities of Swanscombe, Northfleet, Greenhithe and the adjacent towns of Dartford and Gravesend.

Ebbsfleet Garden City is gathering momentum with six house builders now on site. Strongly supported by central government the Ebbsfleet Development Corporation’s (EDC) Board has set out a vision for the first new Garden City for 100 years and the largest new town in 45 years.

EDC is working collaboratively with public and private sector partners and local stakeholders; investing up to £275 m in forward funding infrastructure and unblocking and accelerating development at pace.

We are now recruiting to the post of Planning Registrations Officer.

A full job description and person specification are provided later in this pack.


In 2015 the then Chancellor approved the creation of a development corporation to drive the creation of a new Garden City of up to 15,000 homes at Ebbsfleet in North Kent. The area has long been identified as having significant development potential, with excellent transport links - including the High Speed 1 rail station - and good availability of brownfield land across a number of strategic sites.

Although progress over previous years has been slow, Ebbsfleet Development Corporation is working with landowners and development partners to accelerate progress and drive significant new development opportunities. The Corporation is based at Ebbsfleet in North Kent, and with £275million of Government investment agreed we are focussing our efforts on delivering major new infrastructure and land acquisition which can stimulate faster rates of growth and housing development.

The Government’s ambition is that the EDC will serve as a catalyst for the creation, at pace, of a new Garden City for the 21st century whose features include:

  • High quality housing, with designs and layout in keeping with local preferences;
  • Well integrated social and economic infrastructure, including significant improvements in transport providers;
  • Ample, high quality green space and development which respects the natural environment;
  • A coherent identity that takes account of, and delivers benefits for, existing communities in the wider local area as well as those living in the new development.

In order to achieve this, the Corporation is:

  • Working with partners to unlock the regeneration and development of Ebbsfleet and Swanscombe, with residential and commercial development properly integrated to ensure a cohesive community where people want to live and work:
  • Using its planning powers to drive up the quality, pace and (where appropriate) scale of development, with effective engagement with local residential and business communities in order to deliver sustainable outcomes;
  • Forward funding key infrastructure - including utility corridors - working with landowners and utility companies;
  • Identifying current barriers to development in the area, implementing a range of financial and non-financial interventions required to unblock those barriers and generate momentum on the ground;
  • Working with landownersto increase and accelerate the development potential of the commercial centre, attracting early occupiers and third party investment;
  • Identifying financial investment opportunities and attracting new private sector investment to the wider Garden City area, exploiting the significant opportunities which exist at Ebbsfleet.


The Ebbsfleet Development Corporation was established on 20 April 2015 and is an Arm’s Length Body of the Department for Communities and Local Government. The Corporation is a public body and operates within a sponsorship arrangement with the Department, as documented in the Corporation’s Framework Agreement and in accordance with Her Majesty’s Treasury Green Book requirements.

The Corporation area covers key strategic housing and commercial development sites in both the Dartford and Gravesham Borough Council areas, and from 1 July 2015has held statutory planning (development management) and compulsory purchase powers. Since this time, the Corporation’s Planning Committee and Chief Planning Officer (through delegated powers) have been responsible for determining planning applications within the Corporation’s boundaries.

The Corporation’s Board was appointed by the Secretary of State and comprises nine members and the Chairman - Michael Cassidy CBE. The Board includes representatives of the three local authorities in the Corporation’s area of operation (Dartford Borough Council, Gravesham Borough Council and Kent County Council).

More information can be viewed at

Job Description – Planning Registrations Officer

Ebbsfleet Development Corporation


Job Purpose:

The role provides technical support to the Ebbsfleet Development Corporation’s Planning function through a range of duties including the receipt, validation and consultation of planning applications; and supporting the organisation of, preparation for and the smooth running of the Corporation’s Planning Committee.

Main Accountabilities of the Post

  1. Acknowledging and registering all planning applications, including requesting and receipting of fees – daily handling of fees, verification of fee exemption if applicable;
  1. Calculation of fees, some of which are not standard and have to be manually calculated based on details received, and may involve interpretation of complex legislation and plans to accurately ascertain the correct fee. Checking of plans to accurately calculate Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) rate;
  1. Validate applications, discharging of conditions, appeals, pre application enquiries, consultations from neighbouring boroughs, and enforcement complaints including entering details onto a Geographical Information System;
  1. Co-ordinating and prioritising the validation process including use of validation checklist, accurate interpretation of plans and examination of application forms to ascertain the different elements constituting the application and formulating a concise description to accurately represent the development;
  1. Accurate research of site history to ascertain type of planning application required and any previous planning applications;
  1. Constraint checking, identifying and ensuring all relevant consultees - internal, external and statutory - are notified of relevant applications;
  1. Undertaking the required consultations and notifications in respect of planning applications, appeals or enforcement cases including production and issue of documentation as required. Production of own correspondence based on invalidity of application detailing criteria not met;
  1. Co-ordination of the submission process through the Planning Portal by ensuring all plans and other documents are received either directly through the Portal or through the post, and that plans are printed to the correct scale as they are downloaded; and
  1. To support the organisation of, preparation for and smooth running of the EDC Planning Committee.

Person Specification

The essential and desirable criteria for this role are as follows:

Essential Criteria

  • Good general standard of education, literate and numerate
  • A good level of IT knowledge
  • An interest in town planning, enthusiasm and a willingness to learn
  • A team player
  • Have attention to detail
  • Experience of working with members of the public and with other organisations

Desirable Criteria

  • Experience of IDOX (Uniform) computer system
  • Ability to measure plans to scale

Conflicts of Interest

It is important that the highest possible levels of probity and integrity are maintained. To that end, we ask that you give details of any business or other interests or any personal connections which, if you are appointed, could be misconstrued or cause embarrassment to the Corporation or its parent Department, DCLG.

These could include financial interests or share ownership, active connections within a field of expertise in which the Corporation will work, membership of societies, activities, associations or employment of a partner or friend in the particular field in which the Corporation will operate.

Any statements you make will be treated confidentially and we will contact you to discuss any potential conflicts that might arise to explain what might be required if you are successful and check that you still wish your application to be considered.

You will also need to uphold and adhere to the Seven Principles of Public Life (see Appendix 1).


To be eligible for employment you will need to be either a UK national or a national of another European Economic Area Member State, or a Commonwealth citizen,or have the right to work in the UK. Swiss nationals are also eligible. In addition, if you have dual nationality you will be eligible as long as one of the nationalities meets the requirements.

Security Clearance

Before the appointment of the successful candidate can be confirmed, you will be subject to a ‘Disclosure Scotland’basic security check and also a Kent Police vetting check.

Selection Process

This process is being managed by the Ebbsfleet Development Corporation. Any queries regarding the process should be directed to Gerard Whitemanat

Candidates who are invited to interview for this post will be requested to provide the names and contact details of two referees who will provide references regarding their suitability for the role. It would greatly assist the process if all candidates could ensure that references can be obtained swiftly in the event that they are invited to interview.

The Ebbsfleet Development Corporation is committed to ensuring equality of opportunity and that all our systems and processes are fair, open and objective. We endeavour to promote this approach in those with whom we come into contact. We are responsible for ensuring that the highest principles of equal opportunities policy are put into effect. As an equal opportunities employer we make no distinction between people on grounds of their race, ethnic or national origin, age, religion or belief, sex, marital status, disability, part time status or sexual orientation.

How to apply

All candidates are required to complete and submit the following:

  • The application summary form at Appendix 2
  • A copy of your CV (no more than 3 pages)
  • A covering letter explaining your suitability for the role, including how you meet the essential criteria for the role (no more than 4 pages)
  • Diversity Monitoring Questionnaire (see below)
  • Guaranteed interview scheme form – if applicable (see below)

Your completed application should be returned byMiddayonMonday 5th June2017preferably by email to or alternatively in hard copy to Gerard Whiteman at:

-Ebbsfleet Development Corporation, North Kent Police Station, Thames Way, Northfleet, Kent, DA11 8BD

Interviews will be held inJune.

Diversity Monitoring

The Ebbsfleet Development Corporation is committed to providing equal opportunities for all and welcomes applications from candidates irrespective of race, age, disability, gender, marital status, religion, sexual orientation, transgender or working patterns.

Please complete the form at Appendix 3and return it with your application

Please note the form will not be treated as part of your application.The data will be treated in the strictest confidence, and will be used for monitoring and statistical purposes only.

Guaranteed Interview Scheme

The Ebbsfleet Development Corporation uses the guaranteed interview scheme to help widen employment opportunities for disabled people.Applicants with disabilities who meet the criteria stated in the person specification and submit a completed 'Guaranteed Interview Scheme' form at Appendix 4will be guaranteed an interview.


If at any time during the appointments procedure you have reason to question how your application was handled you should address your concerns to the EDC Assistant Director of Finance, Vikki


The Seven Principles of Public Life


Holders of public office should act solely in terms of the public interest. They should not do so in order to gain financial or other benefits for themselves, their family or their friends.


Holders of public office should not place themselves under any financial or other obligation to outside individuals or organisations that might seek to influence them in the performance of their official duties.


In carrying out public business, including making public appointments, awarding contracts, or recommending individuals for rewards and benefits, holders of public office should make choices on merit.


Holders of public office are accountable for their decisions and actions to the public and must submit themselves to whatever scrutiny is appropriate to their office.


Holders of public office should be as open as possible about all the decisions and actions that they take. They should give reasons for their decisions and restrict information only when the wider public interest clearly demands.


Holders of public office have a duty to declare any private interests relating to their public duties and to take steps to resolve any conflicts arising in a way that protects the public interest.


Holders of public office should promote and support these principles by leadership and example.


Application Summary Form

Role applied for
Email address
Preferred contact phone number(s)
(please provide address details for the past three years)

Appendix 3

Diversity Monitoring Form

Equality and Diversity in the Ebbsfleet Development Corporation.

The Ebbsfleet Development Corporation is committed to valuing diversity and equality of opportunity for our workforce. To create a working environment in which these objectives are fully met, it is essential that we monitor our recruitment and selection procedures. Therefore, we would like you to complete the attached questionnaire.

Purpose and Benefits

  • We need to find out whether our policy is working in practice and ensure there is no discrimination in the way that we appoint and promote staff. The purpose of monitoring is to identify trends that indicate problems, so that we can remedy them. In so doing, the Corporation can adapt and amend procedures to provide a fairer and more effective posting system for all staff.

What happens to the information I supply?

  • Any information provided is treated in strict confidence and will not affect your application in any way.
  • The data will be used to produce statistical reports. These comprise a series of anonymous figures, by which we can monitor the applicant numbers and performance within different groups.
  • Only those monitoring job advertising and staff movement will have access to the data. The information collated will be used entirely anonymously, but names are included on forms to enable cross-checking between the forms and the paperwork to be undertaken by the Recruitment Team.
  • Staff involved in sifting and interviewing for the post will not see your questionnaire.
  • The information collated will not lead to a quota system nor be used against any particular group.

Helping us to help you

Your co-operation is central to building a workplace in which we all thrive; please help us to improve equal opportunities. We strongly encourage all applicants to complete and return the attached questionnaire to the recruiting manager.

We thank you in advance for your co-operation.

Name of Applicant:
Post Applied For:
It is important that you provide your name on this form so that we are able to analyse diversity details in respect of those who apply, are invited for interview, and are subsequently offered the posts. This information will not be shared with anyone involved in the sifting or interview process, and is purely for monitoring purposes.
1. Age
Date of Birth / Age

Which groups do you most identify with? Please tick  only ONE box in each of the sections below.

2. Gender
Female / Male / Do not wish to disclose
3. Disability
The Disability Discrimination Act defines a person as disabled if ''they have a physical or mental impairment, which has a substantial and long term (has lasted, or is expected to last, for at least 12 months) adverse effect on their ability to carry out normal day to day activities''.
Taking this into account, do you consider yourself to be a disabled person?
No / Yes / Do not wish to disclose
If answering Yes, please state the nature of your disability:
4. Ethnic Origin
Asian or British Asian / Black or Black British
Bangladeshi / Black African
Indian / Black Caribbean
Pakistani / Black Other*
Asian Other *
Mixed / White
White and Asian / British
White and Black African / Irish
White and Black Caribbean / Irish Traveller
Mixed Other* / White Other*
Chinese / Other Ethnic Group
Chinese / Gypsy
Other Ethnic Group*
*Any Other: Please Specify below / Do not wish to disclose
5. Sexual Orientation
Bisexual / Gay man
Heterosexual / Lesbian
Do not wish to disclose
6. Religion and Belief
Buddhist / Sikh
Christian (all denominations) / Hindu
Jewish / Other:*
Muslim / No Religion:
*Any other, please specify below / Do not wish to disclose
7. Flexible working
What is your preferred working pattern (please tick all that apply)?
Full time / Part time
Compressed hours
Annualised hours
Job share/job split

Thank you for completing this form. The information it contains will be treated in the strictest confidence.


Ebbsfleet Development Corporation

Guaranteed Interview Scheme

We are committed to actively encouraging applications from people with disabilities. Applicants with a disability are guaranteed an interview if they meet the minimum criteria for a job vacancy. The job description gives you the minimum criteria. Declaring a disability for the purposes of a guaranteed interview is your decision and is entirely voluntary.

Definition of a disability

The Equality Act 2010 (EA) generally defines a disabled person as:

  • someone who has a mental or physical impairment that has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on the person’s ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities.

We aim to select staff on suitability for the job and welcome your application if your disability does not stop you from doing the job in accordance with our responsibilities as an employer in accordance with the EA 2010.