Planning Commission Meeting

February 4, 2014

Planning Commission

Meeting Minutes

February 4, 2014

1.  Call to order/Roll Call

Chairperson Lee Bennett called to order the regular meeting of the Planning Commission at 6:50 pm on Tuesday, February 4, 2014. A roll call was conducted; the following commissioners were present:

Chairperson Lee Bennett

Greg Adams

Tom Wigginton

Cody Richards (Not Present)

City Administration:

Assistant City Manager Oliver Crane

Deputy Recorder Wanda Skinner


Walter Bird (excused at 7:50pm)

2.  Approval of Minutes from Last Meeting

On Friday, January 31, 2014, minutes & agendas were emailed to meeting attendees.

MOTION was made by Commissioner Greg Adams to approve the minutes of the January 7, 2013, Planning Commission Meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Tom Wigginton and passed unanimously.

3.  Public Comment

No Public Comment

4.  Opinion and Questions by Walter Bird

Questions were posed by Commissioners about the Horse Property Code and the Setback Code as to if they are reasonable and enforceable? Walter Bird felt a few changes to the code was necessary as stated below as well as consideration from the City Council was appropriate steps to take.

5.  Horse Property Code

It is decided pursuant to public hearing to remove from the Horse Code in the R2 Zone, Donkey for the definition, in Item B the dates are to change from July 15 to July 31, in Item D eliminate 4 & 5. The code will then be submitted to the City Council for approval and recommendation as to how to enforce it.

6.  Defining Livestock: 10-5-2

Commissioner Wigginton questioned if we need to limit the livestock definition? Chairman Bennett suggested researching and seeing what was submitted to the City Council in the definition. ACM Crane will do some research on the issues.

7.  Setback Code

As suggested from Attorney Bird, he and ACM Crane will work on wording for the Setback code and eliminate Item 2 from the code.

8.  Night Sky Code

ACM Crane explained with the new construction which will potentially come to the area, we need to protect the night sky. The Discovery School wants to bring people to the area to view the stars and by protecting the night sky from light pollution we can have economic growth. Commissioner Adams feels more research is needed, we don’t want to destroy the ambiance that we have, but how much light does it take to pollute? Commissioner Wigginton expressed concerns for new businesses and possible issues. It is decided that all members will look at useful feedback and ideas and more research will be completed.

9.  General Plan Moderate Income

ACM Crane reported the moderate income is difficult in Monticello. There is not a lot of housing available in the moderate price range and what is available, is not livable. It is going to be difficult to make a difference in the community. It will require some real brainstorming. Chairman Bennett suggested he speak with Brett Hossler from Blanding, also the San Juan Credit Union and Insurance Companies to see if any of them may have any programs available.

10.  Other Information/Discussion

Chairman Bennett asked if Cody Richards has been approved by City Council. He was approved, but a replacement is still needed for Jeremy Hoggard whose commission has expired and he is not going to continue. Commissioner Wigginton expressed the need to find some economic development for the town. Commissioner Adams reported on the activity at the Wind Farms; they are going to start pouring concrete and are applying for permits to do so.

11.  Date/Agenda Items for Next Meeting

Date of next meeting will be: Tuesday, March 4, 2014 at 6:30 p.m.

Agenda items will be: Horse Property report back to us from City Council; Define Livestock; Setback Code; Night Sky Code

12.  Adjournment

MOTION was made by Commissioner Tom Wigginton to adjourn the meeting at 8:50 p.m. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Greg Adams and passed unanimously.

ATTEST: ______

Wanda Skinner, Deputy Recorder

Minutes APPROVED by: ______DATE: ______

Lee Bennett, Chairperson

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