Planning Chart for Apologia Botany

Lesson 1: Botany

Topics / Notebook Activities / Lapbook
By Project Title / Key Words / Projects / Botany
Field Guide
Taxonomy / Create Notebook for holding pages
Narration Questions pg. 6
Older: Do one page w/ Illustration
Younger: Narrate / “On What day…”
Binomial Nomenclature
Lesson 1 Vocabulary
Latin Booklet
Taxonomy Booklet / Biology
Binomial Nomenclature / Taxonomy Exercise:
Shoe Taxonomy
Demonstrates: Classification
Supplies: Need lots of different shoes / Collect:
Page Label:
Prepare and Print out the Classification Taxonomy for Plants and put it in NB
Vascular Plants / Narration Questions pg. 9
Draw a Vascular Plant Leaf, identify the veins. Describe what makes a plant vascular and/or what the vascular system of a plant does. / Vascular vs. Non-Vascular / Midrib
Arteries / Look at a leaf and identify midrib
Supplies: Vascular Leaf / Collect:
Some vascular Leafs, prepare for FG.
Page Label:
Vascular Plants
Label the midrib
Nonvascular Plants
Seed Homes / Nonvascular
pods / Paper Towel Activity
Demonstrates water dispersal
Supplies: paper towels / Collect: Nonvascular plant specimens 3 types
Page Label: Nonvascular Plants
(Phylum Anthophyta) / Narration Questions pg. 13 / Anthophyta
Antho(flower), phyta(plant)
sperm (seed)
Angiosperm / Collect: Several types of flowering plants
Page Label: Angiosperms, Phylum Anthophyta
Label: Give the description of an angiosperm
Phylum Coniferophyta(Cone bearing plant) / Gymno (uncovered)
Sperm (seed)
Conifer (cone bearer)
Phyta (plant) / Collect: Take pictures of some cone bearing plants, collect a sample if possible of part of a cone
Page Label: Gymnosperms, Phylum Coniferophyta
Label: Give the description of a gymnosperm
Seedless Vascular Plants
Phylum Pterophyta
(Wing Plants) / Ptero (wing)
Phyta (plant)
Sporangia (Spore Container)
Angia (container)
*spores are not seeds b/c they have no food
* they will never make a flower b/c they do not need to make a seed / Collect: Ferns with spores, show both sides in FG
Page Label: Seedless Vascular Plants, Phylum Pterophyta
Label: Spores
Nonvascular Plants: Phylum Bryophyta
(Moss Plants) / Narration Questions pg. 16
Illustrate: The 4 types of plants. Angiosperm, Gymnosperm, Seedless Vascular, & Non Vascular
Older: Write down the features of each plant which cause it to be classified in that group / Nonvascular Plants
Bryo (Moss) / Term 1 Main Ongoing Project:
Making a Light Hut and Growing Herbs
*(This project can be started anytime during term 1) / Collect: moss
Page Label: Nonvascular Plants: Phylum Bryophyta (Moss Plants)
Fungus, Algae
* Lichens are not moss
Decide what herbs to grow pg. 18 has some good suggestions

Lesson 2: Seeds

Take Off Your Coat / Narration Questions pg. 24 / Lesson 2 Vocabulary / Dormant, dormire (to sleep), seedling, embryo, testa, hilum,
5 Parts of a Seed Embryo:
cotyledons, radicle, hypocotyl, epicotyl, plumule / Project: “Open a Seed “ pg. 24
Supplies: Magnifying glass, sunflower seed, and several bean seeds
Begin soaking a few of the bean seeds in hot water 30 min. before you begin the lesson.
Locate the “belly button” or Hilum of the seeds, the 5 main parts of the embryo in the seed
Inside the Seed / Illustrate: the different parts of the seed (refer to free NB pages)
Older: Describe what each part does (just a definition is fine) / Draw and label a seed / Endosperm
(food for the embryo)
What do these do?
cotyledons, radicle, hypocotyl, epicotyl, plumule
Germination / Narration Questions pg. 28 / Germination Booklet / germination / Germination Project pg. 29
Dicotyledons / Mono (one), Di (two) / Nature Walk:
Find Monocots and Dicots, Draw them in your notebook, and label them
Option 2: Find pics on the internet, cut them out put in NB and label them and M. or D. / Collect: several monocotyledons, and several Dicotyledons examples
Page Label: 2 Pages one for each
LabelIn the Description tell why they are called Mono and Di (Label the difference)
Ongoing Project: Start a seed collection, pg. 34 has a seed collection pattern

Lesson 3: Flowers

Even the Flowers Obey
Making Seeds / Narration Questions pg. 39 / God’s design for Angiosperms Booklet
Label the Flower Booklet / Herbivores, carnivores, dissecting, anatomy / Flower Dissectionpg. 38
Older: Using pg. 41 Draw and label a flower with all the parts
Flower Parts:
Sepals, calyx, corolla, petals, nectar
Male Flower Parts
Stamen, filament, anther,
Female Parts
Carpel, stigma, style, ovary, ovules
Flower Families / Name the Flowers Booklet
Lesson 3 Vocabulary / Composite flowers
Ray flowers / Build a Clay Model of a Flower pg. 48 / Collect: Pictures from Internet of both types
Page Label: Composite Flowers, Ray Flowers (2 pages, 1 for each)
Label: Describethe differences of each
Preserve a Fresh Flower pg. 48
Carnivorous Plants
Venus Flytrap Family
Bladderwort Family
Pitcher Plant Family
Sundew Family / Narration Questions pg. 46
Younger:Draw your favorite flower from the lesson
Write/Dictate: How does a carnivorous plant trap and digest an animal, provide an illustration / Carnivorous Plants Booklet / Carn (Meat), carnivorous, Venus Flytrap, Bladderwort, Pitcher Plant, Sundews / Nature Walk Activity:
Using a magnifying glass study flowers notice the different parts. Pick one to sketch and color for your notebook / Collect: Pictures from Internet of both types
Page Label: Venus Flytrap, Bladderwort, Pitcher Plant, Sundews Label: Describethe differences of each

Lesson 4: Pollination

Animal Pollination
Creation Confirmation
A Bee’s Landing Pad / OrchidNB Activity p. 54
Illustrate: Using colored pencils, design a flower that looks like a living creature.
Write/Dictate about the special way it will get pollinated / Self-Pollination Booklet / Self-pollination, nectaries, evolutionists, evolution, landing pad
Flower Color
Nectar Guides
A Bee’s Ultraviolet Vision
Getting the Pollen / Bees Booklet / Visible spectrum, infrared light, ultraviolet light, nectar guides / Flower Pollination pg. 60
Note: You will need a Q-tip, a couple of attached flowers for this lesson
You will be demonstrating self pollination
Bat Pollinators / Illustrate: Using 4 template pages, draw each pollinator
Write/Dictate: How they pollinate / Other Animals that Pollinate Flowers Booklet / Proboscis, nocturnal
Wind Pollination
Why Most Flowers Do Not Self- Pollinate
The Pollinated Flower / Narration Questions pg. 46
Illustrate: What you found interesting, provide a title for your picture
Write/Dictate: What you found interesting / “How does pollination” Booklet
What Happens After Booklet / Comic Strip Activity pg. 68
Make a ButterflyGarden pg. 69

Lesson 5: Fruit

Fruits (pgs. 71-80)
Human Dispersal
Water Dispersal
Wind Dispersal
Mechanical Dispersal
Animal Dispersal
Little Gardeners
Seed Droppings
Scattered Seeds / Narration Questions pg. 75
Illustrate: Using 5 pages of paper draw the 5 types of seed dispersal.
Writing/Dictate:Describe what is taking place / Seed Dispersal Booklet
George de Mestral Booklet
Botany Dominoes Booklet / Seed Dispersal / Examine a Burr under a microscope pg. 79
Fruit Types
(Skip for younger children)
Fleshy Fruits
Dry Fruits / Fleshy Fruits Booklet
Dry Fruits Booklet / Pepo, Hesperidium, Pome, Grain or caryopsis, pods or legumes, capsules, follicle, achene, samaras / A Nutty Game pg. 83-84
Project Split Squash: Spiritual Application ~ Planting Seeds
Which Flies Farthest? Pg. 86