Town of Plymouth

Planning Board Meeting

Plymouth Town Hall

Plymouth, NH 03264

October 1, 2015

FINAL – Approved 12-3-15

MEMBERS PRESENT: Mike Ahern (Chair), John Kelly, Rebecca Hanson (ConCom Rep), Bill Bolton (Selectman’s Rep.), Steve Rhodes (Vice Chair), Steve Whitman (Alternate)

OTHERS PRESENT: Sharon Penney, Community Planner


CALL TO ORDER: Mr. Ahern called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Roll call of members was completed.




Site Plan Review PID 212-029 Pemi Valley Habitat for Humanity retail store, 583 Tenney Mountain Highway (change of use):

·  Mr. Frank McClane spoke in regards to this project. He stated that they are moving their business from Holderness to Plymouth. They are relocating to the old Lakes Region Community Services building on Tenney Mountain Highway. They service 14 towns by building homes for families, with Plymouth being the center location of the surrounding towns. He noted on the plan that the shaded area is the space they will be occupying as the other areas are already occupied.

·  Ms. Hanson made a motion to accept the application as complete, seconded by Mr. Kelly. All in favor.

Public Hearing opened:

·  Mr. Ahern opened the public hearing at 6:35pm.

·  Mr. Frank Miller spoke in favor of the project. He feels this is good use for the building and a perfect area for this business.

·  Ms. Susan Mathison, member of the board for Pemi Valley Habitat for Humanity. She noted this store is one of the biggest revenue sources for the 14 towns they service. Their operation is supported by donations, so they hope with the new location and more traffic this will increase their donations and sales. They are woven throughout the community with several volunteers in several different locations. This is more of a community resource of people giving of themselves and helping others.

Public Hearing closed:

·  Mr. Ahern closed the public hearing at 6:37pm.

·  Mr. Bolton asked about the striping of lines for parking spaces.

·  Mr. McClane noted that there is nothing on the plans, however if this is a condition of approval then they have no problem doing that. He stated there are none there and never have been.

·  Ms. Penney noted that she and Brian Murphy looked at the lot and there are lines there but are quite faded. They concur they should paint the lines due to the cross traffic from O’Reilly Auto Parts.

·  Mr. Whitman noted his concern regarding signage.

·  Ms. Penney stated she felt this is a good opportunity to find out the applicants sign ideas.

·  Mr. McClane noted the sign there now is a 5x5 round sign that is backlit. The owner of the property said they could use this sign. He stated they really do not want a backlit sign. He stated they are looking at putting a rectangular sign on the front of the building under the eaves of the roof.

·  Ms. Penney stated this requires a permit, so when he has a sketch ready to come in the Town Hall and speak with Brian Murphy.

·  Ms. Mathison asked if a sign in a window needs a permit.

·  Ms. Penney stated they do not, however to just speak with Brian Murphy in regards to window signs.

·  Mr. Ahern asked if they are going to have storage outside the building.

·  Mr. McClane stated that they do have a box trailer which he was told by the owner they could store the trailer out back out of sight.

·  Mr. Ahern asked if they will have anything stored outside such as doors and windows.

·  Mr. McClane & Ms. Mathison stated they will have storage in the trailer only.

·  Mr. Ahern asked about outside lighting and are they going to be open at night.

·  Mr. McClane and Ms. Penney noted there is minimal outside lighting and stated their hours will only be until 5:00pm.

·  Mr. Whitman made a motion to approve the application with the following two conditions:

§  Paint lines in the parking area.

§  Follow through with the application process for signage.

The motion was seconded by Mr. Bolton. All in favor.

Presentation by Plymouth Village Water & Sewer District-System Overview:

·  Ms. Merelise O’Connor, District Administrator introduced herself to the Board as well as Mr. Jason Randall, Superintendent. She stated that he has been with them for about a year and are happy to have him. She noted that he prepared a presentation for the Board that may answer questions they may have about the water & sewer district.

·  Mr. Randall prepared a power point presentation to the Board on Water & Sewer Capacity & Future Planning. The presentation included the following:

§  The background of the Water & Sewer District’s Infrastructure

§  The planning process

§  Assessment needs

§  Capital Improvement Plan

§  Next Steps

·  Mr. Kelly asked if the Tenney Mountain projects were all developed, would Plymouth Village Water and Sewer be able to keep up with all the development.

·  Mr. Randall stated that the sewer system would be able to keep up. He stated that Tenney Mountain ski area has their own water system.

·  Mr. Kelly asked if they are concerned about the road salt destroying the water system.

·  Ms. O’Connor clarified that there is water up to Walmart and that the power point shows the capacity capabilities. She noted that for the foreseeable future there is plenty of capacity for sewer.

·  Mr. Randall noted that the capacity for the water depends on elevation. Boosters may be needed in certain areas in the future.

·  Ms. Hanson asked about storm water capacity.

·  Mr. Randall and Ms. O’Connor stated that would be the Highway or State Departments.

Continuation-Site Plan Review PID 212-046 Riverside Landing from September 17th, 2015:

·  Mr. Will Davis with Horizons Engineering spoke on behalf of the applicant. He stated that they have coordinated with Mike Vignale, Town Engineer on his comments. They have provided a letter and revised plan sets. Mr. Vignale is satisfied with their response and revised plan sets. They have also received their approved permit for alteration of terrain from the state. He noted that if there are any questions that they can address them. He would first like to address the three concerns the Board had at the last meeting. The following are the responses for the three concerns:

§  Infiltration System-They have completed a full plan of the property (sheet #201) that shows the infiltration system as well as the new retail store. As each pad is developed they would have to have an underground chamber system for runoff for that particular project.

§  Side-walk and road widening-The new lot coverage is 58%, so they are under the 75%. He did have an additional letter from Steve Pernaw, traffic engineer. He stated he feels there would not be a significant increase in traffic for the intersection from this project and noted he does not think there needs to be anything done to that plan at this time.

§  Added landscaping on the north side parking lot-They have added a row of plants on the north side. Due to changes and lack of space, they had to modify the landscaping near the hotel entrance.

·  Ms. Penney noted that they have received a condition of approval from Plymouth Water and Sewer depending on the outcome of tonight’s meeting.

·  Mr. Rhodes made a motion to approve the project, seconded by Mr. Kelly. All in favor. Application approved.


·  Ms. Penney asked that the Board put the print she gave them of the skateboard park in their back pocket for now. She will keep everyone updated on this as the process has changed. She gave the Board a quick overview on the Foster Street project. The Board of Selectmen, the Highway Department, DOT and Ms. Penney have been working together on this project. The latest issue is dealing with federal funding. The funding was originally going to go through the NHDOT as a Force Account Project, however, is now coming from another source so this is holding things up a little. The project will be going out for bid requests in the next couple of months. Everyone will be working together to state any concerns regarding environmental impact.


·  Mr. Ahern advised the Board that he will temporarily be leaving the Planning Board to fill in a vacancy as a member of the Board of Selectmen. He noted that Mr. Rhodes will be the temporary chairman, Ms. Hanson will be the temporary vice chair and they need to nominate someone as the non-recording secretary. This will be his last Planning Board meeting for a few months.

·  Mr. Bolton made a motion to elect Mr. Kelly as the non-recording secretary, seconded by Mr. Rhodes. All in favor.






·  Mr. Kelly made a motion to adjourn; motion seconded by Mr. Bolton. All in favor. Meeting adjourned at 8:27p.m.


The public is invited to attend all meetings of the Planning Board. During official public hearings, the public is welcome to speak. For other items the public may speak at the discretion of the chair/board. Files on the applications and items above are available for inspection in the Planning Department in Town Hall, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. These applications and items are subject to change prior to final action. Contact the Planning Department if you have questions or comments about these or any related matters or if you have a disability requiring special provisions for your participation at 536-1731 or you can e-mail the Town Planner, Sharon Penney at: spenney@plymouth-nh.​org.

Respectfully Submitted,

Lisa Vincent

Plymouth Planning Board Meeting Minutes

October 1, 2015

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