Planning Applications List with Recommendation for 1st February 2017Planning Committee

Item No / Reference No / Proposal / Location / Recommendation / Representations
1 / A/2008/0125/F / Redevelopment of Site to Proposed Housing Development comprising 8no Semi Detached Two Storey Dwellings, 3no Detached Two Storey Dwellings, Roadway for Private Streets Determination and New Footpath Provision / Nos. 11 and 15 Ballygudden Road, Eglinton / Refuse / 9 objections (from 3 addresses)
2 / A/2010/0489/F / Amended layout from approval A/2004/0462/F with reduction from 166 units to 155 units comprised of 12no. detached, 86no. semi-detached and 57 townhouses / Lands immediately to the east of Primity Crescent, Primity Park and Silverbrook Park, Newbuildings / Refuse / 6 objections & 1 petition of objection
3 / J/2012/0069/F / Service road development linking 13 Derry Road with Ingleside Drive, including a mini roundabout on the Derry Road / Adjacent to, including and to the rear of 13 Derry Road, Strabane. / Refuse / 7 objections
4 / J/2014/0041/F / Erection of 150kw wind turbine with hub height of 31m, / 350m SE of 5 Keery Road Bready / Refuse / 0
5 / J/2015/0047/F / Erection of a 250kw wind turbine with maximum tip height of 60m (max hub height 40.5m and max rotor diameter of 39m) and all ancillary works / Approximately 279m South West of no 28 Berryhill Road, Artigarvan, Strabane / Approve / 0
6 / LA11/2015/0571/F / Proposed change of use from derelict former lounge bar to 6 No. one bedroom apartments including on-site parking, / 106 Beechwood Avenue Derry / Approve / 0
7 / LA11/2016/0215/F / Change of use from a private dwelling to a private dwelling with partial bed and breakfast ancillary use to include 3 no. guest bedrooms on the first floor and common rooms on the ground floor / 19 Clarence Avenue, Derry City / Approve / 27 objections (from 23 addresses)
Item No / Reference No / Proposal / Location / Recommendation / Representations
8 / LA11/2016/0319/O / Site for a dwelling house on a farm for owner occupation / 320 metres south east of 21 Gorticross Road, Drumahoe Londonderry / Refuse / 0
9 / LA11/2016/0432/F / An application under section 54 of the Planning Act (NI) 2011 to vary condition 2 of Planning permission J/2013/0285/F to include additional European waste catalogue (EWC) codes to be accepted as feedstock for an approved 500kw anaerobic digester / Lands to the northeast of existing concrete works and west of Orchard Road Industrial, Estate. Strabane / Approve / 1 objection
10 / LA11/2016/0573/LBC / External restoration works to facades & roof, internal re-ordering to provide commercial unit at ground level with 5 no apartments above / 9 Shipquay St, Derry / Consent Granted / 0
11 / LA11/2016/0578/F / External restoration and internal change of use from class A2 - Financial and offices above to class A1 - Retail and 5 no. Residential apartments above / 9 Shipquay St, Derry / Approve / 0
12 / LA11/2016/0746/O / Proposed site for dwelling and garage / lands between 10 and 12 McLean Road,
Londonderry. / Refuse / 0
13 / LA11/2016/0731/LBC / Conservation and extension of buildings 10, 10A, 11 and 17 to create new Craft Distillery and Visitor Centre, relocation of existing pillars to form access to new service yard / Buildings 10, 10A, 11 and 17 Ebrington Square, Derry. / Consent Granted / 0
Item No / Reference No / Proposal / Location / Recommendation / Representations
14 / LA11/2016/0734/F / Change of use and extension of buildings 10, 10A, 11 and 17 from former military barracks to new craft distillery and visitor centre
Building 10 and 10A: Change of use from former guard house and jail to visitor exhibition area
Building 11: Change of use from former barrack store to distillery mash house
Building 17: Change of use from former barrack masters house to guided tour and tasting area, café & corporate boardroom / Ebrington Square, Derry. / Approve / 0
15 / LA11/2016/0821/F / New play park including railings and plinth walls, gates, play equipment, paths, seats, planting, grassing work / Lands adjacent to the front of house numbers 98 99 and 100 Mourne Park and to the rear of house numbers 1-3 Mourne Walk Newtownstewart / Approve / 0
16 / LA11/2016/0822/F / New play park including new play equipment, fencing, and gates, footpaths, seats, signage, tree planting and grassing and a new Multi Use Games Area and surrounding ball stop fencing / Lands to the Northwest and adjacent to Bready Cricket Club 70 Keery Road Magheramason BT47 2SU and to the front of House Numbers 45 46 47 and 48 Blackstone Park BT47 2SB Magheramson / Approve / 0
17 / LA11/2016/1005/F / 3 metre extension to existing MUGA fence facing onto Rosemount Avenue; From 5 metres to 8 metres / Brooke Park, Rosemount Avenue, Derry / Approve / 0
Item No / Reference No / Proposal / Location / Recommendation / Representations
18 / LA11/2016/0590/F / Erection of 14 dwellings (amendment to previously approved housing layout approved under J/2007/0200/F reducing proposed numbers by 5 dwellings) / Site at Victoria Meadows, Magheramason, Co.Derry. / Approve / 0