Curriculum Vitae

James Hassado Haido (B.Sc. M.Sc.)

(Structural Civil Engineering)

Personal Data

Surname: Haido

Forenames: James Hassado

Gender: Male

Marital Status: Married

Date and Place of Birth: 28/12/1980, Dohuk , Iraq

Nationality: Iraqi

Academic Status: Assistant Lecturer

Languages: Assyrian (mother tongue), English and Arabic (spoken and written)

Address for Correspondence: Dept. of Civil Engg., College of Engineering , The University of Dohuk, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.


Mobile Phone: 00964 750 4503573

Education and Qualifications

(A)  Schooling

1987-1991 Hindreen Primary School, Dohuk-Iraq

1991-1994 Ashty Intermediate School, Dohuk-Iraq

1994-1998 Kawa Secondary School, Dohuk-Iraq

(B)  University

1998-2002 B.Sc. study in the Dept. of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, the University of Dohuk, Iraq.

2003-2006 M.Sc. in Structures study in the Dept. of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering ,The University of mosul, Iraq.


July.2002 - Oct.2003 Laboratory Engineer in Civil Engg. Department-University of Dohuk, Iraq.

2006 - To present ,Assistant Lecturer, Dept. of Architecture, College of Engineering ,The University of Dohuk, Iraq.

Professional Experience

(1)  Teaching undergraduate courses in Steel Design, Concrete Technology and Engineering Mechanic.

(2)  Supervision of undergraduate students’ projects.

(3)  Supervised engineer in the society of the Assyrian affairs on the many constructional projects in Dohuk city and its villages.

Research and Publications

- M.Sc. Thesis entitled “Dynamic Analysis of Plates using Finite Layer Method”

-“Free Vibration Analysis of Rectangular Plates using Higher Order Finite Layer”, AL-Rafidain Engineering Journal Vol.15, No.3, 2007 , pp. 19-32.

-“Forced Vibration Analysis of Rectangular Plates using Higher Order Finite Layer”, AL-Rafidain Engineering Journal Vol.16, No.5, 2008, pp. 43- .

-“Numerical Simulation of Interaction Between Slab –Type Brigdes and Moving Vehicles”, International Conference on Innovative and Smart Structural Systems for Sustainable Habitat, 3-5th Jan. 2008.


-  Member of the Kurdistan Engineers Union since 2002.

Training and Workshops

-  Workshop on Teaching Methods (two weeks), The University of Dohuk 2006.


(1) Dr. Ayad Amjad Abdul-Razzak

Dept. of Civil Engineering

College of Engineering

The University of Mosul

Mobile Phone 00964 7705802601

(2) Dr. Kanaan Sliwo Youkhanna

Dept. of Civil Engineering

College of Engineering

The University of Dohuk

Mobile Phone 00964 7504696793