School / Cesar Chavez HS / Teacher / Mrs. C. GrimesDepartment / Mathematics / Course Title / Geometry Lab 1-2 / Course Code / 6304
Number of Credits / ½ per Semester / Grade Level / 10th / Prerequisite(s) / Algebra 1-2
Teacher Contact Information: E-Mail: (This is the best way to contact me.)
Phone: 602-764-4000 extension: 44513
Room 3104
1. Course Description: / Geometry Lab will provide more instruction time using a hands-on approach for the student who needs additional mathematics support in Geometry. Students will be placed in Geometry 1-2 as well as in Geometry Lab. Only elective math credit is awarded for this course. Students will receive a Proficient or Not Proficient mark (P/NP).
2. Materials Required: / 1. Notebooks
2. Paper
3. Pencils and erasers
4. Hi-liters
5. Colored pencils
6. 3 ring binder
3. Grading System: / Students must have a 60% or higher average score on all coursework to receive a grade of Proficient. There are no midterm exams, final exams or extra credit for this class.
Grades will be based on Participation, Attendance, Projects, & the growth made on the “Think though Math” computer program.
Accommodations and modifications will be provided in alignment with all IEP and 504 plans
Information about student progress can be accessed at
4. Title 1 Program: / Academic tutoring and test preparation is available to all students. Additional support for passing classes and graduating on time is the intent of these services. Support through Title I funding is available in the areas of: math, reading and English. If interested, please contact the Principal, Mr. M. Georgia or the Assistant Principal for Instruction, Dr. M. Delgado for additional information at 602-764-4010 or
5. Make-up Policy: / Any non-passing score will need to be made up by the student. The student may come for help during advisory or make an appointment with the teacher.
6. Attendance: / “Absent” is defined as nonattendance in an assigned class or activity for more than one-half of the period. (PUHSD Governing Board Policy J-1561 JHR)
“Tardy” is defined as not being in the assigned class or activity when the tardy bell has finished ringing. (PUHSD Governing Board Policy J-1561 JHR)
Students may fail the class for the semester in any course, when reaching a total of 12 excused/unexcused absences and after school-documented interventions have been exhausted. (Student Procedures Handbook page 22)
7. Absences: / Attending class on time every day is the best way to ensure student success. If a student is absent (s)he will need to complete any work that is missed as soon as possible, however, participation points will not be able to be made up.
To excuse an absence please call the attendance hotline at 602-764-4001.
8. Classroom Procedures: / v Come to class on time ready to work and learn
ü Bring assignments & quizzes from your Geometry class, so you can get help, get them completed, or make corrections.
ü If you are working on a project, be sure your materials are brought, so the project can be completed.
v Conduct yourself in a manner promoting a positive learning environment. This means being respectful, and using your manners.
v Students will remain in assigned seats unless they are given permission to move.
v No food, gum, or drinks. (Water is only exception.)
v All school policies and procedures will be followed.
v Electronic devices are prohibited in the classroom and are subject to confiscation and will be turned over to security. Your school and its employees are not responsible for any loss or theft of electronic devices.
v Students must wear ID’s at all times.
9. Expectations from teachers: / We, the teachers and administrators of Cesar Chavez High School, have high expectations for all of our students. We expect our students to challenge themselves and perform to the best of their ability.
10. Parent Experience: / Please follow your student’s progress on-line through Parent-Vue. Parent-Vue allows you to view the student’s information, attendance, academic progress and missing assignments. This can be found on the Cesar Chavez home page, under the Parent drop-down menu.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about your student’s academic progress in the class
I’m looking forward to a wonderful year, working as a team member with you to help your student succeed.
Please fill out the following page, and have your student return it to me by the end of the week.
Mrs. C. Grimes
Return only this page. Both sides should be completed.
To be filled out by the student:
1. My hobby, or hobbies, is/are:
2. The sports and clubs I am involved in at CCHS are:
3. My long term career goal is:
4. The college or university I would like to attend is:
5. I made a ______in Algebra 1 and a ______in Algebra 2.
I think (know) made these grades because I:
6. My strongest subject in school is:
And the reason I think this is because:
7. I think my weakest subject is:
And the reason I think this is because:
8. I work at: and my hours are:
9. Other things I think you should know about me are: