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Eucharistic Examen

A Personal Discernment

(This reflection is taken from LIFE TEEN: Core Values Retreat). Using the Mass and looking at it through a lens of living a Eucharistic spirituality, use the following as a practical ‘examine’ and discernment of your heart and mind (use as a discernment of where God is calling you to serve – Youth Ministry or elsewhere):


Am I offering God my gifts and talents, allowing Him to do as He pleases? Have I surrendered to His will for my vocation? (For returning Core: A sure sign of burnout in this area is feeling like God isn’t using you the way He should be. Stop and think – He’s God, right? Doesn’t He know what’s best?)


Am I seeking the peace of God in all things? Am I looking for that peace as a sign of knowing I am where He wants me? (For returning Core: A sign of burnout here would be a constant feeling of being irritated and impatient with life and those around me – do I feel that way often? Especially about the people I am in ministry with?)


Am I honest with God and myself about my struggles? Am I honest in seeking grace through the Sacraments, especially Reconciliation? (For returning Core: A sign here would be if you’re always quick to complain about the faults of others, and quick to justify your failings.)


Am I selfless in my giving? Do I take the teens for granted? Do I take my parish for granted? (For returning Core: Honestly, the chief sign here is a lack of wanting to serve. There’s a difference between feeling tired and being burnt out. Tired is when you know what’s right, but you’re wrestling with it. That’s very human and fine. Burnout is when you really just feel like, ‘it’s not my turn,’ or ‘I did that last week; let someone else do it.’ When these attitudes arise, be careful and pay attention. The next place these things will show up is in your fidelity to the Eucharist. Without that, we lose both heart and faith – one thing that God does not want for you.)

A Life Teen Core Member

What Core Is

Everyone has a baptismal call to serve. A Core Member is an adult who is responding to his or her baptismal call to serve in youth ministry. Life Teen (LT) is a movement where you can be in a healthy, ministerial relationship with young people. The goal of the relationship is to lead teens closer to Christ.

A Core Member has a two-fold mission: to be in a mentor-type relationship with teens and to help them understand their Catholic faith. It is “both/and” not “either/or.” Being a Core Member is about catechesis and relational ministry; it is about both teaching and listening. Teens are looking for authentic adults who will listen and walk with them on their journey of faith.

What Core Is Not

LT should not be a social outlet for you. Nor should it be used as a way for you to build self-esteem. Additionally, your role as a Core Member should not be used as a tool to establish or deepen your own spirituality. Although you will develop good friendships and experience rewards as a Core Member, you must remain socially and emotionally balanced.

Who is a Life Teen Core Member?

There is a misconception that only young adults can be effective Core Members. Here at Holy Family our Core Members range in all ages, all walks of life, and all spiritual levels. All Core Members bring a vital part to our Core Team. All that is needed is a faithful heart, a willing spirit, a love for God’s teens, and a desire to help lead them to Christ.

Core Spirituality

CalledYou are called by God to this ministry. You cannot appoint yourself to this purpose. It is good to have zeal for your ministry, but with that, your response must be a true calling. Your motivation is critical. You cannot enter ministry out of a need for attention or to be part of a community to fulfill your personal needs. Your response must be to a simple desire to follow Christ’s call.

ChangeYou must admit that we are all a work in progress. While Life Teen requires that you are spiritually sound to be an effective Core Member, we recognize this is an ongoing process. We all must strive to be free from afflictions that diminish our effectiveness. Change hinges on effort and discipline.

AcceptanceYou must learn to accept your limitations without a spirit of dejection. Limits help you realize your dependence on God and recognize your ministry can be accomplished only through Him.

ObedienceYour call requires you to be in obedience to the parish priest, the youth minister, and the officials of our Church. This includes obedience to the teachings of the Catholic Church, not only in word, but also in deed. (1 John 3:18)

SelflessThe heart of a Core Member’s work is to serve selflessly and wholeheartedly. As you are challenged in your work with time, energy, and conflict, you must replace self with faith.

SacrificeTo serve as a Core Member is to put another’s welfare ahead of your own. That is sacrifice. It is important that you protect your heart from any resentment that might come from sacrifice.

DiscernmentWhen it is your time to move on, you must do that. In ministry, your work is never done, but your role as a Core Member may be complete. You must always discern the call to this ministry and accept a call in a different direction.

HumilityYou must constantly be in check with your use of time, your dress, and your communication. Strive to be an attentive listener, and in service to others rather than to self.

Behavior Above QuestionYou must always conduct yourself in a manner that is above reproach.

Forgiveness & PrayerWe all accept mistakes as a part of everyday life. We forgive, pray, and move on. You must hold in prayer each and every person you serve. Daily prayer is an integral part of being on Core.

Taken from the Two Core Handbooks: Practical Guide for Core Members & 10 Things Every Core Member Should know.

Life Teen Youth Ministry @ Holy Family

Life Nights

(Sundays from 6:00-8:00 p.m.)

Life Nights give you teaching opportunities through weekly events which bring to life our Catholic faith and relevant issues. Teens can openly share the experience of a young Catholic today. These Catechetical nights are presented in a manner consistent with the teachings of the Catholic Church and provide a comprehensive, systematic curriculum over four years. The format is “Gather, Proclaim, Break, Send” just as the Mass does. Gather draws the teens in and introduces the topic for the night in a video, game, skit, etc. Proclaim is the teaching or witness talk for the night. Break is probably the most important part of the night, allowing teens to ‘break open’ the topic and digest it. Send allows for closing prayer and ‘sends teens forth.’

Core Member Responsibilities

Time Commitment:

 Attend Core Retreats (Saturday in August & January, approx 9a-4p)

  • Retreat focuses on spirituality, fellowship, and planning for the upcoming semester

 Core Members should plan to be at Holy Family from 4:00-8:30 p.m. every Sunday to help with set-up, reviewing the Life Night, and clean-up; occasional Sunday’s require an earlier start

 Above & beyond / Optional

  • Pizza & Prayer (weekly bible study) on Wed’s from 7-9 p.m. It is a great way to dive deeper with teens both in fellowship and spiritually.
  • Retreats are the number one way that teens connect with their faith, so we have retreats very regularly. Core Members will always have 1st priority to attend all Retreats (based on number of adults needed; Confirmation Catechists get priority on Confirmation retreats). On retreats Core are needed to give talks/share a witness and help to facilitate small groups
  • Core Members also receive priority in attending other overnight trips or retreats such as: Catholic Heart Workcamp (CHWC) Mission Trip, Steubenville-Atlanta, Junior/Senior Retreat, XLT Atlanta’s, XLT Covecrest, Covecrest Summer Camp
  • In youth ministry you have to go where the teens are. That being said, it is highly encouraged that if you have the time commitment to do so – go out and support our teens – whether it is in the theatre for drama and dance or on the field or court for a sporting event. Try to go in two’s if at all possible – after all, Jesus sent his disciples out two by two!

General Responsibilities:

 Uphold the Core Spirituality listed above (and in the handbook)

 Be prepared (having read through the Life Night) and arrive on time

 Facilitate small group discussions

 If you feel called to give a talk, prepare a video, run a game, etc. please do so – share your gifts!!

 Intentional Discipleship: Get to know the teens & build relationships with them

  • Strive to get to know your I.D. Teens first and foremost.
  • Greet teens at the door or in the food line. The last thing we ever want is for a teen to feel unwelcomed.
  • Try to avoid standing around and talking with fellow Core Members – instead go out and spend time with the teens. Please remember when you are with teens they are our number one priority.

Life Nights 2015-2016 – Important Dates for Core Team

Core Retreat

TENTATIVE DATES: Sat, Aug 8th OR Sat, Aug 15th

Sunday, August 16th from 6:00-8:00 p.m.

Life Teen Kick-Off: BE REAL (First Series) (Parish Center)

Set-up will likely begin around 3/3:30 p.m.

Saturday, August 22nd – Required for NEW Core; Optional for Returning Core – Catechist Formation Day @ Transfiguration (FREE EVENT)


(Year 1 Confirmation: Sept 25-27 / Fall: Oct 23-25 / Year 2 Confirmation: Jan 29-31 / Spring: Feb 27)

Core Member Responsibilities

Core Members are not required, but are highly recommended to attend retreats. This allows you to continue your Life Night small group dynamic and community on the retreat, because you have already developed relationships with these teens. Core Members are asked to assist in planning retreats if they are able to make that time commitment. On retreats, core members help to lead small groups, share faith talks and witnesses, etc.

Pizza & Prayer

(Wednesdays from 7-9 p.m.)

Teens gather at 7; they hang out, play pool, talk, and catch up with friends. At 7:30 the environment transitions, as the teens gather around candles with bibles to read, reflect, and discuss the scripture for the upcoming Sunday. At 8:30 pizza arrives and we break for the night. The last thirty minutes is spent eating, socializing, and playing pool. It is a great mix of fellowship and scripture, and a way to see how scripture fits into our lives.

Core Member Responsibilities

This is a great opportunity for Core Members to build relationships with teens through fellowship in a small group setting. Pizza & Prayer is TEEN DRIVEN conversation, with Core Members occasionally helping to guide teens through dialogue on scripture or posing questions that may lead them to further discussion or understanding of scripture. You do not have to be a scripture genius! This is a fantastic opportunity for YOU to learn more about scripture and how it applies to your life.


Confirmation Catechist Responsibilities

Catechists help prepare teens for Confirmation, by teaching them about Catholic faith and tradition, while also helping them to develop their relationship with Christ through prayer and scripture. The setting is a mix of both classroom and small group (modified from a Life Teen model). Catechists are needed for both Year 1 and Year 2 classes, which are offered at times listed below.

Summer Session 1Sun, May 31st (12-6p) / Mon, June 1st – Thurs, June 4th (1-6p)

Summer Session 2Sun, July 26th (12-6p) / Mon, July 27th – Thurs, July 30th (10a-3:30p)

Additionally, there is a retreat for Year 1 (Sept 25-27, 2015) and for Year 2 (Jan 29-31, 2016) that we highly recommend you attend as a small group leader.

Core Volunteer Form for 2015-2016

Please return to Christen Aquino as soon as possible.


For Seasoned Core Members

□ I am RETURNING for 2015-2016; see below□ I will NOT be returning for 2015-2016

Please check where you feel called to serve:

□ CORE TEAM: Life Night Sundays from 4:00-8:30 p.m.

Which retreat date(s) are you available? Circle all that apply: Sat, Aug 8thSat, Aug 15th

□ Pizza & Prayer: Wednesdays from 7:00-9:00 p.m.

□ Confirmation - Circle Available:Summer Session 1Summer Session 2

Please list any days/times during session you are UNAVAILABLE during that session:

□ SUB - Circle all that apply: Life Nights Pizza & Prayer Confirmation

Is there another ministry or volunteer position in which you would like to serve? If so, please share what you would be willing to help out with:

Do you have children in Faith Formation? Y NAre any in the high school program? Y N

Core Member Birthday (MM/DD): Best Number to reach you at:

Email Address:


If you are new, you will need to set up a time for an interview.

Please note the days/times that typically work best for your schedule.