September 2016

Plainview-Old Bethpage 7/8 Choir


Mr. Lombardo, Director



Please read through the expectations and grading policies below and sign on the second page. Please return the second page only to Mr. Lombardo by Friday, September 16th.

Tips to Succeed:

ü  Be responsible by arriving on time to rehearsal. Please be seated and ready with all choir materials before the bell rings to start rehearsal. For a lateness to be “excused,” you MUST bring a pass to class.

ü  Be prepared with a folder, pencils, and highlighter at every class. Remember, this is a graded class, not a club.

ü  Be attentive: Sit in your assigned seat with good singing posture and listen well.

ü  Be respectful of Mr. Lombardo, your classmates, and the choir classroom. (There are also NO cell phones allowed during rehearsal. If a cell phone makes an appearance, it will be confiscated and delivered to the main office, to be picked up the next day by a parent/guardian).

ü  Practice outside of rehearsal helps the entire group to grow and succeed. Since our rehearsal time is limited, it is important that you practice outside of school as well. I will check this through sectionals during rehearsal where small groups will sing their part on each song.

ü  Have fun and strive for excellence! Come to rehearsal prepared to smile, work hard, and make great music.

Choir Grading Policy:

Ø  Attendance = 30%

Ø  Preparedness and participation = 30%

Ø  Assessments = 20%

Ø  Concert attendance = 20% (Attendance is mandatory for winter and spring concerts)

(Attendance records and grades will be kept up to date on Infinite Campus through the grade book.)

Excused Absences: An excused absence requires a note from home or the doctor. Our time together is limited and I value each minute of rehearsal. We can only create a successful ensemble if all members of the ensemble are present. If a situation arises, please come talk to me beforehand.

Please KEEP the first page of this contract for your own reference. Turn in this page, signed, to Mr. Lombardo by Friday, September 16th.