Requirements / To earn an A / To earn a B / To earn a C / To earn a D
Sources / 8 / 6 / 4 / 2
Note cards / 16 / 12 / 8 / 4
Number of pages in book / 12 / 11 / 10 / 9
Quotes within book / 10 quotes & quotes contain accurate/scientific information & well explained / 8 quotes & information is accurate but not well explained / 6 quotes & some information is not accurate / 4 quotes & information is incorrect
Works Cited = Use Easy / MLA Format / MLA / Not in MLA / Not included
Illustration included and referenced in text / Yes / Yes / No / No
Pop-Ups & 3D components / The book is extremely neat & creative, 3 pop ups / The book is interesting and fairly neat and 2 pop ups / The book is complete but lacks in creativity and has 1 pop up / The book is incomplete or illegible and does not contain pop ups

Parent Signature______

Child Signature______

Plagiarism Statement

By signing this paper, I am confirming the writing, art work and designs in this project are mine and not the work of any other person. I understand my teacher reserves the right to review my resources to confirm all work submitted is my own. If my teacher determines I have copied another person’s work, I understand I will receive a grade of 0 for the project and will not be able to make up the assignment. I realize that I may not copy and paste any picture from the internet unless the source is sited.

Student Signature: ______

Parent Signature______

As stated in the Gorzycki handbook:

Academic Integrity: We expect that all students strive to learn the subject they are being taught during their time at Gorzycki. The material that you learn in middle school builds the foundation that will carry you into your future academic endeavors. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that our students do their own work, give credit to those who work they have used in a paper or project, and have the integrity to learn material and study for tests and quizzes so that they are prepared. Students who are dishonest should expect consequences. Forgery is considered academic dishonesty and will be handled accordingly.

Plagiarism: Is taking credit for another person’s work or ideas and passing them off as if they are your own. A common infraction is copying and pasting text from a website into a document without giving credit to the author. Plagiarizing copyrighted material is illegal.

Consequences for Plagiarism/Cheating:

First Offense: Zero on the assignment (can NOT be made up) Parent conference with student and teacher.

Further Offenses: Referral to the office and further disciplinary consequences.