Tamworth Borough Council

Landlord Services

Tenancy Support Directory


Mental Health and Learning Difficulties

Support Agency / Referral process / Contact details / Comments
Community Mental Health Team / By post, fax or telephone to SPA (Single Point of Access) / Andrew Ward,
Sir Robert Peel hospital
Plantation Lane
Mile Oak
Staffs B78 3NG
Tel: 01827 308820
Fax: 01827 308807 / Services are provided to adults with mental health and associated social problems, Crisis Resolution and Dementia Care
A wide variety of interventions such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT),Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR), Peer Recovery Activity, Group work and individual treatments
Brighter Futures (Safe and Well Project) / By phone, email or Landlord referral / Tel: 07557 762072 for a chat, information or referral form
Email: / Support for:
·  People with complex needs living in Tamworth
·  At risk of losing your home
·  Finding tasks around the home difficult to manage
·  Struggling to make appointments
·  Need help to sort bills/debts/benefits
·  Feeling lonely, depressed or isolated
Changes – Tamworth / Open to anyone suffering from mental distress and isolated / Wellbeing Centre at:Tamworth Office
6 Lady Bank
B79 7NB
01827 311 006

Web: www.changes .org.uk / Range of programmes including
·  Peer support groups
·  Foundation Wellness
·  Art Sessions
·  Work 4 U
·  Wellness Programmes
Mind / Open to anyone / Tel: 0300 123 3393
Text: 86463
Web: www.mind.org.uk / ·  Provide support and advice to anyone with mental health problems
·  Information site for raising awareness and campaigns
Young Minds / Helpline for parents or carers of children and young people. / Tel: 0808 802 5544
Web: www.youngminds.org.uk / ·  Help for young people.
·  Helpline for parents or carers of young people with mental health concerns
·  Committed to emotional wellbeing and mental health of children and young people
(Tamworth and Lichfield) / Self-referral / Mencap Direct
0808 8081111
9am to 5pm Monday to Friday.
Email / Provide services and activities for adults with profound and multiple learning disabilities including:
·  Advocacy
·  Housing
·  Learning
·  Leisure
·  Work
Care First / Via social worker, community nurse and/or carer to Glenys or Wayne on 0121 308 6555. Referral pack will be sent out to complete. / Care First Management Services Limited
Tel: 0121 358 8150
carefirstltd.co.uk / Provide Skills for Life for people learning difficulties, learning disabilities, challenging behaviour, mental health and/or autism spectrum disorder including:
·  Communication and independence skills
·  Making choices
·  Road and health and safety awareness
·  Food hygiene and culinary skills
·  Workshops (bike, gardening, woodwork, etc.)

Older People

Support Agency / Referral process / Contact details / Comments
Age UK / Open / Careline – 01785 788477
/ ·  Information and advice service around welfare benefits, community care, housing and transport
·  Care navigation services
·  Care and help at home
·  Day opportunities for people with dementia and other complex needs
Alzheimers Society / Self referral or via landlord (has referral form) / Helpline 0300 222 1122
Alzheimer's Society
West Midlands Area Office
8-9 Windsor Court
Trent Valley Road
WS13 6EU
Tel: 01543 255 955
Email referrals to

Support offered for sufferers and carers including:

·  Dementia advice

·  Awareness raising and information service

·  Dementia support service

·  Activity group cognitive stimulation

WEL / Open or via referral / WEL Limited
Tel: 01323 644422
Web: www.welbeing.org.uk /

Provides 24 hour telecare services for elderly/vulnerable people with 24 hour support

Physical/Sensory Impairments

Support Agency / Referral process / Contact details / Comment
RNIB & Action for Blind People / Via contact numbers for offices / Helpline – 0303 123 9999
Stafford Action Team
Tel: 01785 215755

Website: actionforblindpeople.org.uk / ·  Information on sight loss
·  Assistive technology
·  employment advice (18-64)
·  welfare rights
·  technology & computer service
·  housing advice
·  events for children, young people and families
·  drop in resource centre
·  counselling services
·  mobile sight loss service

ASSIST (Autism & Sensory Support in Staffs)

/ Self referral or agency referral / Mandy Tucker
(ASSIST Manager)
Kingston Centre
Stafford ST16 3TW
Mobile /SMS – 07816 316297

Web:http://www.staffordshire.gov.uk/education/ASSIST / Provide post-16 support for people with a sensory impairment and for people who have an autism spectrum disorder.
Specialist support teams:
·  hearing impairment team
·  visual impairment team
·  ASSIST team
·  Autism outreach team
Rowan Organisation / Open / The Rowan Organisation
Eliot Park Innovation Centre
Barling Way, Nuneaton
CV10 7RH
(service delivered at customer’s home)
National Information Service
Tel: 02476 642947
Type talk - 18001 before calling
Email: / ·  Direct Payment and Personal Budget support service
·  Provide support and information to disabled people, older people, people with learning disabilities, people with mental ill health, families and carers
·  Provide telephone and face to face support
·  Provide safeguarding advice
·  Assistance with recruiting carers
·  Provide a national information service
Deafblind UK / Open / Deafblind UK
Information and advice line: Tel/text phone
01733 358100
Fax: 01733 358356 / ·  Provide communicator guides who encourage self advocacy
·  Homecare service
·  Information and advice service
·  Support for carers
·  Peer support and social groups
·  Links to relevant websites
Birmingham Institute for the Deaf (BID) / Referral / Birmingham Institute for the Deaf
The Deaf Cultural Centre
Birmingham B16 8SZ
Tel (voice): 0121 246 6100
Minicom: 0121 246 6101
Web: www.bid.org.uk / ·  Assist people to live independently
·  Life Skills programme
·  Activities and youth club for young people
·  Provide social work services
·  Assisting with employment
·  Cancer care information
·  Training and learning
·  Interpreting facilities
·  Visual impairment
·  Mental Health

Domestic Abuse Victims

Support Agency / Who can access / Referral process / Contact details / Comments
Staffs Women’s Aid / Women and children / Via 24 hour helpline (by agency or customer) / 24 hour helpline
0870 2700 123

www.staffordshirewomensaid.org / ·  Specialist domestic abuse outreach support for men, women and children in the community
·  Refuge accommodation for women and children
·  Emotional Support and Counselling
·  Independent Domestic Violence Adviser (IDVA)
·  Independent Sexual Violence Adviser (ISVA)
·  Children and young people services
Pathway / Men, women and children / Referrals via 24 hour helpline / 24 hour helpline
01543 676800

(between 08.30 and 1500)
www.pathway-project.co.uk / ·  Specialist domestic abuse outreach support for men, women and children in the community
·  Refuge accommodation for women and children
·  Boys accommodated in refuge up to age 15
·  Independent Domestic Violence Adviser (IDVA)
·  Self help and life coaching programmes
·  4Men Drop-In Service for male victims
Arch Domestic Violence Services / Men, Women and Children / Agency and self referrals accepted / Arch Domestic Violence Enquiry Line
01782 222421
(8.30 – 5.30 Mon – Fri)
ARCH Helpline 01782 205500
National Domestic Violence Helpline 0808 2000 247 (24 hours)
/ ·  Specialist domestic abuse outreach support for men
·  Independent Domestic Violence Advisor (IDVA)
·  Work in schools and the community
Savana / Victims of sexual abuse / Agency and self referrals accepted / 01782 433204
(24 hr message line – staff will return call within 2 days)
Website - www.savana.org.uk / ·  Specialist sexual abuse counselling for men, women and children
·  Independent Sexual Violence Advisor (ISVA)
·  Forced Marriage
National Domestic Violence Helpline / Victims of domestic abuse / Helpline / 0808 2000 247
24 hour helpline
www.nationaldomesticviolencehelpline.org.uk / ·  Freephone 24 hour Domestic Violence helpline
·  Translation facilities for callers whose first language is not English, and a service for callers who are deaf or hard of hearing are available
·  A-Z of domestic violence services
Broken Rainbow / Support for (LBGT) people suffering domestic violence / Helpline / Helpline
0300 999 5428
www.brokenrainbow.org.uk / ·  Support for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people experiencing domestic violence
Forced Marriage Unit / Anyone being forced into marriage / Helpline / 0207 008 0151
24 hour helpline
/ ·  The Foreign and Commonwealth Office Forced Marriage Unit is dedicated both to preventing British nationals being forced into marriage overseas and to assisting anyone in the UK faced with the prospect of being forced into a marriage
28toomany / Female Genital Mutilation / Helpline / 020 7281 8920/7694
(Maya Centre)
Email: / ·  Dahlia Project - provides a specialist service for women who have undergone Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)
·  Offers training services
Men’s Advice Line / Men in abusive relationship / Helpline / 0808 801 0327
www.mensadviceline.org.uk / ·  Advice and support for men in abusive relationships
·  Male victims of forced marriage
National Stalking Helpline / Anybody affected by stalking or harassment / Helpline / 0808 802 0300
Monday to Friday 9:30am – 4pm (except Wednesdays were we open at 1pm
Email: / ·  Provides guidance and information to anybody who is currently, or has previously been, affected by harassment or stalking
Website: www.stalkinghelpline.co.uk

Domestic Abuse Perpetrators

Support Agency / Who can access / Referral process / Contact details / Comments
Arch Male Perpetrator Programme / Male perpetrators of domestic abuse / Agency and self referral accepted / 01782 683765
/ ·  Male perpetrator prevention programmes
·  Open to males age 18 and over
Respect Phone line / Men and women who are abusive to partners / National helpline / 0808 802 4040
Monday – Friday
9.00 am – 5.00 pm
Email: / ·  Confidential helpline for people who are abusive and/or violent towards their partners
·  Perpetrator programmes
·  Practitioners can access advice and guidance
Website: www.respectphoneline.org.uk

Families, Children and Young People

Support Agency / Function / Referral process / Contact details / Comments
Staffordshire Social Services / Safeguarding Children / Open or via agency / Child Protection Concerns should be reported immediately to the First Response Team on:
0800 1313 126, or
www.staffordshire.gov.uk / For concerns around a child’s safety or how they are treated.
Children’s Disability Service / To assess and meet the needs of children and young people / Open / 01827 475555
Website: www.staffordshire.gov.uk / ·  Work with children, young people and their families, as well as schools and other partners
·  Information on the Blue Badge parking scheme
·  Support to help make the transition from school to adult life
Information on equipment/adaptations
Homestart / Support to families with children under 5 / Health visitor, social services or self referral / 8 St John Street, Tamworth
Staffs. B79 7EX
Tel 01827 62400
Fax: 01827 69813
Email: / Home visit support for:
·  Post natal depression
·  Relationship breakdowns
·  Isolation
·  Disability in parent or child
·  Domestic violence
·  Parenting
·  Behaviour problems
·  Poverty
·  Multiple births
·  Teenage parents
Sure Start Children’s Centres / Families with children 0-5 / Self referral / Telephone 01827 475222/225
Website: www.staffordshire.gov.uk/childrenscentres / Place for children to learn, play and socialise.
Also offers practical advice on parenting, local childcare options, access to family health services and links to job opportunities.
Carer’s Hub / Anyone who is caring for someone (including carers under the age of 18) / Open / Carers Hub
SGI Offices, Madford Retail Park,
Foregate Street, Stafford ST16 2QY
Tel: 0330 1231937
www.thecarershub.co.uk / Carers assessment for under 18’s caring for someone who is ill, disabled or misusing substances such as drugs or alcohol. Support offered to those who provide care including housework, shopping, cooking, bathing, etc.
Bromford Floating Support / Any person in need / Self referral / Bromford Group
Complete online form / Bromford Support can help with homelessness, employment and opportunities, young people and young families, support and money management
Cornerstone Housing Association / Supported accommodation for 16 – 25 years / Referral from local authority, social services, probation or direct application. / Tamworth Cornerstone Housing Association, The Old School House, 2 Woodhouse Lane, Amington, Tamworth, B77 3AE
Tel: 01827 319918
Website: www.t-c-h-a.co.uk / Provides supported housing, training and education services to vulnerable and disadvantaged people aged 16 – 25 years for up to 2 years.
Foodbank / Emergency food vouchers / Agency referral / Monday, Wednesday, Thursday& Friday: 12.30 - 3.00pm
The Manna House, 258-264 Glascote Road, Glascote, Tamworth, Staffs. B77 2AT
Thursday 2.00-4.00pm
St Andrew's Church, Leyfields, Tamworth.B79 BHY / Provides Emergency Food Boxes to families in crisis
Vouchers supplied by agencies including doctors, health visitors, social workers, CAB, council and police
Childline / Helpline for children and parents / Open / 0800 1111
If you’re worried about a child contact the
NSPCC Helpline
0808 500 5000
Or email
/ Helpline and counselling service for children and young people including bullying and relationship abuse (including Child Sexual Exploitation)
Chat online with a counsellor
Information for adults page

Victims and Witnesses of Anti Social Behaviour

Support Agency / Referral process / Contact details / Comments
Victim Gateway
(run by CAB) / Open or referral by landlord or other agency / Support line
0808 168 9111
Or email

www.staffs.victimsgateway.org.uk / Offer free confidential support to people affected by crime. Provide someone to talk to in confidence, information on police and court procedures, links to other sources of help, help with criminal injuries compensation, practical and emotional support.
Tamworth has it’s own Anti Social Behaviour Victim & Witness Support Champion – you can ask your landlord or the police to refer you. Alternatively, you can email: or phone 07960 204366 or 01827 758067

Mediation Services

Support Agency / Referral process / Contact details / Comments
Right Mediation / Referral by Tamworth Borough Council Landlord Services only / Request referral through Tenancy Sustainment Team
Please contact the Tenancy Sustainment Team on 01827 709491 or email: / Mediation Services available – family, community and neighbourhood, court mediation and intergenerational family conferencing.
Mediation can be face to face or shuttle (the mediator will mediate between rooms if you cannot share the same space).

Hate Crime