Date:April 22, 2009

Place:VictorvilleCity Hall, Conference Room “E”

14343 Civic Drive, Victorville, CA92392


The Victor Valley Community College District Measure JJ Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee met on Wednesday, April 22, 2009, in Conference Room “E” of the Victorville City Hall. Diana O’Malley, temporary committee chair, called the meeting to order at 1:04 p.m.

COMMITTEE ROLL CALL: Present: Jason Barker, Rudy Cabriales, Diana O’Malley, William Tuck Jr., Caroll Yule

Absent: Edward Kieffer, Sheri Schmoll, Donna Smith

Five (5) of Eight (8) committee members present: Quorum Established



Dr. Robert Silverman, VVCC Superintendent/President; GH Javaheripour, VVCC V.P. of Administrative Services; Steve Garcia, VVCC Director of Facilities Construction; Mary Pringle, VVCC Director of Fiscal Services; Deedee Orta, VVCC Budget Analyst; Ginger Ontiveros, VVCC Foundation; Michelle Messer, VVCC Administrative Secretary (recorder); Al McQuilkin, District Program Manager; Jim Lents, District Design Build Consultant; David Casnocha, District Bond Counsel; Larry Asera, District Energy Consultant


Information item added – 9.4 Website Navigation and Format

ACTION:Accept agenda as revised.

Motion: Yule; Second: Cabriales; Motion carried


  • Dr. Silverman requested that the committee members discuss and let the District know what they would like to see presented at the next COC meeting. David Casnocha, the Districts’ Bond Counsel, reviewed proposition 39, Ed Code 15278 and the bylaws. This committee is subject to the Brown Act. The committee has no pre-approval authority for expenditures. Casnocha explained appropriate bond expenditures and elaborated on salaries, stating no bond dollars would be spent on salaries unless specifically related to bond work. Should the committee find something in expenditure reports that they question, they should go through the proper channels to get clarification and answers to their questions and concerns.
  • The committee can decide how they wish to inform the public. Suggestions include newsletters to the campus community that may be handed out at Board of Trustees meetings, information added to COC website, or through newspaper editorial / opinion section.
  • Question was asked regarding indemnification of committee members and if they should be added to districts insurance. Dr. Silverman stated that they have no liability because they are not charged with decision making, but Dr. Silverman said he will further investigate this issue.
  • Committee can request tour of new or improved college facilities paid for by Bond funds.
  • Committee shall receive all documents pertaining to Measure JJ that the Board of Trustees receives. Any bond related report to the BOT will automatically go to the COC.
  • COC can instruct staff to post items on the COC website.
  • The COC will be disbanded 180 days after all bond dollars are spent.


No public comments. For future meetings, should the public attend, participant comment cards will be provided.


7.1Approval of Minutes

Motion: Tuck; Second: Yule; Motion carried

7.2Appointment of Committee Chair

Dr. Silverman appointed Diana O’Malley as Chair

7.3Election of Vice Chair

Yule nominates Jason Barker as Vice Chair

Cabriales Seconded Motion

No other nominations given

Motion carried


8.1Diagram of Financial Structure

GH Javaheripour presented a diagram of the Districts financial structure.

8.2Financial Expenditure Process

The Districts’ expenditure process was explained, including entering into contracts, District and County payment procedures, invoice review, and State approval. The District will set up a workshop to educate the committee members so that they can better understand the various expenditure classifications.

8.3Audit Accountability

There are four levels of review: District Staff, County review, Oversight Committee, Board of Trustees.

8.4State Financial Reports

Samples of these reports will be brought to the next COC meeting.


9.1Summary of Progress on Measure JJ

Jim Lents and Al McQuilkin explained where we are at with the Design Build selection process, scope of work, campus standards, and due diligence requirements for the East and West side projects. COC will be invited to final interviews of Design Build entities.

9.2Bond Sale Update

The first issue of the bond sale is divided into Part A and Part B. First issue of bond sale will be used to retire previous debts and to purchase land for the WorkforceDevelopmentCenter. The interest for the bonds are getting closer to where we want it to be and Dr. Silverman will keep the committee updated when the sale of the bonds happens.

9.3Ensuring Local Subcontractor Participation

In the interest of time, this item will be carried over to the next meeting agenda as unfinished business.

9.4Website Navigation and Format

Ginger Ontiveros discussed the structure of the COC website including photos and contact information of COC members, agendas and minutes, reports and bylaws. Updates on projects will also be included on the website as well as all bond election documents, and information for contractors.


Diana thanked the committee and others at the meeting.

Refreshments will be arranged for the next meeting.


The next meeting will take place in 3 – 4 months; sometime late August / early September.


Diana O’Malley, committee chair, adjourned the meeting at 3:40 p.m.

April 22, 2009Measure JJ Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee

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