High School Recruitment Pilot Program

Scope of Work


1 March 07


Agency Name Indicate the legal name of your agency, as stated in the grant agreement.

Project Name Indicate the program name being funded by First 5 LA.

Grant Agreement Indicate grant agreement number provided by First 5 LA. If grant Number agreement numberhas not been provided, leave blank.

Project Length Indicate the number of approvedproject years. Includetotal project length with start and end date in the following format, [e.g., 3 years (06/01/07 - 05/31/10)].

Grant AgreementIndicate the current year of the project length. Include current grant Period agreement period for the respective scope of workwith start and end date in the following format [e.g., Year 1 (07/01/09-6/30/10)].

I. Short Term Outcomes

Short Term Outcomes are the immediate effects of your program on participants, during and soon after program completion or the anticipated changes in participant lives and/or organizational or community conditions. Short term outcomes answer the questions, “How will the program affect the intended target group? What results or changes do you expect from the implementation of your program? Your objective should be clear and measurable.

  1. Outcome Measures

Outcome measures are the tools you’ll use to determine whether the changes/outcomes your program aims to achieve during the three year project have occurred (e.g., Ages & Stages Questionnaire).

  1. Activities/Services

Activities/services refer to the strategies that you will employ to accomplish the short term outcomes of your program. If short term outcomes are the results you want to accomplish, activities/services are what you do to get there (e.g., parenting, ready for school groups).

Be sure to include the number of unduplicated clients you expect to serve for each activity listed, and the number of sessions/activities you expect to provide.

IV. Timeline

Identify the timeline needed to complete the respective activity and subtask. Indicate a start and end period using month, day and year. If timeline is not yet available, provide a rough estimate for the respective activity. If necessary, the timeline may be revisited through a revision of the Scope of Work at a later date if necessary.

V. Staff Responsible for Activity

Indicate what staff (by agencyand title) will be responsible for a respective activity. If an activity will be completed by a consultant or subcontractor, indicate name of organization and also identify program staff member who will oversee the completion of the activity, if information is available.

VI. Output Measurement Tools

Output measurement tools are what you’ll use to track the number of people served and the number of sessions/activities provided (e.g., attendance sheets).

VII. Data Collection Protocol

For each of the outcome and output measures listed, identify the staff person responsible for administering the measure, the intended targets of the measure, and how often the measure will be implemented.


VIII. Performance Target

Performance target refers to the desired level of change in outcome you expect to see (e.g., 85% of providers will show an increase in skills and knowledge of child development).

1 March 07