DATE:April 7,2016

PLACE:Indianapolis Marriott North, Indianapolis, In

ATTENDANCE:President: Jennifer Spivey

President Elect: Joe McKanna

Past President: Susan Kraska

Treasurer: Lori Getts

Secretary: Kelly Manning

Board Members:Kari Kuebler, Rhonda Reed, Tina Bowen, Kelly Joliff, Miranda, Grant, Diana Korpal, Toni Biasi, Robin McDonald, Anna Roe, Kim Knez, Sherry Robins, Helen Sookridge, Janene Pulaski, Brenda Martin,

Quorum: Established with 9voting members

Special Guests: none

Call to Order:Called to order at 7:11 pmby President

RECORDER(s):Kelly Manning-Secretary

Approval of February 19, 2016,meeting minutes
Treasurer’s Report:
ISDH Grant Update
Presidents Report
Educational Support
Program Committee
Bylaws/Handbook Committee
Governmental Affairs/Public Policy Committee
Membership Report
Nominating Committee
Education Support Committee
Emergency Preparedness
IHA Liaison
Antibiotic Resistance Committee
Communications Committee
APIC IN Face book page
AORN Liaison
Mentoring Task Force/Experts List
ISNA Membership
Regional Reports
APIC National Dinner
t / Those present introduced themselves and signed in.
Minutes had been sent electronically for review prior to meeting.
Lori Getts presented the Treasurer’s Report (see attached) and it was reviewed by board members.
Lori reported that the she was able to get the paper work for the grant money to the next step. There were 5 Indiana State forms that had to be completed and approved. We owe them the unused money back but they can’t accept it back without the correct form. Loriis in the process of finding the right form.
Jennifer mentioned that Chapter Leaders were informed that APIC completed the Mega Survey of over 15,000 members. Salary information and job specifics are included.
APIC IN Vendor Pages-Jennifer asked APIC National if Chapter websites can solicit vendors to pay for space on their website- The response back was that as long as we follow the National APIC “Strategic Partners program guidelines for Corporate Relationships” (see attached) we are able to do so.
Jennifer clarified with National APIC that the Bylaws have to follow the national structure but the Chapter Handbooks can be changed to include extending an officers term. This is in relationship to being able to extend Lori Getts position due to the ISDH grant money issues.
APIC National Meeting:
Certified for CEU’s
Have changed the structure back to weekdays instead of weekends
Future APIC National Conferences:
2017 Portland, Oregon Wed-Friday June 14-16
2018 Minneapolis, Minnesota June 14-16
2019 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania June 12-14
APIC Fellows Application is due-Announcements in May
National Committee’s have positions available if interested. Complete willingness to serve form on APIC National website.
$10,000 in Educational Support for the National APIC conference was provided to :
Susan? 1st Timer Award
Kim Bellessa?
Toni Biasi
Dianna Greathouse
Heidi L?
Registration has been extended to April 11
Lori Fish and Andy Steifel to provide education in the Midwest to Facility Administrators regarding construction with APIC as a co-sponsor? Not sure what that means yet.
Advanced Education to be provided to Long Term Care-Authorization by APIC requested.
APIC Spring Program (see attached)
80 attendees
No scholarships
Online educational support application should be made available
Should have a credit card option to pay
The price increase cut off is too soon
Mandate online registrations?
Recommended: Online registration with credit card but option to pay by check
7 days before the meeting the price increases
Fall Conference October 7, 2016 Marriott North-33 vendors and the meals were $79.00 each
Proposal for $275 vendor can get one meal free but any additionalmeals will be $75.00. The increase will be effective at the fall conference
Program 2017-Have not signed contract for venue yet
During spring break and usually see low attendance numbers. Recommend pushing date to April 21st 2017
Bylaws-national APIC has a standard template for bylaw structure that can’t be changed, however the Chapter handbook can be changed to address extending an officers term. Handbook to be changed and approved at August meeting.
Inregards to the APIC IN Vendor pages the “APIC National Guidelines for Corporate Relationships” must be incorporated into the Bylaws and adopted
Rhonda Reed presented information on Bill 162 Immunization for Healthcare Workers
The language gave too much leeway to not have to have certain immunizations. The bill went to Senate and then to the house. When it was presented to the house no one had sufficient data and it was more of an emotional response to the bill .The bill did not pass. APIC a letter proposing changes. IHA LiaisonBrian stated he would support APIC to rewrite the bill.
It was recommended that Jennifer have a discussion with the Public Health Policy Committee Chairman to see if there is any interest in the bill if it is rewritten. It may be better to just leave it alone right now.
Ann Carmien submitted the 2016 Membership report for review (see attached) There were 9 new members in 2016
Helen provided information on a power point she developed that describes the Board member positions. The presentation will be shown at the Spring meeting as a way to get interest in open positions.
No update
Janene presented report (see attached) Kelly Joliff is on the National Committee
MERS resource is pending approval by the CDC
Webinar topics for Ambulatory Dialysis Centers
NIOSH wants hospital s to start collecting data on PPE –Time constraints and costs can’t be estimated for this. Recommend Treatment facilities to monitor because not all facilities have the same experience with PPE
No report
Grant monies available from CDC to ISDH to help with antibiotic stewardship in hospitals that need it. ISDH to look at providing education throughout the state.
ISDH is still looking at CRE hot spots
Update Website-Miranda reported that there were only 2 presentations from the speakers available on the website. She is trying to get the handouts from the speaker so they will be available in the morning. Adding new people to help with updating the website.
Only about 40 people looked at the site
Everything is currently checked out. Need to return items if you are finished with them. Tina sends reminders out to return. We need to consider budgeting for additional resources in the future
Chuck will take over the APIC Newsletter
Heather at AORN Conference-No report
Haven’t met yet
Expert list-Maybe we can share list when they are completed
No updates
Provided in the minutes
Sponsored by IKORCC
Meeting adjourned at 9:18pm / It was moved by Lori Getts and seconded by Joe McKanna to approve minutes. Minutes were unanimously approved.
It was moved by Susan Kraska and seconded by Anna Roeto approve the treasurer’s report. Motion was unanimously approved.
Need to link up with Sally to solicit vendors.
Motion made by Kari Kuebler and seconded by Ann Roe but then rescinded their motion for online registration
Motion made by Kari Kuebler and seconded by Kelly Joliff. None opposed.
Letter from Sally from the APIC Board to vendors regarding this change. Motion made by Lori Getts and seconded by Miranda Grant. None opposed.
To be approved at the August meeting.
To discuss at the August meeting.
Motion made for template approval by Joe McKanna and seconded by Susan Kraska
Motion made by Susan Kraskaand seconded by Kelly Joliff
Kari will contact Chuck to set up newsletter on website
Motion made to adjourn by Joe McKanna and seconded by Kari