Pizza will be served

at the annual meeting!

We want to encourage each of you to attend the upcoming annual meeting. This is your opportunity to let your voice be heard. Some of your directors are rotating off the Board this year, and we are looking for individuals interested in providing leadership and insight as we move forward to improve and protect the value of our community and its homes.

We hope you are enjoying the vegetation installed on the Leeward Way cul-de-sac. We want to thank Mose and Nancy Joiner for their time, sweat and energy in keeping it maintained.

We have again been awarded a grant by the City of Edgewood. The existing street, speed limit and stop signs will be replaced with more decorative ones. This project should be completed by the end of June.

The construction of the professional building on the southeast corner of the intersection of Harbour Island Road and Orange Avenue is nearing completion, and we can return our focusto improving the entrance. We have obtained several bids on installing a 20 feet by 24 feet section of brick pavers imbedded in the roadway at the front entrance. Other options are also being investigated.

I look forward to seeing every one at our annual meeting.

Thank You,

Phil Crisler

Name / Address / Phone / Title
Phil Crisler / 348 Harbour Island Rd / 407-240-0499 / President and Director
Daniel Munoz / 5089 The Oaks Circle / 407-234-8326 / Vice President and Director
Chad Rocheford / 428 Harbour Island Rd / 407-844-6278 / Treasurer and Director
Darlene Crisler / 348 Harbour Island Rd / 407-240-0499 / Secretary and Director
Tara Munoz / 5089 The Oaks Circle / 407-234-8326 / Director
Roxanna Sigler / 5004 The Oaks Circle / 407-826-0790 / Director
Nancy Joiner / 5092 Leeward Way / 407-851-6135 / Director



The undersigned hereby appoints:

[select one]

□The President of the Association, who would vote as directed by the vote of a majority of the Board of Directors.

□Another member of the Association; Print Name______

[if a name is not inserted in the blank, or if the person named is not present at the meeting, the President of the Association will be deemed the proxy]

as proxy with power of substitution, for and in the name of the undersigned to attend the annual meeting of the Members of River Oaks Community Association, Inc. (the "Association"), to be held at Edgewood City Hall, Edgewood, Florida, or at any other location duly noticed, on Tuesday, June 24, 2008, or at any continuation(s) or adjournment(s) thereof, with full power to vote and act for me to the same extent that I might if I were personally present in the same manner hereinafter provided, granting to the said proxy the full power of substitution and revocation.

Subject to any limitation set forth above, the proxy shall have the discretion on any and all matters properly coming before the meeting or any adjournment(s) thereof; hereby ratifying and confirming all that said proxy may lawfully do or cause to be done by virtue hereof.

In witness whereof, I have signed this instrument this _____ day of ______, 2008.


Print Name:______



[Deliver to the President, any Board member, or the designated proxy prior to the meeting]