
CEA Policy Subcommitee03-09-17 Meeting Summary

Members Present: / Members Absent:
Rebecca Stapleton
Wayne Wilson
Sarah Dougherty
Martha Sassorossi
Rebecca Stephens
Kira Zylstra
Derek Wentorf / Kristin Huson
Sara Hoffman
Hedda McLendon
Bill Hallerman
Jean Paul
Jeanice Hardy / Dusty Olson
Sean Walsh
Kate Speltz
Amanda Thompkins

CEA Updates

  • Legal Status questions on the CEA Assessment- The CEA assessment was asking a very straightforward question about legal status that our team quickly made a decision to change. This information was only collected to confirm eligibility for programs were legal status determined eligibility. We have been working with our community partners and Bitfocus to come up with new language for this question and to update all versions of our assessment to reflect more appropriate language that will still support referrals to housing. All version of the CEA assessment will reflect new language as of March 8th.
  • YYA Impact Team- The navigation call has started. The call includes Housing Navigators, case managers, and supervisors from the YYA agencies as well as CEA, King County and City of Seattle staff. We are working together to support YYA through the referral process and to obtain the documentation needed for housing.
  • Family Impact Team- We are currently planning the Family Impact Team along with the City of Seattle. We are meeting with various providers from the family system on March 13th to gather feedback on what they think the focus of the Impact Team should be.
  • 100 Day Challenge/ Rapid Results- Hedda provided information to the committee about the 100 Day Challenge that is going to be implemented in the YYA system. The 100 Day Challenge will be led by an outside consulting group Rapid Results.

Committee Membership

  • Veteran representation- Rebecca Stephens hasjoined the committee.
  • Native Community- Derrick Belgarde will be replacing Colleen Echohawk on the committee.
  • Access/Outreach- Chloe Gale has joined the committee to fill the open seat. She has experience working with highly vulnerable single adults and supervises the Reach Outreach teams.

CEA 120 Day Review Q4

Stephanie Roe from King County Performance Metrics and Evaluation joined the meeting to review the CEA 120 Day Review from Quarter 4.

  • The data did not reflect the changes to prioritization that the committee had approved in quarter 4. Those changes will be seen in the quarter 1’s data from 2017.
  • Need to make sure the committee is paying attention to race and ethnicity when reviewing the data. We need to keep an eye out for any disparities that are coming thought in the data.
  • Committee suggested that denials and refusals are separated out in the data. Agencies are being held accountable for denials so refusal data should not be lumped in with this.
  • Committee suggested that we set standards around pending referrals to hold agencies accountable to process referrals in a timely manner.

Request for Disability Accomodation

This is a process designed specifically for households with a developmental disability and/or behavioral health need whose disabilities make them unable to participate in the process to consent and then complete the CEA Assessment.

A housing assessment disability accommodationis an adjustment to the process that allows a person with a disability to complete the CEA housing assessment process, be referred to the CEA Community Queue, and then receive a housing referral based on prioritization.

The committee reviewed the Housing Assessment Disability Accommodation and the Request for CEA Disability Accommodation form. The committee approved the policy and CEA will move forward with implementation of the new policy.

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