Commissioners: Dick Hollar, Chairman 715-822-5317; Dave Oberle, Treasure 651-681-8095;
Bob Matson, Secretary 612-889-4463; Jeff Peterson, 715-472-2728
Doug Rouzer, 715-822-3288
There will be a special meeting of the District on Saturday, May 27 from 9:30 a.m. till 11:30 a.m. at Christ Lutheran Church located at the intersection of County Roads G & T. Due to availability and scheduling issues, this meeting had to be rescheduled from May 20 to May 27. The agenda for this meeting is as follows:
1. Approval of the September 3, 2005 Annual Meeting minutes
2. Approval of Treasure’s report
3. Recognize any new people present
4. Boat Parade date announcement (Sat, July 1; Sun July 2 or ??) and organization
5. Picnic date announcement (Sat, Aug 19 ????) and organization
6. Water Regulation Committee to determine if any special regulations are required for North Pipe given the differences between the two lakes.
7. Approval of changes to By-Laws to increase the number of elected commissioners from 3 to 5. This change is being proposed by the Board. The additional commissioners will be elected at the annual meeting in September. If interested in becoming a member of the Board, please contact any board member. We are interested in people who are willing to work together as a team for the betterment of the lake community and to undertake and execute various tasks and assignments.
8. Approve wording of culvert position survey—as many of you are aware, the position of the culvert at the south end of the lake is a sensitive subject. Your Board, the Township and the DNR would like to know how the people on the lake feel about this issue. The purpose then of this survey is to give all the people on the lake the opportunity to express their opinion. Because of the sensitive nature of this subject, it was decided by the Board that a proposed survey would be submitted to the people attending this meeting and the final wording would be decided by those present. Keep in mind that this is an information only survey as the responsibility of the culvert position rests solely with the DNR.
9. Date of Annual Meeting—September 2
10. Adjourn
The following is a poster furnished by the Polk County Association of Lakes and Rivers and made possible by a grant from the Wisconsin DNR.