Our Environment, Our Future: Climate Change - Wise Use of Resources - Tuesday November 15, 2011
The Ottawa Chapter of Professional Engineers Ontario is organizing a special workshop on “Our Environment, Our Future: Climate Change - Wise Use of Resources ”. The event will provide a unique interactive learning opportunities on “Use of Our Resources, Climate Change, and Greener Energy Alternatives”.
The workshop will consist of approximately one hour of presentations and two hours of Panel Discussion.
Venue: The workshop will be held at Nepean Sailing Club, 3259 Carling Avenue, Ottawa.
  • 5:30pm-6:15pm: Refreshments and Networking
  • 6:15pm-7:30pm: Presentations:
  • Dr. Yves Poissant, CanmetENERGY-PV Technology Specialist & Project Manager: 'Current State of PV, 2 yrs, 5-10 yrs, & comparison with other energy sources'
  • Dr.William (Liam) O’Brien, Carleton University: 'Sustainable buildings: design approaches, technologies, case studies, and energy sources'
  • David RhynasP.Eng, M.Eng.: 'Climate Reality Canada: Climate Change–Our Future'
  • Kathryn GuindonM.Sc (ecology): 'Sustainable Food & Gardens'
  • 7:30pm-7:45pm: Break; setup for panel discussion
  • 7:45pm-9:30pm: Panel Discussions with questions from the floor
Cost: There is no cost for this event, but you must register through Eventbrite:
For more information, please contact: Sucha S. Mann, P.Eng. or call 613-591-3002.
Presenter Bios:
Yves Poissant, Ph.D. (Photovoltaics) Dr. Yves Poissant is a PV Technology Specialist and Project Manager within Natural Resources Canada’s CanmetENERGY since February 2002 where he manages a portfolio of R&D and demonstration projects related to photovoltaics. His research interests include PV system and module performance assessment, standards development, the integration of photovoltaics to buildings; and solar cell R&D activities in Canada. He co-chairs the Canadian TC82 committee on standard development for PV systems and components, is a Canadian expert within the International Electrotechnical Commission TC82 WG2 committee, and he is a member of the PV Innovation Network.
William (Liam) O’Brien, PhD is an assistant professor in Carleton University new Architectural Conservation and Sustainability program. He finished a Bachelors and Masters in aerospace engineering in Toronto. The product of the latter is about 10 kg of satellite hardware, which was launched into orbit in 2008. He completed a PhD at Concordia University in building engineering. He is heavily involved in the Solar Buildings Research Network and International Energy Agency Task 40 on Net Zero Energy Buildings. He has 20 refereed conference and journal papers. Liam is researching design processes and energy simulation for low-energy solar houses. He developed a design tool for solar houses that will enable efficient exploratory design of both passive and active solar systems. The tool is directly inspired by some of Liam’s experiences using simulation tools for consulting. Visualization of design spaces is a central part of the design tool. Liam has participated in several high-profile building projects, such as the University of Toronto’s Mining Engineering Building, NRCan’sVarennes building, the Tower Renewal Program, and a volunteer facility in Uganda. He is a proficient user of several industry-leading building simulation tools, such as EnergyPlus and ESP-r. Liam is interested in studying energy use and production on all levels of society from building to communities and city-level. He is interested in how urban form affects transportation energy use and solar energy availability. He aspires to use his skills to aggressively push the envelope towards more sustainable buildings and urban environments. He would like to use his research and models to influence designers, policy makers, and planners.
David Rhynas is a Professional Engineer with extensive experience in planning and managing the development of computer-based communication systems. His academic background includes degrees in system design and electrical engineering. David is a volunteer with Climate Reality Canada, an organization linked with Al Gore’s Climate Reality Project. He became inspired after reading Al Gore’s most recent book Our Choice, inspired enough to attend a training session by Mr. Gore and to promote the Gore message that there are a number of initiatives our society could readily undertake that would contribute to a more sustainable world. David is married with two children.
Kathryn Guindon is the coordinator of the Seventh Generation Learning Series at Maison Tucker House, an environmental education centre, and developed the Sustainable Food module of this program. She holds a Master's degree in Ecology from Carleton University, where she studied the biology of invasive species. Kathryn is interested in all aspects of the food production system, from growing to processing to eating, and has been an avid organic vegetable gardener for many years. She has presented Sustainable Food workshops for a variety of groups including churches, schools, community groups, and at eco-fairs. Kathryn is also the regional representative of the Greening Sacred Spaces program, and a member of the Community Energy Network and the Thousand Solar Rooftops Initiative.
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