Pinner Playtime

Pinner Methodist Church Hall, Love Lane, Pinner HA5 3EE T 020 8868 0353


News Updates on

February 2016

Clothing collection

Pinner Methodist church and Pinner Playtime is supporting a charity called Mary’s Meals. This charity provides food for children in school, where hunger and poverty prevent children from learning. We require your unwanted clothing, towels, curtains, bedding, shoes, blankets, handbags and other textiles. Please bring them in to the church before 11.30am on Sunday 7th February. We will not be able to take them after this time!!

First Sunday Services
This is a new style of service for children, their carers and young people. Anyone is welcome to attend, although the service is designed for young people. The focus is on informality, and learning in both a fun and stimulating way. It is held on the first Sunday of every month at 10.30am in the hall. Please contact Mr Colin Nunn at for more information or just turn up.

Facebook and Twitter

Pinner Playtime has finally made the move into this century. We now have a facebook page or you can follow us on twitter @PinnerPlaytime. Please take the time to have a look and ‘like’ our page,as well as checking for regular updates on upcoming events and term dates.


Due to so many children having allergies please can we ask that you do not bring food into the church. If you feel you have to feed your child please do so in the messy play area and monitor them to ensure the food is not dropped on the floor, allowing other children to pick it up and eat it. Also items such as soft fruits and raisins get ground into the carpet and are very difficult to remove

Love Lane Youth Club

This is a club based at Pinner Methodist Church on a Friday evening from 6pm to 7.30pm. It is available to children between the ages of 8 and 11 years old. There is also a youth club for older children between the ages of 11 and 14, from 7:30pm to 8:45pm. Please contact Mrs Philippa Nunn at or on 0208 428 9439 or 07753985309 for information.


We request that you let us know as soon as a spillage occurs, in order to allow us to clear it up immediately. Unfortunately, if they are not cleaned up as soon as possible then a stain is left on the carpet. Thank you.

Story Time

This is a very important part of our sessions and teaches children to sit down, listen and get involved as a group, preparing them well for the move to nursery. It would be much appreciated if parents would encourage their children to participate and also refrain from talking whilst the stories and songs are taking place. Thank you.

Important dates for your diary!!!

  • 15th to 19th February – closed for half term

Coralie PatelPam CrockerKay BarrettRosemary Skinner

Betty SteggalsJune ParryCarol DibbenBarbara Miller

Suzanne CooperHeather MorrisBeverley Answer Linda Jones

Sandy HopewellJanet DobsonJean ColegraveJo Holt

Sue MaleSerena Patel

Pinner Playtime

Mondays to Fridays

10am to 12 Noon

~ Games ~

~ Toys ~

~ Crafts ~

~ Stories ~

~ Songs ~

~ FUN! ~

£2.50 per family per Session