Name: ______Period: ____

Pink Punctuation Review Sheet

Who knew punctuation could be so fun?

Instructions: Correct each section of punctuation errors below. At the end of each section, explain what rule is being violated, and write one amazing sentence that demonstrates the correct use of that rule.

Section A.

  1. The speaker blathered on about love heartbreak and loss until most of the audience was fast asleep.
  1. Katie longed for flowing curly golden locks.
  1. A good student should always come to class prepared and on time have a pencil or pen with which to write and raise his or her hand before speaking.

Rule being violated:

Amazing Sentence that fixes this problem:

Section B:

  1. With a shimmy of her hips Dixie kicked off the talent show.
  1. After she finished her cheerleading practice Amber curled up with Great Expectations.
  1. Without further ado Heath began his homework, and once he was finished he allowed himself to watch one hour of television.
  1. Although it was hot outside Alyson still wore her favorite sweater to school.

Rule being violated:

Amazing Sentence that fixes this problem:

Section C:

  1. “When you go to the store” My mother advised “Don’t buy milk”.
  2. She cried You know I loathe dogs!
  3. If only I could be alone he murmured to himself so that I could get some work done.

Rule(s) being violated:

Amazing Sentence that fixes this problem:

Section D:

  1. My brother who loves cars went to Kmart.
  2. Her hair was blonde blonder than usual but she liked it.
  3. The teacher a graduate from ECU always cheered for the Pirates.
  4. The shoes I liked which were too expensive had black stripes and purple bows.

Rule being violated:

Amazing Sentence that fixes this problem:

Section E:

  1. Pip wanted to start a family, Estella didn’t like the idea.
  2. Pip proposed, Estella said she’d think about it.
  3. One minute Drummle was doing the electric slide, the next minute he was slouching in the corner.
  4. There are three ways to fix this problem, do you know what they are?

Rul(s) being violated:

Amazing Sentence that fixes this problem:

Section F: Blast from the Past GRAMMAR REVIEW
INSTRUCTIONS: Determine if the following sentences are correct. If they need correcting, fix them!


  1. Either Amanda or Caroline will give their speech at the wedding.
  2. Everyone selected to serve on this jury must be willing to give up a lot of their time.
  3. Neither the pilot nor the attendants gave his opinion about the crash.
  4. When someone has been drinking, they should not drive.


  1. The tornadoes that tear through this county every spring are more than just a nuisance.
  2. Some of the votes seems to have been miscounted.
  3. Not one of the boys know what he is doing.
  4. Each of the boys hopes to find his way home.