Application for Employment

Private & Confidential

Position applied for
Date of application Notice period
(with current employer)
Surname Mr Mrs Miss Ms
Address Forenames

Post Code
Home telephone No Contact No
(if different from home no)
National Ins. No Email
School, College, University / Dates / Qualifications/Grades
From / To
Have you any other skills or qualifications relating to the job application?

Have you worked for Portmeirion Group UK Ltd before?
Yes No If ‘yes’ when? Position:
Current/Last employer:
Address Start date
Leaving date

Job Title Salary £ per
Reason for leaving
Previous employer
Address Start date
Leaving date

Job Title Salary £ per
Reason for leaving
Previous employer
Address Start date
Leaving date

Job Title Salary £ per
Reason for leaving
Do you hold a current driving licence? Yes No Endorsements Yes No
Please provide details of any unspent criminal convictions that you may have.

Do you need a permit to work in the UK? Yes No
For some positions within our manufacturing or distribution departments we do offer training, however experience is often preferred. Please could you select the boxes below of any experience that you have in the same or similar roles, and expand at the bottom of the page as to where this experience has been gained.
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Please expand on the roles/experiences/licences which you selected above providing information as to where and when this was obtained. You should continue on a separate sheet if necessary.

Job Title or
Telephone No / Name

Job Title or
Telephone No
Please give details of next of kin or person who can be contacted in an emergency.
Name Address
Contact Number

In support of your application, please detail any additional information which you believe is relevant to the position you are applying for such as shift availability, or attached a covering letter or CV.

It is the company’s policy to recruit the best person for each vacancy, regardless of sex, sexual orientation, race, colour, ethnic or national origin, religion or belief, marital status, age or disability. We oppose all forms of unlawful and unfair discrimination. Wherever possible, employees will be invited to apply for promotion opportunities.
I understand that any job offer is subject to;
a)  references being obtained which satisfy the company and it is the final decision of the company to determine if such references meet with our requirements.
b)  You demonstrating to the company’s satisfaction that you are fit to undertake the duties of the position offered to you by agreeing to attend a pre-employment medical which will be conducted by our Occupational Health Department (Hobson Health Ltd).
c)  You providing satisfactory evidence of your entitlement to undertake employment in the UK in accordance with the UK Asylum and Immigration Act; or if applicable
d)  The company being successful in obtaining a work permit allowing us to employ you in this capacity.
I confirm that the information given on this application form is to the best of my knowledge, true and complete and I understand it will form the basis on which any contract of employment is issued. I accept that any false statement may be sufficient cause for rejection or if employed dismissal.
Signed Date
Please be aware that from time to time we may work with other industry partners to share available candidates for recruitment purposes. Please indicate below If you are happy for your data to be shared in this way.
Yes, please share my data No, I do not want my data shared
The information provided on this form will be used solely for the purpose of processing your application and will not be passed to any unauthorised third party.
Please return your completed application form to:
Portmeirion Group UK LTD, HR Department, London Road, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, ST4 7QQ
All applications are processed within two weeks of the closing date of the position. Due to the large number of applications that we receive, if you do not hear from us during this time, unfortunately you have been unsuccessful on this occasion. However, we do keep application forms on file for six months following submission and should a suitable vacancy arise, we will be in contact with you. If you would prefer that we do not hold your details on file, please mark this box
Office Use Only
Vacancy Available Yes No Vacancy title
Vacancy reporting to (Mgr)
Interview arranged Yes No Interview date
If no, please state reason
Position offered Yes No Start date
If no, please state reason

Equal Opportunities Information

Portmeirion Group UK ltd is committed to a policy of Equal Opportunities. In order to ensure that this policy is being carried out, all applicants are asked to complete this form.

Date Job Ref No.
Full Name of Applicant
Post/Position applied for
How did you hear of this vacancy?

1. I would describe my ethnic origin as

White Black or Black British

British Caribbean

Irish African

Other any other Black background

Mixed Asian or British Asian

White & Black Indian

White & Black Asian Pakistani

White & Asian Bangladeshi

Any other mixed background Any other Asian background

Other Ethnic Categories


Any other Ethnic category


2. I am Male Female

3. I am disabled Yes* No

* If yes please give details

4. Age: Under 25 25-35 35-49 50 or over

5. My marital status is: Married/In a Civil Partnership Single

Have you any friends or relations working for us? Yes* No

*If yes please give name Relationship

Please return this form with your application form

Thank you for your assistance